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After a long time of Renegade-X abstinence, i started to play it again. And i realized the awesome improvement this projekt made. But there is something that bothers me: Dead crates :mad: .

I my opinion when a player find a crate, it should give a small reward:

- 100 to 250 credis or

- refill or

- speedboost

And crates should never be a game changer. So getting vehicle for a crate is much overpowerd.

But what is a real annoying thing, are dead crates. Crates are now a huge risk. The fun to search a create and the rewarding felling to find them are total gone.


well, the vehicle crates are important to give something to fight over, when ressources are limited (e.g. buildings got destroyed or you are waiting for credits). noone would go for crates if they just held a refill, speedboost or a small amount of credits.

to keep the crate intresting in standard gameplay (where nobody lost anything), there is a chance to get a superior vehicle (from the tiberian sun era) or a spy. those two drops are very good to prevent stalemates.

the nuke crates (or dead crates as you call them) are there for balance, so the leading team (which usually can get the crates much easier) has to take some risks when getting the crate with costly tanks/infantry. it helps the losing team to catch up, because the losing team usually has cheap or free units and can take the crate without risk.

also sometimes the nuke crate rapes the entire team (enemy or friendly or both), which is hilarious xD

you can also gain a new unit from the crate, which usually is better for the losing team as they use mostly free units...

the only thing that maybe would need adjustment is the spawnrate of the crates... at the moment a crate can spawn nearly instantly after it was picked up... don't know exactly why... maybe because on a server with 40 players you would never get a crate, if the spawn rate wasn't high enough...

anyway: crates are pretty much balanced and a change to them needs a lot of calculation and balancing before you can go through with your change...

  • Totem Arts Staff

crates needed to be a game changer or there is no point in having them full stop... thats why there is a risk in picking them up... boom ya dead or boom ya got a titan... sorry boink ya dead or boink ya got a boink tank


I'm curious to know what the different percentages are for vehicle-able crates vs non-vehicle crates. It seems to me that in place of a possible vehicle, the death crate possibility seems increased (by default)? Making infantry crates much less rewarding on average and much more of a risk as well. Thats how it seems at least


I find the nuke crates annoying to be honest. Especially when you're not the one who picked it up and you're dead because of it. Nuke crates should only kill the person who picked it up, and do some damage on people around it.


Crate percentages do work.

I feel that crates are a risk vs gain mechanic that helps balance the game out, but it doesn't work that well in practice due to the fact the ones likely to get crates (and get the good stuff from them) are the ones who hold the field.

I feel that some sort of mechanic should exist to have a crate that only spawns for the losing team in their base, allowing the possibility of coming back into the game without having to worry about trying to break a siege to get access to the crates.


Vehicle crates don't spawn in infantry paths though, and it seems that infantry path crates are much less rewarding overall because of that (especially since you can get turned into a character that is worse than the one you had).


I realy prefer that the losing team is getting better stuff from the crates to breack stalemates.

But in the moment its a little bit to harsch.

The team thats actually in the lead because they played better, is going to be punished for playing better :mad: .

So crates should be a bit defused. Starting with this deadcrates.

Instead of deadcrates the player could lose all of his ammunition while a loud laughter sounds. :)


What about this:

When you pick up a crate, a bomb apears at the place of the crate. Now you have 15 seconds to run away.

This is less annoying as an usal dead create because you see the trap and now you can better runaway from it.

Also the bomb hasn't the kill range as the nuke :cool:

nuke crate is the best crate it shows whos not working with the team on rushes and gets all the rush killed ... seen it so many times on xmountain

Lol I once noticed a big group killed by this cause someone decided to pick a crate. If you could only predict if it was nuke crate and than run at it as a SBH, imagine the damage....


Yesterday i played as Nod on field. Nod did already lost their refernery and airfield, while GDI-buildings didn't had one scratch.

So i tryed to farm crates. Guess what happend:

When i finaly found my first crate, it planted a C4 at my head :mad: .


just go into a vehicle (you don't need to buy one... passenger does the trick too) and wait until the timer of the c4 is expired. if you are in a tank when the c4 should explode, it does no damage and just despawns.

just go into a vehicle (you don't need to buy one... passenger does the trick too) and wait until the timer of the c4 is expired. if you are in a tank when the c4 should explode, it does no damage and just despawns.

Which vehicle? airfield was destroyed! Ref was destroyed! And or base was siege by GDI-Tanks (like its always is on "field"). So i was happy to finaly get an crate on the field. So we were losing and i got an dead crate while a GDI-player got an money crate. That definitely not fair.

  • Totem Arts Staff
just go into a vehicle (you don't need to buy one... passenger does the trick too) and wait until the timer of the c4 is expired. if you are in a tank when the c4 should explode, it does no damage and just despawns.

Which vehicle? airfield was destroyed! Ref was destroyed! And or base was siege by GDI-Tanks (like its always is on "field"). So i was happy to finaly get an crate on the field. So we were losing and i got an dead crate while a GDI-player got an money crate. That definitely not fair.

There is a beautiful button that says: Suicide:P That's what I do when a bomb is stuck to my head and when there are no friendly vehicles are around :P

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