N3tRunn3r Posted February 26, 2016 Posted February 26, 2016 I hadn't been online for like 2 months, since mid Dec 2015. By mid Feb 2016, from time to time I had played a few games and every changes I seen are massively bullshit and all I done was rage quitting afterwards: 1.) DDoS Attacks 2.a.) Why do have the laser chainguns/rifles infinite ammo?! Why?! Absolutely OP especially when both sides don't have the Barr/HoN anymore and you get it via a crate. I just killed 20 infantry, pffft. Remove that crap or add infinite Ammo for everything and everyone!! 2.b.) Marksman Rifle for both sides is absolutely useless, except enemies sleep and stand & dream around aka afk-ppl. Every god damn weapon as well as the silenced pistol have an immediately impact while shooting. The bullets totally miss every enemy now. Revert that crap!! The Rifle is as good as a Shotgun right now. Add a higher spread instead. 2.c.) No sidearm shop anymore. Where is the Machine Pistol?! Revert that!! 2.d.) Death-triggers around maps as well as without any borderlines and infos (Whiteout for example). What if you are on low HP and be able to change the power of a side, need to flee while defending something and you die? I lost our last team's Hotty by defending our base!!! This can also be abused by using glitches. REMOVE all Death-Triggers god damn!! Put invisible blocking cells instead or whatever. 2.e.) $500 Sniper still bugged as well as the Mammy while shooting. Infinite reloading. Also happens with Orca/Apache. OLD BUG 2.f.) Zoom-in/out with Marksman Rifle soemtimes/often buggs out. While zooming and you shoot, it wont shoot. When you want to zoom-out, it switches back to zoomed-in state and back. You won't be able to shoot in meantime. OLD BUG 3.) 30 Mines as standard seems ok, I guess. 4.) Invisible STANKs and SBHs can be seen again. Those were like greyed-out. Hell, all I can say, revert the god damn 5.1(x) update. What brainless guy did... nvm. Before you do any MAJOR changes like that, let the community vote before. This is nothing but a mess right now. Impossible to play. Absolutely unbalanced. I think I won't return until this has been fixed/REVERTED. This aint Renegade(X) anymore. Keep it as it was before v5.1, and don't do any ridiculous BALANCING experiments. Quote
DoctorB0NG Posted February 26, 2016 Posted February 26, 2016 I hadn't been online for like 2 months, since mid Dec 2015. By mid Feb 2016, from time to time I had played a few games and every changes I seen are massively bullshit and all I done was rage quitting afterwards:1.) DDoS Attacks Already irrelevant. CT servers don't go down and I've released the setup I use and the firewall rules I use to stop the attacks. Quote
testman Posted February 26, 2016 Posted February 26, 2016 Thanks again for using your infosec wizard skills to save us from that DDoS dude. Quote
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted February 26, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted February 26, 2016 Considering we still get 2 servers filled on weekdays now...the whole "RenX is dying" movement isn't exactly standing on solid ground. LCGs having infinite ammo is far less impactful than it seems considering if you look at them with bullets they die. How often did anybody run out of ammo with an LCG before? Almost never because health is the most limiting factor of infantry. The Rifle is as good as a Shotgun right now. Add a higher spread instead. Considering the shotgun is probably one of the best guns in the game, you might want to compare something else. As for adding spread...where the hell is Gatsufox when you actually want him around? Quote
Bananas Posted February 26, 2016 Posted February 26, 2016 How about you post your feedback without an apocalyptic title and I'll take you more seriously. All you come off as is OMG THIS AIN'T RENEGADE WITH ALL ITS FLAWS ANYMORE!!! 2a) Every other class got more max ammo. Don't run out much anymore. 2b) Uhh...not useless. Learn to aim it? 2c) Every side arm was distrubeted to different classes. This was changed to make classes feel different as well as make balancing easier. Lots of classes became broken by being able to buy side arms. I've seen mixed feedback on this overall. 2d) ??? How did you die to out of map while defending. 2e) Partially fixed for the upcoming patch. The dev team is small and it takes time to find fixes. Feel free to open the code and fix stuff yourself. Would be easier to take your feedback more seriously if you posted seriously. Hyperbole title with an apocalyptic touch, insulting a/the devs, saying the game isn't renx when it clearly still is. Thanks for the feedback anyways, everything helps. Currently there is an attempt to fix major game flaws which have existed since renegade. 5.1 was aimed at increasing the use of infantry. It also aimed at making all classes useful instead of just snipers and hotwires being used. I would say it was successful. As for renx dying, you're clearly not informed. Player count has been up, lots of custom maps are being finished, activity has been up in the forums and with the devs, and there's some cool stuff being worked on in the background. This is the most alive renx has been in a long time. Quote
