Schmitzenbergh Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 Hi all, Schmitz here with something, As some of you might know, I've been working on a CustomMapDownloader in the Launcher. The built in mechanic of the UDK isn't sufficient in downloading custom maps, thus a new method had to be implemented. After quite some time, most due to me not having enough time, the launcher is now in a beta state. I want to ask the community to help me with testing it. This, so I can find potential bugs faster. At first, one warning: This is beta software. Don't be surprised if you get some crashes of the Launcher. Do not overwrite your original Launcher. How to install Download the zip with the Launcher here: LauncherBeta Extract the contents of the zip to your Renegade X folder, see the attachment below.LauncherBeta3.png[/attachment] The Launcher will have the CustomMapDownloader activated default. It can be disabled if you experience to many bugs (Not that I expect). You can find the setting in the Settings menu. At the moment of writing, only the Official testing server has support for the CustomMapDownloader but the CT servers should be coming soon already have it! Go B0ng! If you find any bugs or crashes with the new launcher please make a constructive post here. Also please state the OS you are running and the location of your Renegade X folder (C:\Program Files\RenegadeX for example) Any non-constructive posts will be removed to keep the thread organized. I thank you all for testing. Have fun with playing some custom maps -Schmitz out PS: If your firewall nags you about an outgoing connection regarding the launcher, allow it. It is needed to download the maps. Quote
DoctorB0NG Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 The GUID mutator (needed for the new launcher to compare local maps to the server's rotation) will be added to the CT servers tonight. Quote
Ryz Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 Good job, testing this right now! Edit: launcher works, but nothing to download yet Will watch the CT IRC and forum to see if B0NG has added the mutator. Edit 2: I am downloading something. Also nice to see the previews of the maps in the launcher! Edit 3: I keep on getting 'not all maps have been downloaded' but nothing downloads. Can join the game anyways. Quote
Glacious Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 Hey Ryz, To test this try joining the "Official Map Testing Server" as this way it will download quite a few custom maps, this is the best way to test the new launcher, the reason you get that popup about "not all maps have been downloaded" is due to a mutator not being installed on all servers which will get implemented at a later date into the base game but for now this is a test phase, currently the mutator that goes along side this launcher is on the CT servers & map testing server. There are currently no custom maps on the CT or other Ren servers expect for Official Testing Server at least for now, assuming the test goes well with this new launcher and no major bugs are found we can expect custom maps to be added very soon Quote
Henk Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 I downloaded a bunch of maps with the new launcher very quickly, that was nice, but either Beachhead isn't added or something is wrong, because after playing Artic Stronghold I selected BeachHead, and it kicked me out, when I trie to join it opened the slow, in-game downloader. Also tried restarting the game but I still get the in game downloader. Quote
DoctorB0NG Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 The servers have the GUID mutator on them now. Quote
Schmitzenbergh Posted April 12, 2016 Author Posted April 12, 2016 I downloaded a bunch of maps with the new launcher very quickly, that was nice, but either Beachhead isn't added or something is wrong, because after playing Artic Stronghold I selected BeachHead, and it kicked me out, when I trie to join it opened the slow, in-game downloader. Also tried restarting the game but I still get the in game downloader. Perhaps the wrong version is on the server. If the map on the server isn't on the map repository, it will download via the in-game downloader. Will check this later today. Quote
Schmitzenbergh Posted April 12, 2016 Author Posted April 12, 2016 Good job, testing this right now!Edit: launcher works, but nothing to download yet Will watch the CT IRC and forum to see if B0NG has added the mutator. Edit 2: I am downloading something. Also nice to see the previews of the maps in the launcher! Edit 3: I keep on getting 'not all maps have been downloaded' but nothing downloads. Can join the game anyways. It might be that one map isn't present on the map repository. I think beachhead is the missing one. I'll check later. But the other maps downloaded correctly? Quote
