JeepRubi Posted July 14, 2014 Posted July 14, 2014 Please note that this is a preliminary changelist. The complete changelist will be released alongside Beta 3! Also note, Beta 3 will not be including any new maps, as they're all still works in progress. Keep an eye out for them in future releases! Optimizations: - Weapon Texture resolutions have been reduced to a max of 1024x1024. - Unnecessary textures due to shader optimization such as Gloss maps and reflection maps have been removed. - 3rd person weapon meshes now only have a single material slots for a single draw call. - All mesh LODs for 3rd person weapons have been updated. - First person arms mesh now uses a combined single texture map / material for less draw calls. At the same time this also fixes the stealth effect on the arms not working right due to more than one material. - Optimized all characters (draw calls, textures & shaders). - Gold Rush & Mesa II: - optimised collision, reduced lightmap sizes, optimised certain LODs, smaller filesize. - Optimized silo light map sizes. - Added a PT scene specific C-130 which is cropped and has much smaller light map size, Fixes: - Rx_Game no longer uses seamless loading. Could *possibly* fix crashing at game end. - Fixed a few shader issues with hovercraft, gunboat, and C-130. - Fixed issue with version check not evaluating the version number correctly. - Fixed shotgun and ramjet reticles always showing as yellow. - Fixed the air vehicles being purchased in non-air maps using the key press. - Fixed being able to heal over Max Armour. - Fixed a bug where if a player tried to enter another player's locked vehicle directly after it was produced, it would stop driving and not clear the spawn location. - HUD now actually calls the clean-up functions and also made it clean some extra references. Possible crash reduction. - Fixed the PT UI memory crash. - Islands: Fixed collision bug on GDI tunnels. - Goldrush: Removed floating Tiberium crystal - Restore enemy minimap blip visibily when targetting. Tweaks: - Added 60 second per-client cooldown for calling votes, so griefers can't prevent others from calling votes. - Vehicle explosions no longer do damage. - Added TeamDonate command. - Entering 0 into a Donate command now donates all credits. - Slight change to the client list output to make it easier for people parsing. - Restored playing Building Repaired sound. Building repair sound will not play if the building hadn't fallen below 85% health. Building repair sound replay cooldown is set to static 10 seconds versus 6-10 range. - Remove one thread frame lag, hardware physics, and speedtree in the settings, as they are not usable and performance hogging. - Hud Game Time now shows Elapsed Time if in a no-timelimit match. - Added disallowed nicknames to Rx_Game. Very short names, or names containing certain reserved values are not allow (e.g. "-----"). - Added 1.5 second delay to re-access purchase terminal to disallow refill spam. Updated hud indicators to show non-accessible PT while the delay in in progress to avoid confusion. - Updated sniper, ramjet and shotgun reticles. - Temporarily removed particle effects from building damage states. Kismet was having issues. Will re-implement through code in a future update. - Going to first person in vehicles now zooms in for precise long shots. - Camera shows map overview at end of match, instead of "winning" player. - Scoreboard is now delayed about 10 seconds after the game is over. - Player main HUD will now be removed before the scoreboard is shown after the game is over. New: - Replaced old java launcher with a brand-new WPF launcher. Pretty UI, update checks, community banners and more! - Added new shotgun first person animations. - Added new Marksman Rifle first person animations. - Added new Tiberium Flechette Rifle model. - Missile Launcher has new sound effects. - Missile launcher has new first person animations. - Silos now broadcast team EVA/Cabal sounds on Capture and Loss. - Settings options menu can be accessed through the pause menu. - Scoreboard system in pauseMenu. - Chat system in pause menu. - GDI bought some less blurry siding for their barracks. - Donate menu in pause menu. Balance: Autorifle: - Rate of Fire reduced to match classic ren. - Damage vs armoured vehicles increased. - Projectile speed and range increased. - Headshot damage increased. - Spread increase, max spread, and base spread reduced. Shotgun: - Shotguns can now do headshots. - Shotgun headshot damage multiplier reduced to 1.5. Missile Launcher: - Alt fire no longer tracks targets. - Missile launcher building damage tweaked to be almost equal to gunner's rocket launcher in terms of damage per second against buildings. - Alt fire projectile speed