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26 minutes ago, Henk said:


Does the rum do anything? like a slow screen wobble and some blurring if you've had too much

It does yeah, one shot gets you very very drunk.


It's here:

** Paradise Version 4.0 - 11/04/2017 - Changelog **

*Security Office*
- Disabled security office controllable camera system due to bugs
- Added more static cameras
- Added button to change additional cameras
- Added ceiling turret status display
- Adjusted Auto-turret respawn times (3-minutes)
- Collision on MCT fixed
- Added coffee, doughnuts and bitches

*Volcano and Jungle*
- Slightly adjusted temple ruins to make them climbable without the aid of vehicles
- Grass and tree render distance adjusted
- Added a lot of jungle rocks
- Added lava rocks to side of bridges
- Small adjustments to volcano

- Fixed AGT Lag (This was caused by setting range multiplyer really high)
- Added rocks to back of Infantry Barracks
- Extended rear of Weapons Factory
- Changed HON floor texture
- Added lights to HON and Obelisk
- Opened side path around Nod base cliff
- Added side path to GDI base cliffs
- Fixed GDI club lights
- Very slightly increased base entrance size, to help bot’s navigation
- Added purchasable shots of rum at McFarland’s Tiki Bar
- GDI Nightclub becomes "Club Bendoza"
- End game pedestal is now functioning (accessible after 60 minutes)

- Fixed communications centre additional purchase terminals
- Added Mini-map!
- Added Load-screen
- Added Pirates!
- Slight adjustments to cliffs
- Removed collision on every out-of-bounds object (assuming this will increase performance)
- Various other optimisations

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
On 2017. 05. 01. at 10:34 PM, Henk said:

Does the rum do anything? like a slow screen wobble and some blurring if you've had too much

It makes your point of view (camera) spin out of control, but eventually it wears off... 

End-Game pedestal seems to be not working (at least placing a Nuke on GDI's). Will do some more tests later...

(That was on CT Testing Srv, which Fffreak9999 kindly updated a few hours ago with the recent version of Paradise.)

Very nice map though! But what about that pirate ship attacking HoN??

Edited by limsup

very nice update, i think I'm getting less lag in the jungle now.

Added some images, that rock is pitch black, maybe it's because of my lighting, because the vehicles in the PT and some of those characters are also completely black (Not just on your map, it's because I turned off dynamic lighting)

And that turret in the distance is active, can kill it with a rocket launcher. maybe an invisible mesh in front of it will block the HUD from showing the target box.

I also liked riding the Recon Bike :) 




I think I have found a spot, where I became "stuck"...

Also, +1 for the demons in the Nod Power Plant's shaft - didn't see that coming! Almost jumped out of my Lazarus Armor! Must be the ghosts of the Pirate Ship :D

  • Totem Arts Staff
1 hour ago, limsup said:

Also, +1 for the demons in the Nod Power Plant's shaft - didn't see that coming! Almost jumped out of my Lazarus Armor! Must be the ghosts of the Pirate Ship :D

Gosh I almost had a heart attack! :o


On 02/05/2017 at 11:21 AM, limsup said:

It makes your point of view (camera) spin out of control, but eventually it wears off... 

End-Game pedestal seems to be not working (at least placing a Nuke on GDI's). Will do some more tests later...

(That was on CT Testing Srv, which Fffreak9999 kindly updated a few hours ago with the recent version of Paradise.)

Very nice map though! But what about that pirate ship attacking HoN??

Thank you, GDI pedestal is broken. This will be fixed in 4.2


On 02/05/2017 at 1:02 PM, Henk said:

very nice update, i think I'm getting less lag in the jungle now.

Added some images, that rock is pitch black, maybe it's because of my lighting, because the vehicles in the PT and some of those characters are also completely black (Not just on your map, it's because I turned off dynamic lighting)

And that turret in the distance is active, can kill it with a rocket launcher. maybe an invisible mesh in front of it will block the HUD from showing the target box.

I also liked riding the Recon Bike :) 



Thank you. Map should be considerably more optimised now, 4.2 will be even more.

Those rocks were due to not having use precomputed shadows ticked, not sure how to fix the characters however. The turret will be removed.


On 03/05/2017 at 10:45 AM, limsup said:

I think I have found a spot, where I became "stuck"...

Also, +1 for the demons in the Nod Power Plant's shaft - didn't see that coming! Almost jumped out of my Lazarus Armor! Must be the ghosts of the Pirate Ship :D

Various stuck spots fixed for 4.2 thank you

  • Like 1
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)


It seems that the little stones on the ground and some other stone have the wrong Material.