Ryz Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 Just checked again and everything is downloaded. Appears that, when downloading from the repositary, it's really quick. Downloading from the 'normal auto updater' which launched yestersday isn't. But most important fact is that it works without any issues. So I say again: good job! Hmm small update: I guess the 'normal auto updater' downloads something when verifying the game, but it started with a delay for me yesterday. Now, when I click it, it directly shows up and I get the same 'screen' downloading something. from between 5- and 60 mb while it was around 70 yesterday. Both tell I have succesfully updated to 5.16. The custom maps part looked different and was very quick. Hope the information is clear, al works smooth! Quote
Agent Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 The issue with BeachHead is that a dependency (RX_Beach_Head) wasn't included with the level. I'm working on a tool to hopefully simplify the process of packaging maps, so that dependencies can't be easily forgotten. As a proof of concept, I'm already able to automatically construct a list of packages used by a level; here is a list of every package that CNC-BeachHead depends on: A_Ambient_Loops ASC_Base ASC_Light CH_All EditorLandscapeResources EditorMeshes Engine enginedebugmaterials EngineMaterials Envy_Effects GEN_Particle_Clouds LT_Deco LT_Onyx MapTemplates NEC_Walls PhysicalMaterials RenX_AssetBase Renx_Game RenxHud RX_AmbientSounds RX_ArabDeco_Buildings RX_Beach_head RX_BU_AGT RX_BU_AirStrip RX_BU_Barracks RX_BU_Generic RX_BU_Hand RX_BU_Materials RX_BU_PowerPlant RX_BU_Prefabs RX_BU_Refinery RX_BU_Silo RX_BU_WeaponsFactory RX_CH_Animations rx_ch_engineer RX_CH_GDI_Gunner rx_ch_gdi_officer rx_ch_nod_officer RX_Deco_Barrier RX_Deco_BuildingAssets RX_Deco_CityScape RX_Deco_Construction RX_Deco_Containers RX_Deco_Factory RX_Deco_Floor RX_Deco_Interior RX_Deco_Lights RX_Deco_Outpost RX_Deco_Road RX_Deco_Rock rx_deco_terminal RX_Deco_Tiberium RX_Deco_Wall RX_Dialogue RX_Env_canyon RX_Env_Foliage RX_Env_Terrain RX_Env_Valley RX_Env_Water RX_EVA_VoiceClips rx_fx_envy RX_FX_Vehicle RX_LensFlares RX_LightEffects RX_Mesa_Main RX_Nature Rx_Pickups RX_PTLevel_Content RX_RadioSounds RX_Trees RX_VH_APC_Nod RX_VH_C-130 RX_VH_Humvee RX_Volcano RX_WP_AutoRifle RX_WP_ChainGun RX_WP_Pistol RX_WP_RocketLauncher RX_WP_Shotgun RX_WP_SniperRifle RX_Xmountain UDK_FogClouds UDK_ProceduralSky UN_Cave UN_DetailTex UN_DetailTex2 UN_Liquid UN_Rock2 UnrealEd utgame VH_All WP_ShockRifle Obviously a lot of these don't need to be included, so the tool will likely have to compare a level's list of imported packages against a list of "given" packages that are included with the game. I'll work more on this later. Quote
DoctorB0NG Posted April 13, 2016 Posted April 13, 2016 Here's a mirror: Here's a download link for the original launcher in case you forgot to backup your current one. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted April 13, 2016 Posted April 13, 2016 hey b0ng, here's a copy of the v0.55 launcher, this one has a couple more fixes: Quote
Henk Posted April 13, 2016 Posted April 13, 2016 Every time I load up one of the custom maps (tried 2), it loads for quite a while, and then pushes me out of the server with the message "Server already at capacity". But then I can rejoin the server/map (with 0 players) without problems. Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted April 13, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted April 13, 2016 I noticed that some preview videos don't work. Like at Field Day the launcher shows the Default Video while there is a Field Day preview video in the files. Quote
iTweek. Posted April 13, 2016 Posted April 13, 2016 Nice work small bugs hats still not been bad at all! Nice guys [uploadet on german server.[bETA]/ Quote
Ruud033 Posted April 13, 2016 Posted April 13, 2016 Every time I load up one of the custom maps (tried 2), it loads for quite a while, and then pushes me out of the server with the message "Server already at capacity". But then I can rejoin the server/map (with 0 players) without problems. this is because you're building shades for the first time, the time between your 'opentheworld' request and your actual connection is probably more than 30 seconds, this is something server hard coded in UDK to kick you out after 30 sec. It's got nothing to do with the launcher. As for beachhead, I guess I forgot to add the dependant package to the correct folder? I'll look into it. Mostly the mappers have to include their own packages in order for the map to work agent, so I am not sure if we need to make those dependencies visible Quote