increased. Tiberium Flechette: - Reduced based spread and spread increase per shot. - Range increased. Chaingun: - Rev up time reduced with quicker rate of fire. - Rev down time increased slightly. - Projectile speed reduced. - Maximum range increased. - Now fires armour piercing rounds which can damage heavy armour and has small radial damage on infantry. - Increased horizontal recoil. - Spread increase, and max spread reduced. - Removed ADS. Laser Chaingun: - Spread increase, max spread, and base spread reduced. - Rev up state fires shots in the same time. - Max range increased. - Horizontal recoil increased. - Head shot damage increased. - Removed ADS. Laser Rifle: - Spread increase, max spread, and base spread reduced. - Max range increased. Grenade Launcher: - Damage radius reduced slightly. Heavy Pistol: - Head shot damage increased. - Maximum rate of fire increased. Silenced Pistol: - Spread increase and max spread reduced. Volt auto rifle: - Spread increase, max spread, and base spread reduced for both primary and alt fire. - Increase maximum range. Airstrike: - Deploy time reduced slightly. - Blast radius on heavy cannon and bombs increased slightly. APCs: - Now fire armour piercing rounds similar to the chaingun. - Projectile speed reduced. - Projectile range increased. - Rate of fire increased. - Spread increased. - Reload time increased. MRLS: - Range increased to match Artillery's range. Humvee/Buggy: - Now fire armour piercing rounds similar to the chaingun. - Headshot damage increased. Orca: - Now fire armour piercing rounds similar to the chaingun. - Head shot damage increased. - Bullet Rate of fire increased. - Bullet ammo count increased. - Bullet Damage reduced slightly to compensate for increased ammo and rate of fire. Chinook: - Now fire armour piercing rounds similar to the chaingun. - Projectile range increased. - Headshot damage increased. Artillery: - Projectile speed reduced. - Artillery projectile gravity pull reduced to give less of an arch. - Artillery explosion blast radius increased. Medium Tank / Light Tank: - Recoil shake reduced. Light Tank / Medium Tank / Mammoth Tank - Range increased slightly. - Explosion blast radius increased slightly. Characters: - Reduced hitbox radius. - Increased SBH detection radius. Quote
sterps Posted July 20, 2014 Posted July 20, 2014 Will be interesting to see how these changes play out, especially how infantry weapons have been buffed. Will be good to see how this plays out. A couple of things that concern me. Mammoth Tank - Needs a speed increase, turn rate increase and turret rotation speed increase. With all the range increases to units and weapons, mammoth tanks are going to have an even harder time trying to hit targets than before, and their clumsy speed doesn't help. In both Renegade and C&C 95, mammoth tanks moved faster than they do now in all three above mentioned aspects. Also the range on the Mammoth tank IS meant to be superior than both than light tanks and medium tanks, yet in Renegade x, the Mammoths range is equal to the medium tank. - The airstrike will still be useless, these changes aren't fully addressing it's issues. - The artillery's splash buff, i'm not sure if it was needed. Quote
twig123 Posted July 20, 2014 Posted July 20, 2014 What about vehicle damage to MCT?! Currently vehicles do 0 (yes, zero) damage to the MCT. So, if you have a Med @ REF and have a buddy hold the door open... there is 0 damage to the REF if you hit the MCT. In the original Ren, this was a goto tactic, as there would be splash damage and possibly also kill the engineers inside. Quote
goztow Posted July 20, 2014 Posted July 20, 2014 I am quite shocked to see the introduction of an anti refil measure. This is something I most definitely would not have done. I wonder how much frustration this will bring. Though I believe one should give all chances to offensive gameplay, this does not seem to me a good way to achieve this. Quote
MattHunX Posted July 20, 2014 Posted July 20, 2014 Um... Not sure what they mean about Shotguns and headshots. Some veteran players who are ridiculously good with any weapon could get headshots and kill off higher tier infantry with as few as 3-4 shots. The damage reduction on headshots is good though. Still don't see anything about McFarland being severely nerfed, along with Chems. It should at least double in price, or cost as much as BHS/Deadeye. Reduced splash damage would be nice. McFarland is such an amateur character that people can kill of basic infantry and send higher tier ones packing without even getting a direct hit. The splash damage is ridiculous. Heavy pistols should have more splash damage. Good to see the fire-rate buff, though. Not sure on the buff to the SBH detection range for