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You all know what I'm talking about! It strikes from the shadows. It appears without warning. It is... the "boink" sound. Please! It's funny for a while, but it's not just annoying, it's immersion breaking. That's the last thing you want to do in a game: break the immersion. Seriously, I'm on my way, happily burning people to ashes, doing all the teamwork stuff, then suddenly: "boink". Completely unexpected, completely out of place. At the very least have an option to remove it!


The option to remove it would be nice. Default on, toggleable in audio settings.

Question: How accurate must "upk" files be before you version mismatch with a host? Could I modify one, however coy it may be, to remove or replace with an inaudiable equal-sized sound file and then repackage?


We should have a choice in the options menu to disable it or to change the type of sound we get when we get a kill. That should be fair enough. I personally love the boink sound but some people seem to be disturbed by it.

  • Totem Arts Staff

I have embraced the boink fairly quickly, and I was new to Renegade multiplaying.

It's just part of the murders in the RX now

That's not to say that I'm against any attempt to make options for sound changing/disabling


Boink should be defenitely optionable just like gore is.

But more than boink sound annoys me big ass HUD, mainly name on the body that has too big contrast (sorry if I used a wrong terminology) that distracts too much from actual character. It's even worse if there is a bigger concentration of the enemys. I am sure that everybody knows what I am talking about so I don't need to post any screenshots.

It just forces eyes to look at the name. What if there was no name, no box around the target? maybe make health a little bit smaller..?

Don't know if it just a me but I simply can't ignore that.

As much as I love the boink, this guy is right. It's odd, out of place and should have an option to be turned off.

If the boink sound was toggleable, nobody would've gotten used to it before they turned it off. What i'd rather have is being able to make my custom boink sound instead! :D

As much as I love the boink, this guy is right. It's odd, out of place and should have an option to be turned off.

If the boink sound was toggleable, nobody would've gotten used to it before they turned it off. What i'd rather have is being able to make my custom boink sound instead! :D

That's not a bad idea either. I'm sure there are some nice alternatives. Regardless, I would like an option to turn it off.

As much as I love the boink, this guy is right. It's odd, out of place and should have an option to be turned off.

This guy agrees with me!


Clicked because I assumed topic was about circumcision

What the fuck man?


Question: How accurate must "upk" files be before you version mismatch with a host? Could I modify one, however coy it may be, to remove or replace with an inaudiable equal-sized sound file and then repackage?

100% otherwise you'll get GUID (md5 hash) mismatch.

As much as I love the boink, this guy is right. It's odd, out of place and should have an option to be turned off.

If the boink sound was toggleable, nobody would've gotten used to it before they turned it off. What i'd rather have is being able to make my custom boink sound instead! :D

That's not a bad idea either. I'm sure there are some nice alternatives. Regardless, I would like an option to turn it off.

As much as I love the boink, this guy is right. It's odd, out of place and should have an option to be turned off.

This guy agrees with me!


Clicked because I assumed topic was about circumcision

What the fuck man?

That's what I said when I found out the topic was about the boink

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