Agent Posted April 13, 2016 Posted April 13, 2016 Mostly the mappers have to include their own packages in order for the map to work agent, so I am not sure if we need to make those dependencies visible What I'm working on has nothing to do with making "dependencies visible". I'm working on a tool to automatically package a level along with its unique dependencies, and further simplify the submission process. This tool is mostly done. I'm also thinking about tweaking the general file structure a bit so that shared dependencies don't have to be packaged with every single level that uses them. More on this and other possibilities at a later date. Quote
Ryz Posted April 16, 2016 Posted April 16, 2016 When joining the PUG with the custom maps launcher I get the 'message' that I have to download new maps 'behind' the password screen and I cannot see what's happening. Launcher asks if I want to start without all maps (which I do). Quote
Schmitzenbergh Posted April 17, 2016 Author Posted April 17, 2016 When joining the PUG with the custom maps launcher I get the 'message' that I have to download new maps 'behind' the password screen and I cannot see what's happening. Launcher asks if I want to start without all maps (which I do). Hmm, that's an oversight. I'll check it. So the Custommap screen is behind the Pw entry screen? Quote
Ryz Posted April 17, 2016 Posted April 17, 2016 When joining the PUG with the custom maps launcher I get the 'message' that I have to download new maps 'behind' the password screen and I cannot see what's happening. Launcher asks if I want to start without all maps (which I do). Hmm, that's an oversight. I'll check it. So the Custommap screen is behind the Pw entry screen? Yup! Quote
rocky44r Posted May 10, 2016 Posted May 10, 2016 ok i tested a bit around with the test server and the new launcher... funny story first: i never realized there was a "join server" button on the launcher... i always focused the upper right part of the launcher and there is just "launch server", "launch game" and "join ip". i usually just used the launcher to update the game and to check the servers... if i wanted to play i launched the game and joined from the ingame menu as i couldn't understand why the new launcher wouldn't download the custom maps i found the "join server" button. and then the download of the missing maps finally worked. maybe make the button a little more colorful instead of plain text? i hope i'm not the only one who didn't saw the button for nearly a year or longer... a few things though: 1) after every map change on the testserver it kicks me from the server and i have to rejoin... no idea why... 2) at one point the server tried to download the bus vehicle files... obviously you can't download 120 MB with the ingame downloader as it is just too slow. maybe bigger modding files should be downloaded on the launcher? on the other side... vehicle files should be shipped with the game download... don't know if you have planned to support heavy server side modding? if you want to support it, you have to include all files bigger than a few MB... Quote
Schmitzenbergh Posted May 11, 2016 Author Posted May 11, 2016 a few things though: 1) after every map change on the testserver it kicks me from the server and i have to rejoin... no idea why... 2) at one point the server tried to download the bus vehicle files... obviously you can't download 120 MB with the ingame downloader as it is just too slow. maybe bigger modding files should be downloaded on the launcher? on the other side... vehicle files should be shipped with the game download... don't know if you have planned to support heavy server side modding? if you want to support it, you have to include all files bigger than a few MB... 1) This is due to the testing server needing to load and calculate the shaders of the custom map(Correct me if I'm wrong) and your pc compiling the shaders aswell. The server and you are still loading and you're being kicked out due it taking to long. This has nothing to do with the Launcher itself. Just quoting Ruud here: this is because you're building shades for the first time, the time between your 'opentheworld' request and your actual connection is probably more than 30 seconds, this is something server hard coded in UDK to kick you out after 30 sec. It's got nothing to do with the launcher. 2)Ah yes, the launcher and downloader only works with maps at the moment. Perhaps in the future I will add the option to download all custom content. I think the mechanic is there already. I'm glad it is working as expected on your side. Quote
voltex Posted May 13, 2016 Posted May 13, 2016 Having the same problem Henk had, after downloading the maps got a message saying not all maps where downloaded and after trying to join the server with cliffside was kicked out and got the slow in game down loader, even after the launcher supposedly downloaded it. On a side note when the launcher is downloading maps the progress bar stays at 0% so wasn't sure if it was working at first but it seems the progress bar is just not working. Quote
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