infantry. Stealth detection ranges should have been reduced, if anything. The splash damage buff to Artillery shells was definitely NOT needed. Team Donate is good. Curious about the updated sniper reticules. Delayed Scoreboard post-game is probably a good idea, might also prevent crashes. Wondering about the new Tiberium Flechette Rifle model. Tib Flechettes are sexy sexy. And the buff to range and spread reduction is good, though it may end up being OP. EVA/Cabal messages on Silo status are good. Not sure about the buff to Autorifles. Again, experienced players can slay with a basic soldier with autorifle by keeping their targeting reticule with ridiculous precision firmly at someone's head. So the increase in both projectile speed and headshot damage + spread reduction was unnecessary. Not sure about the increased damage to armor, I mean I often see some poor saps firing away at Harvesters and med/light/mammoth/flame and stealth tanks to no effect, but it's just as well. Rifles should barely scratch armor, that's why it's armor. I'm impartial to chain-guns and laser chain-guns, but I only see mention of radial damage with the plain chain-gun and not the laser version. It should be with either both or just the laser. I mean if anything should have radial or splash damage it should be lasers and incendiary weapons. Though, not the McFarland level of radius and damage, cause it cannot be stressed enough how ridiculous that character is. Would be interesting to test the buff for the SBH Laser Rifle. Cause the accuracy is awful at the moment. Silenced pistol spread reduction will make for better accuracy, hopefully. Good. Buggy/Humvee AP ammo will be a welcome addition, though I sense light vehicle massacre. Quote
vlatkozelka Posted July 20, 2014 Posted July 20, 2014 I am quite shocked to see the introduction of an anti refil measure. This is something I most definitely would not have done. I wonder how much frustration this will bring.Though I believe one should give all chances to offensive gameplay, this does not seem to me a good way to achieve this. this Quote
MonkeyBoy Posted July 20, 2014 Posted July 20, 2014 A lot of these changed look good to me, however i notice you dont mention fixing Mcfarland and chem sprayer. i Say "fixing" because we know they are broken . buff to orca gun is great, finally they can kill infantry as easily as an apache can. more range in tanks is great too. im unsure as to why there is a refil time limit though? Also there seems to be a focus on making infantry better, which im agreed with as infantry are only good against other infantry. making them more viable against armour will even the playing field a bit . Overall, im impressed with the changes i can wait a bit for new maps, but dont keep us waiting for too long! Quote
Ranger Albatross Posted July 20, 2014 Posted July 20, 2014 Is it going to be another 4-5 months to see the new maps? I know volcano is done (per the videos) and under was 50% done as of a couple of months ago. The game just needs a couple of classics (complex, volcano, and under) to get some new life. I hope city_flying is in the works... but I don't want to get my hopes too high... Quote
SFJake Posted July 20, 2014 Posted July 20, 2014 Um...Not sure what they mean about Shotguns and headshots. Some veteran players who are ridiculously good with any weapon could get headshots and kill off higher tier infantry with as few as 3-4 shots. The damage reduction on headshots is good though. The shotguns did NOT have headshot damage. I know it sounds silly but its the simple truth. Every single shot people have made toward the head probably did lower damage as a result, for its more likely that more bullets miss. Thus, body shots were better. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted July 20, 2014 Posted July 20, 2014 I can see the slower travel speed of Artillery shells compensating for the increased splash damage. But i would like to test this first before we go jumping to conclusions. Also, i'm not entirely sure about the refill timer. Why not instead make a refill cost up to 20, 30, 50(?) credits each time? I Definitely like the fact that SBHs are more easy to spot right now. Keep up the good work devs! Quote