Weird Sky


Edited by Luhrian
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)




You are able to shoot through the marked rock.


You are able to get on both Refinerys



GDI side:



  1. Walk on the tank blocker collision
  2. Jump on the collision at the Refinery
  3. Have fun with beacons




  1. Stuck a buggy at this collision
  2. walk on the collision on the top
  3. Have fun with glitch beacons


I think on Nod side, it isn't a big problem, because you need a buggy for that, but on GDI side it is very easy. Just set a blocking volume to the part, which is marked with 3 and you wont get any problems. On GDI side you can put a Blocking volume around the tank blocker.


Edited by Luhrian
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Thank you for keeping me informed Luhrian :)


There is one final major update arriving in the coming days. A full change-list will be provided soon.

From a few test runs it became apparent that combat in the jungle was more exciting than that of the rope bridge centre area. Thus, the main addition is the inclusion of two exciting new slopes, which add a whole new manual of game play opportunities.



The map has been pretty'd up, in various locations and should be a lot more pleasing to the eye now. Optimisation wise, again, a massive overhaul, particularly the jungle areas.



Edited by DoctorAnubis
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

I was recently playing around on the map for the fun of it (such as observing the security offices) and observed bot behavior. If a bot obtains a Tiberium Auto Rifle from the Refinery, they will use it (I've seen Patch bots use it). Also, Patch is using his Tactical Rifle. For another topic I can go into detail about how bots do not use the Tactical Rifle at all on other maps when it is equipped.

In the middle of a match, this error report came up, see the picture for details.


Can you read the green text in the top left?

Edited by Chrisjh0223
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Just Updated 4.2



** Paradise Version 4.2 - 12/06/2017 - Change-log **

*Security Office*
- Fixed security office console spam
- Building notifications draw distance increased
- Fixed Nod ventilation shaft alarm trigger
- Added texture for Nod ceiling turrets
- Lowered MCT health
- Added additional camera (PP entrance)

*Volcano and Jungle*
- Added more rocks to lava pools
- Bubbling lava edited
- Added lava emitters
- Lava sound is now a sound spline
- Dimmed tiberium lighting effects
- Fixed cave kill volume bug
- Added more emitters to waterfall
- Jungle heavily optimised

- Added more containers to GDI Base
- GDI end game pedestal code fixed
- Removed collision from trees inside Barracks
- Cosmetic changes to GDI beach
- Added reflection effect to weapons Factory floor
- Added more crates inside of WF
- Additional walls in WF now display as damaged when building is destroyed
- Changes around Nod Air tower beach
- Adjusted positioning of Nod turret to increase its effectiveness
- Added blocking volumes to stop pirates bombarding buildings so much
- Fixed refinery roof exploits
- Added static lights to both bases
- Added actual door to end game pedestal rooms
- Added lights to end game pedestal doors

- Added grassy side paths to centre infantry route
- Added additional entrance to base via volcano path on both sides
- Updated minimap
- 1 in 5 chance of "Midnight Paradise"
- Number of active crates changed to 6 from 5
- Sea sound is now a sound spline
- Added tiberium decals
- Fog and global lighting slightly changed
- Cliffs edited
- Spotting volumes adjusted
- Fixed some shadow errors
- Fixed water materials
- Various "stuck spots" fixed
- Various texture changes
- Package size reduction
- Further optimisations

Edited by DoctorAnubis
  • Like 3

Re-uploaded 4.2.1 Quick-fix

- Blocked access to barracks roof
- Corrected landscape in various locations
- Removed waterfall underwater postprocess due to bugs
- Removed accidentally placed mesh behind Nod Refinary
- Fixed floating grass
- Fixed floating rock
- Fixed Nod turret stand
- Added knocked over coffee to GDI security office...

  • Like 3
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
On 5-8-2017 at 11:55 AM, Ruud033 said:

Any news on this?

Would love to see this map released, maybe even (if developers allow it) as an official map!

  • Like 1
  • 1 year later...
On 8/10/2017 at 3:13 PM, DarkSn4ke said:

regarding the feedback I heard about Paradise it's very unlikely. (just a remark, no comment!)

Let's just say "not yet".

The way I see it its success depends on the synergy of the following two factors:

1. The general growth of the RenX community. People want different things.
2. Greatly improving bot AI, so that servers actually have a chance to fill up to 64p.
3. Make this map unvotable if there are less than 50 people in the server.

If we could get those three things right, Paradise might have a chance to go mainstream.