boxes Posted February 26, 2016 Posted February 26, 2016 This game is being developed and supported by people who work on it simply because it is a game they love. You're welcome to disagree with changes, but if you're going to insult developers spending their free time working on a passion project, you stoop down to a whole new level. Yosh's efforts has revitalized renegade more than anything since Beta 3. Before 5.1, developers have almost lost all interest. By bringing forward more strats and dealing with overpowered classes, 5.1 was the biggest step forward for RenX in months. So no, it's not going to be reverted, sadly for you. Your balance concerns about 5.1 need to be more constructive. DoctorB0ng, who's not even involved with development, spent ridiculous hours getting himself to learn how to properly set up DDOS protected servers while everybody else backed down and surrendered while pointing fingers at each other. He was the only one willing to step up to the ddos attacks, and in the end, won. He still spends most of his time right now keeping his servers steady and running CT. He even publicly posted his methods on how to deal with the attacks so other server owners can have protect themselves too. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted February 26, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted February 26, 2016 (edited) I've seen marksman on the top of the canyon in Walls pick off engineers left, right and center. The current inventory builds for infantry are the most well-organised I've ever seen since RenX was released, a step-up from the original Renegade and actually coincides well with the RTS games where infantry had additional abilities outside of runnin'n'gunnin'. Just to generalise your constructive tyranny of a post; you want less problem solving and for certain aspects of the game to be easier otherwise you'll rage-quit and sh!tpost on the forums before reading other topics and realising that the majority of your post has been answered elsewhere, the thread title alone was a nice attention-seeking title for your whiney post. inb4 forum-rage-quit Edited February 26, 2016 by Guest Quote
Henk Posted February 26, 2016 Posted February 26, 2016 I only think you are correct about the blocking volumes, but that doesn't make the game about to die. And yes the stealth bug still happens sometimes, but rarely. Quote
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted February 26, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted February 26, 2016 you have a message on the screen telling you you are out of bounds if you die from it thats your own fault dont blame the game for your incompatance olny maps with flying units [and now island coz i was sick of bouncing off the blocking volumes] have soft level bounds nice click bait title... what it should say tho is: renx isnt what i want and now im butt hurt about not being able to rapping people as a hotwire with emps and smgs boo frigging hoo and i cat read a thing that tells me to retern to the battle field... but i guess thats a bit long as a title Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted February 26, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted February 26, 2016 To be fair, Hotwire can blaze the mic with 1337 rapping skillz. Quote
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted February 26, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted February 26, 2016 bloody google trying to correcting me but you know whar i mean Quote
Redline Posted February 26, 2016 Posted February 26, 2016 The only thing that would cause Renx to die is a lack of monetary support for server owners that actually pay for anti ddos services. Perhaps a strong commitment and shoring up of donations from everyone might help renx grow in the future. #bong4president #25inyourpocket Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted February 26, 2016 Posted February 26, 2016 N3tRunn3r, i respect you for the things you did for RenegadeX and from my experiences with playing with or against you in the original. You seem like a nice guy to me. I can see why you don't like certain aspects of the game, but i don't see why you need to attack the developers for it instead of trying to properly explain why you don't like it. It certainly helps bringing your opinion to others. I might like C&C Renegade more than Renegade X but i still fully support them and will do this for a very long time. They simply deserve it. If i don't like something and i know i'm the only one that doesn't, too bad for me but if i feel like something seriously needs changing i at least try to be as constructive as possible so i can bring over my point, or make a video about it. And if i feel like something's seriously wrong, i sure as all hell am going to get myself heard. I guess it's the same with you but it has shown that your methods haven't really been helping you... Quote
RoundShades Posted February 26, 2016 Posted February 26, 2016 I still don't get why people think extreme changes or lack thereof are at war with each other? It isn't like I don't understand his viewpoint, sidearms were a nice customization feature, I wouldn't mind them returning at a later date where they can be divided by tier and utility. It is just, the game plays better now than it ever has. Sniper rifle rapid zoom in and out bugs, are common in udk games barring ones that have high amount of animation to delay things (realistic 2 second hand motions for lowering a weapon, opposed to arcadey). Even then, the bugs are getting fixed, the 5.15 bugfix list is like 10+ long. The overall point to the changes, is only literally to make snipers useful but not the class that defeats all others, and hotwire/tech useful but not the class that defeats all others, and give all the other 15 characters (?) a proper chance to take the stage. It isn't perfect, 5.15 touches on some of that, like the LCG, chem, and flame infantry damage, and the grenadier survivability. What Ren-X needs, is 2 things. Use for every infantry and vehicle equal to their value, and a way to make games come to a natural conclusion based on the fighting of the teams within a reasonable time. You can't say Ren had those things. Quote
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted February 26, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted February 26, 2016 What Ren-X needs, is 2 things. Use for every infantry and vehicle equal to their value... Like the MRLS rockets going a little bit faster to put them at equal value to an Arty? (Yup, I'm still beating this dying horse) Quote
Fujiwara Chika Posted February 26, 2016 Posted February 26, 2016 I think the MRLS rockets are fine. I mean, they already provide more DPS than Arty does. At least, imo. Quote
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted February 27, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted February 27, 2016 so aggressif Quote
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