RoundShades Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 I can see the slower travel speed of Artillery shells compensating for the increased splash damage. But i would like to test this first before we go jumping to conclusions.Also, i'm not entirely sure about the refill timer. Why not instead make a refill cost up to 20, 30, 50(?) credits each time? I Definitely like the fact that SBHs are more easy to spot right now. Keep up the good work devs! I don't get the hate for PT refill cooldown, it is only 2 second, it only prevents stationary invincibility from all but instakill headshot sniperrifle kills. If a sbh on lakeside for instance, is in the barracks and headshots a basic rifle soldier time and time and time again, he can PT refill until the SBH runs out of ammo. Direct headshots will fail to kill. Now they will, maybe, unless they wiggle around for a second and then refill, which they can. Good question though, why wasn't mcfarland splash damage reduced? I love their anti ramjet class properties with the firing around corners. However, scoring kills with impunity on all infantry so easily and indirectly, is too much. Scoring damage at all suffices it's role. Much love for this build. I see a lot of potential, this game will seem much better than it ever has, and I want to play the hell out of it once I can install it. What about vehicle damage to MCT?!Currently vehicles do 0 (yes, zero) damage to the MCT. So, if you have a Med @ REF and have a buddy hold the door open... there is 0 damage to the REF if you hit the MCT. In the original Ren, this was a goto tactic, as there would be splash damage and possibly also kill the engineers inside. I can dig it doing regular damage. Vehicles can only hit mcts through real obscure means. Killing the engis alone is reward enough. Bonus damage is high level exploitable. Quote
Tactix Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Is it safe to uninstall Beta 2? Does it still remove the Windows Start menu? Quote
Truxa Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 I think it would be safe, but for all certainty, making a restoration point before uninstalling the Beta 2 would counter any uncertainties Quote
Lomztein Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Will we see changes to Whiteout, such as the tunnels being fully implemented in this patch? Quote
GatsuFox Posted July 21, 2014 Posted July 21, 2014 Lookin good! I noticed that the sniper, ramjet, and shotgun crosshairs were fixed but how about the PIC/Railgun? It suffered the most from it. Quote
DJTHED Posted July 22, 2014 Posted July 22, 2014 While some of these changes (or lack of changes) do look questionable, I'm just going to wait and see how it all plays out once Beta 3 comes out. I'm just glad to finally hear something from the devs after the past few months. EDIT: Also, is the 40 player cap still going to be a thing? Quote
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted July 22, 2014 Totem Arts Staff Posted July 22, 2014 I dig a good portion of this. The autorifle buff is a bit disturbing, as you can already beat most other classes if you just spray and pray your damn-near-infinite magazine in the direction of someone's head. We'll see how that plays out though. Shotguns: I like that we get actual headshot damage now (unobservant sniper punish now?). My only thing is that I would love to see the spread be less randomly generated. As of now I can completely miss somebody and take away half of their bar, though when I put a shot right in their chest I may take off a 10th of their health. I personally could care less about the PT refill timer, as 1.5 seconds isn't all that much. I'd even be okay with it being longer. Sniper reticles are iffy. I'm fine with them not having a dot for the sake of making them seem a BIT nerfed, but then again I've heard the counter argument of it giving unfair advantage to those who cheat with a dot on screen. Artillery getting a splash increase? How about.... no? They're already capable of cost-effectively beating just about anything else in the field, and that just sounds like it will make it better against infantry using cover. I'd love to see Mcfarland get nerfed, and possibly the chem trooper. Seriously, the word 'broken' does not begin to describe GDI's new guy. Stealth detection ranges being increased is something I'm iffy on. Unless it's also applied to light vehicles (buggy and hummvee) I feel like it will be a bit useless. Not to mention, seeing SBH's is only really hard on light maps. The biggest offender, as we all know, is Whiteout. Seriously, either make the effect a bit different, or just make Whiteout a darker map (Like later in the day, but not necessarily night) New launcher looks nice, and hopefully we'll have the crashes figured out. Looking forward to it all, even if I likely won't be around to play it for quite some time. Quote
Truxa Posted July 22, 2014 Posted July 22, 2014 - Fixed the PT UI memory crash. Was wondering if this is the bug when someone put a mine of C4 on a character rendering you unable to access the PT, if not, how about that bug when a tech/hotty accidentally puts a mine on another player. That player is unable to enter the PT. Quote