Guest once upon the time

First : DarkSn4kes comment was from 2017 :)

to 1: growth of the Ren X community is an issue for the complete game and not map related.

to 2:  Bot AI is a part of all maps

to 3:  You can play this map easy and with a lot of fun with 10-10 , so it make no sense with higher than 50 (votable).

One question Duge: How many times you played this map and I dont mean Skirmish?

Fact of this map is:

Very PC intense because of the size.

recommendation should be only 64 bit Version to use ( 32 can have much crashes).

Hard to reach high FPS  ( thats interessting for FPS junkies :)  ).

In my opinion this map has the potential.




To be honest, last year's release has brought very thorough cullings and thus FPS improvements, which only got better with the addition of precomputed visibility. I would like to caution people here, that since the map's original introduction in 2017, it has been greatly optimized since.

  • Like 1
Guest once upon the time

Anubis, you make taste of more 😂 Looks good.



only additional thing , I forgot to write in my last post.

We play the events on a small server with a not so good internet rate and in addition we spawn lots of other stuff (eg: Mig, Turrets, AA and so on),

Sorry Try 😎

Of course, this also means that the map is claimed "even more".
I have honestly never played the map "naked" :)
I'm very sure that because the map is no longer with 2017 to compare.
My potato PC still comes to the 40FPS (although I do not care).




5 hours ago, DoctorAnubis said:

Who was it who added the precomputed visibility, I didn't have time to add such volumes to this build?

Surely you remember, that the two of us have discussed that matter on Steam chat a few months prior. You then graciously gave permission for the implementation of a precomputed visibility volume to further improve framerates - this comes at a significant cost in terms of the length of the already very demanding light-build process of Paradise. However, fffreak kindly volunteered and has lent his considerable processing power and built the map for us.

Guest once upon the time

Ok felt like ages :)

Spend the time for a good cause, thank you in advance for all those involved.😉


Posted (edited)
On 4/2/2019 at 7:10 PM, SilentKnight said:

First : DarkSn4kes comment was from 2017 :)

I realize that.

On 4/2/2019 at 7:10 PM, SilentKnight said:

to 1: growth of the Ren X community is an issue for the complete game and not map related.

to 2:  Bot AI is a part of all maps

to 3:  You can play this map easy and with a lot of fun with 10-10 , so it make no sense with higher than 50 (votable).

One question Duge: How many times you played this map and I dont mean Skirmish?

Fact of this map is:

Very PC intense because of the size.

recommendation should be only 64 bit Version to use ( 32 can have much crashes).

Hard to reach high FPS  ( thats interessting for FPS junkies :)  ).

Hey there,

Yes, valid points.

Just know that we're on the same side here.
I'd absolutely looove to see this map go mainstream.....

Kindly answering your questions:
Well, I have simply been listening and empathizing with a couple of admins some time ago, and I am attempting to deconstruct that information here.

As to the points that were made, one of which was that the map would be way, "way too big".
Three issues with that:
1. They were afraid that people would get distracted by the minigame and fun spots, and RenX gameplay would suffer for that.
2. If you die at the front line, it's gonna take quite some time to get back to the heat of the match. Travel distance can get frustrating especially for n00bs.
3. Because of the travel time, quite a few base entry points, and many opportunities to sneak in, I can only imagine how tough it can be to defend a base.

I mention the bot AI because I happen to disagree with the answer #3 of yours.
With 10v10 it would still feel like 4v4 to me, because the 10th is AFK and the map is so damn huge and fun that you will probably never meet those other 5 on your way to the enemy base. Practically speaking, people usually barely stick together unless someone actually calls for a rush.

So yea sure there will be some combat, but nothing like the spectacular crazy battles.

Personally, from 16x16 and upward I myself would *maybe* not get bored playing this map for longer periods of time.
And that's just my experience, and may differ for everyone, to each their own.
And yes I've played this map enough times to know what I want.

So I guess it's somewhat of a mix of gameplay and social factors.

Btw I have not had any serious FPS issues on this map even with my old PC Q6600 & R7970 on FHD.
So that sounds like a job well done to further optimize this for higher resolutions and older PC's. Sounds good!

On 4/2/2019 at 7:10 PM, SilentKnight said:

In my opinion this map has the potential.

Not just your opinion, sir.

If you guys still believe in this and don't give up, and if Ren-X doesn't die in the meantime...
Then I definately do also believe that Paradise will come to receive the attention that it deserves.

So my questions back to you:
What do you think the current admins of FPI and CT need,.. to add this map to their map rotation?
What do you feel is holding them back right now, to do so? Have you asked?