RoundShades Posted July 23, 2014 Posted July 23, 2014 Mcfarland so broken. Stealth effect, necesary to extend on stealth tank, not on sbh itself. The artillery gets it as a nerf against vehicles because it has a slower shells, the larger splash counters that against infantry. A new launcher sounds cool, old one worked for me though. Quote
DoctorB0NG Posted July 23, 2014 Posted July 23, 2014 Hopefully the crashes are fixed. Glad that SBHs are going to be easier to see and but sad that Chem troopers and McFartlands aren't getting a slight nerf. Quote
Truxa Posted July 23, 2014 Posted July 23, 2014 With regards to crashes: I read a feedback post somewhere a long time ago where it was stated by a dev that accessing a PT about 30 seconds prior to the end of the game, would make a crash happen more often, significantly. I've tested this theory and in my experience, the crashes happen way less for me now. The only crashes I experience are the random crashes during gameplay explosions, or rarely the map-change crash. But overall, I've been playing 4 maps in a row without crashes, this didnt happen to me prior to the above knowledge Quote
RoundShades Posted July 23, 2014 Posted July 23, 2014 Not to be a brony, but this is pretty much me right now at the news of upcoming beta 3... Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted July 23, 2014 Posted July 23, 2014 Not to be a brony, but this is pretty much me right now at the news of upcoming beta 3... lol! Quote
Truxa Posted July 25, 2014 Posted July 25, 2014 How about a "Locking" feature to lock your vehicles drivers seat? Discussion in 2009: ... 4&start=15 Other players are still able to get into the passengers seat at any time, but the pilot/drivers seat should be lockable so your teammates wont be able to steal your vehicles when you get out to repair them. Though switching from seat 2 to seat 1 should also be averted in case of a locked vehicle, or else the people still get away with it Seen it happen again today, various people just casually hopping into any empty vehicle at their leasure without owners approval Quote
[TmX]Sean Posted July 25, 2014 Posted July 25, 2014 I'm really happy with all the changers brought forwards in this patch. Great work as always guys. Quote
Antisymmetric Posted July 26, 2014 Posted July 26, 2014 - Rev down time increased slightly. (Sad Face) Quote
MattHunX Posted July 26, 2014 Posted July 26, 2014 Oh, almost forgot... Besides nerfing the heck out of McFarlands, including upping the price or just really...removing the character entirely, the other thing that is getting seriously annoying... Are the Death-Crates. I keep seeing people in the chat commenting how they've picked up the 3rd or 4th death crate IN A record is 3. Picking up ONE is annoying enough. They say it's there because of a risk factor, THERE SHOULDN'T BE a risk factor with crates, that's not what they should be there for. And it is even more annoying when people pick em up after or still in the middle of a fire-fight, hoping they'll get some money, a refill, so they don't have to run back to base, especially on larger maps, or they'd get a different character which is still good, cause the full health still increases their odds of survival. But it is infuriating when you keep a nice score for a time, don't get killed or accidentally kill yourself (and sometimes the game doesn't detect it correctly and says you've committed suicide when you stepped on someone's mine, or from the other person's perspective, they don't get the kill cause your death is detected as a suicide)...but you pick up a crate and sudden DEATH...why...WHAT good is that for a good gaming experience. It's NOT. Quote
RokumanZA Posted July 26, 2014 Posted July 26, 2014 Gonna miss the new maps for a bit longer but the changelist looks great! Thanks guys The priority is where it needs to be Quote
SFJake Posted July 26, 2014 Posted July 26, 2014 Oh, almost forgot...Besides nerfing the heck out of McFarlands, including upping the price or just really...removing the character entirely, the other thing that is getting seriously annoying... Are the Death-Crates. I keep seeing people in the chat commenting how they've picked up the 3rd or 4th death crate IN A record is 3. Picking up ONE is annoying enough. They say it's there because of a risk factor, THERE SHOULDN'T BE a risk factor with crates, that's not what they should be there for. And it is even more annoying when people pick em up after or still in the middle of a fire-fight, hoping they'll get some money, a refill, so they don't have to run back to base, especially on larger maps, or they'd get a different character which is still good, cause the full health still increases their odds of survival. But it is infuriating when you keep a nice score for a time, don't get