How did that conversation go.


Edited by DugeHick
  • Totem Arts Staff
2 hours ago, DugeHick said:

What do you think the current admins of FPI and CT need,.. to add this map to their map rotation?
What do you feel is holding them back right now, to do so? Have you asked?

Map is too big (file and actual size), map is full of gimmicks, map is FAR too expensive in resources (you basically have to use x64 or it crashes), map downloading isn't really supported, building shaders takes quite some time for people as well. Those are a few of the reasons.

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 2
Guest once upon the time
9 hours ago, DugeHick said:

Btw I have not had any serious FPS issues on this map even with my old PC Q6600 & R7970 on FHD.
So that sounds like a job well done to further optimize this for higher resolutions and older PC's. Sounds good!

Thx, this shows that the map is improved.


9 hours ago, DugeHick said:

What do you think the current admins of FPI and CT need,.. to add this map to their map rotation?
What do you feel is holding them back right now, to do so? Have you asked?

You will get my answers related to Sarahs latest post here.

 I never talked with them because we are playing on Try-Outs Server and i will not push any Server owner to something what they dont like.😉

1. Map is great, yes.
2.Map is full of gimmicks and where is the problem?
I see no problem there because no one is forced to use them (for example: Arena). This argument is for me just because some people do not like the fact that this map can be more.
2. Yes, the map needs a lot of resources but there are still enough people crashing on other maps.
3. Map downloading:

This is an own goal Sarah. If the map in the standard maps would be loaded automatically.
Must also say that the almost download is really very fast (of course, always depends on your own Internet connection and where you download).btw, thx that we could use the fast download.🙂

4. Shading seriously?

The map only takes a long time to shaden and that is the first time.


I want to formulate it nice as a conclusion:
The map is simply not liked by some people for personal reasons because it does not match their idea of their gameplay.
I can live with it, because we make events on this map and if someone wants to participate in an event, everyone is cordially invited.


I will still stay on Paradise  Map because for Events it is the best map and other Server must not take it in rotation.

4 minutes ago, SilentKnight said:

Map is full of gimmicks and where is the problem?

The main issue is that the majority of servers (FPI and CT) run in a Marathon mode, and this map plays more like a mini-game hub than an actual [Command and Conquer] Mode map.

I have stated in the past, I would be willing to host the map on a server if these areas where distractions exist were sealed off so the only objective is to play the map as a C&C Mode map.

In terms of having to run in 64 bit, that will not be much of a concern for much longer, once the updated launcher comes into effect and offers the 64 bit as an option.

Having to download the map and do initial shader loading would be a detractor for many people the first time, they have to do it. Many wouldn't sit through the download if they only download at 2-3Mb per sec and think the game is broken when trying to build shaders, since it wouldn't respond during that time.

However if the adjustments I suggested are made (Sealing the areas off), then I would have no issue at least offering it as an option.

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 2
5 hours ago, Fffreak9999 said:

The main issue is that the majority of servers (FPI and CT) run in a Marathon mode, and this map plays more like a mini-game hub than an actual [Command and Conquer] Mode map.

I have stated in the past, I would be willing to host the map on a server if these areas where distractions exist were sealed off so the only objective is to play the map as a C&C Mode map.

In terms of having to run in 64 bit, that will not be much of a concern for much longer, once the updated launcher comes into effect and offers the 64 bit as an option.

Having to download the map and do initial shader loading would be a detractor for many people the first time, they have to do it. Many wouldn't sit through the download if they only download at 2-3Mb per sec and think the game is broken when trying to build shaders, since it wouldn't respond during that time.

However if the adjustments I suggested are made (Sealing the areas off), then I would have no issue at least offering it as an option.

Yes, actually all secret areas and functions have been disabled in this latest build, with core C&C Mode to be expected. How is the best way to send the file your way?


The upcoming change-log for those interested.

- Added interior of Volcano
- Fixed missing sounds, models and textures
- Added new bird sounds
- Reduced amount of sound nodes in the Jungle
- Disabled hidden areas
- Removed some trees and rocks to increase mobility of tanks in Jungle
- Removed ceiling turret mini-map icons
- Moved a CCTV camera to inside the volcano
- Slightly reworked surrounding islands
- Updated mini-map
- Added precomputed visibility volumes
- Various other optimisations and improvements 

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 2
1 minute ago, Fffreak9999 said:

Did you keep the EndGame Pedestal? 

Ah I am unsure if I disconnected the node for that, if you could check in the Kismet, the node to open the end game doors should simply be disconnected from the time delay.

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