killed or accidentally kill yourself (and sometimes the game doesn't detect it correctly and says you've committed suicide when you stepped on someone's mine, or from the other person's perspective, they don't get the kill cause your death is detected as a suicide)...but you pick up a crate and sudden DEATH...why...WHAT good is that for a good gaming experience. It's NOT. Servers can just disable the death crates, no? I was never for them, myself. Picking a death crate simply cannot bring any fun, to anyone, at any time. Frankly, I don't even like how they handle character-switching. I wish you could "refuse" the character change (or at least tell its a character crate). Crates should have zero potential drawback. They were in Renegade more as a random gimmick, but I see them as a potentially important part of the game. Not something to throw random "screw-you" moments. Quote
MattHunX Posted July 26, 2014 Posted July 26, 2014 Oh, almost forgot...Besides nerfing the heck out of McFarlands, including upping the price or just really...removing the character entirely, the other thing that is getting seriously annoying... Are the Death-Crates. I keep seeing people in the chat commenting how they've picked up the 3rd or 4th death crate IN A record is 3. Picking up ONE is annoying enough. They say it's there because of a risk factor, THERE SHOULDN'T BE a risk factor with crates, that's not what they should be there for. And it is even more annoying when people pick em up after or still in the middle of a fire-fight, hoping they'll get some money, a refill, so they don't have to run back to base, especially on larger maps, or they'd get a different character which is still good, cause the full health still increases their odds of survival. But it is infuriating when you keep a nice score for a time, don't get killed or accidentally kill yourself (and sometimes the game doesn't detect it correctly and says you've committed suicide when you stepped on someone's mine, or from the other person's perspective, they don't get the kill cause your death is detected as a suicide)...but you pick up a crate and sudden DEATH...why...WHAT good is that for a good gaming experience. It's NOT. Servers can just disable the death crates, no? I was never for them, myself. Picking a death crate simply cannot bring any fun, to anyone, at any time. Frankly, I don't even like how they handle character-switching. I wish you could "refuse" the character change (or at least tell its a character crate). Crates should have zero potential drawback. They were in Renegade more as a random gimmick, but I see them as a potentially important part of the game. Not something to throw random "screw-you" moments. Agreed. Quote
RoundShades Posted July 27, 2014 Posted July 27, 2014 Death crates? Some servers disable them. Actually, there is a form of metagame tactic to them. If you are winning, don't get them, they will screw you over, if you have a 1k characer, odds are worse agaisnt you than for you. If you are losing, or missing a veh/infy structure, get them always, worse case scenario is you die, so pretty much exactly what happens when a ramjet bullet hits you anyway, who cares, but getting 20 deaths from crates just contributes nothing that wouldn't already happen while you aren't losing any cash on classes. The boost is that, since you have nothing to lose and nothing to live for, you can waste your life checking, and if you are losing and get a mammoth tank or a spy crate or a crazy ass character, then you get something game-changing. Basically, it stands better chance to benefit those who need it, not those doing alright already. That is how I play too, unless I notice crates have no deathcrates and I collect them like pokemon. If there are deathcrates, I will only get crates if I am low on credits and wandering around as a more ineffectual class or without much a purpose. If I die oh well. If I score a mammoth tank, I can carry my team without a defense structure for many more minutes into the game. Quote
gdfsgdfg Posted July 30, 2014 Posted July 30, 2014 Hoping for Under, Liked that mix of snow and caves. Also is the strange shadows fixed? Usually when you get near some objects like sandbags for example a crappy shadow overlay appears on them. Not sure if its intended at all but I don't like it. Quote
MattHunX Posted July 31, 2014 Posted July 31, 2014 I'm seriously starting to be of the opinion that highest tier snipers (1000$ Havoc/Sakura) ram-jets should be nerfed slightly, so they can't insta-kill basic infantry with full HP, with 1 body-shot. Sydneys and Raveshaws can have that, I mean, it's personal friggin' ion-cannon, so duh. But, ram-jet shouldn't be able to off basic infantry with one body-shot. Should be nerfed so that a body-shot from the ram-jet, on a basic infantry with full HP would reduce it to 10-20% of health, so barely alive, barely kicking, but a fighting chance. So if you're at full HP, you can take on a Havoc/Sakura with a bit more hope, if you're already below 80-90% percent of your HP, then don't. It is extremely annoying when veteran players just slay an entire infantry rush with body-shots, and it is even more annoying when I can whittle their health down, ambush a Havoc/Sakura, nearly kill it, and no matter if the person is a veteran player or an amateur, if they graze me with one body-shot, then off I fly, doesn't matter that I dodged the previous shots or I'm at full HP... It's unbalanced, I feel... Quote
Jzinsky Posted July 31, 2014 Posted July 31, 2014 Speaking of which can you remove that whole "flying across the map" thing on death? Ok when you get hit in the face with a rocket then fine but I've been sent flying from being run over and it's cringeworthy Quote
DeadlyCobra Posted July 31, 2014 Posted July 31, 2014 Speaking of which can you remove that whole "flying across the map" thing on death? Ok when you get hit in the face with a rocket then fine but I've been sent flying from being run over and it's cringeworthy This is a very minor bug and I'd rather they fix something that actually helps gameplay rather than just cosmetics Quote
SFJake Posted July 31, 2014 Posted July 31, 2014 Yeah, because changing mere values takes more than a few minutes which are CRITICAL minutes they must NEVER waste on anything but gameplay. Quote
Jzinsky Posted August 1, 2014 Posted August 1, 2014 Speaking of which can you remove that whole "flying across the map" thing on death? Ok when you get hit in the face with a rocket then fine but I've been sent flying from being run over and it's cringeworthy This is a very minor bug and I'd rather they fix something that actually helps gameplay rather than just cosmetics True, but I think it's a mechanic rather than a bug (imho) Quote
DeadlyCobra Posted August 1, 2014 Posted August 1, 2014 Yeah, because changing mere values takes more than a few minutes which are CRITICAL minutes they must NEVER waste on anything but gameplay. I'm sure there is a huge list of minor tweaks like this, each one only taking a few minutes each but it soon mounts up. I'm not saying don't do the minor tweaks, I'm just saying that it being a beta I would prioritize game play bugs. I can live with people flying off map, I can't live with the constant crashing. Just my 2 cents Quote
Truxa Posted August 1, 2014 Posted August 1, 2014 It´s part of the optimization process I think. Think about it not only how unrealistic this seems (like using a personal ion cannon is realistic anyway ) but the stress it causes on system performance. Rapid irregular movement causing serious calculations about positioning and the likes. Ever had Fraps running (for the FPS) and see what happens to the FPS when you violently shake and rotate the camera? FPS will drop due to system stress. In that regard, the game client is more prone to crash under heavy stress than it is in an optomized game. In that regard, it could help a great deal with regards to stability. Speaking of which can you remove that whole "flying across the map" thing on death? Ok when you get hit in the face with a rocket then fine but I've been sent flying from being run over and it's cringeworthy This is a very minor bug and I'd rather they fix something that actually helps gameplay rather than just cosmetics Quote
DeadlyCobra Posted August 1, 2014 Posted August 1, 2014 Never really thought of it that way. Guess you learn something new everyday Quote
boxes Posted August 9, 2014 Posted August 9, 2014 There's too much of this armor piercing ammo stuff going on. In my opinion, Officers, APCs, Humvees/Buggys, Chinooks and Orcas (the gun) should have no kind of buff against heavy armor. The guns should be used for anti-infantry purposes and light armor. For the arty, it really depends how slower the projectile is for me to be satisfied with the splash increase. Airstrikes still aren't worth 800. There needs to be some sort of damage buff or price decrease. I'm not too happy with the SBH detection nerf. There wasn't any real issue with it. Same with the laser rifle. All the optimizations, tweaks, fixes, and new stuffs sound great. Can't wait for Beta 3 and the full changelist! Quote
Truxa Posted August 9, 2014 Posted August 9, 2014 I'm not too happy with the SBH detection nerf. There wasn't any real issue with it. Same with the laser rifle. Have you been playing GDI at all? Or are you the one that spams the "change team" button as soon as you realize you are on GDI team? SBH needed a detection nerf as it was nigh impossible to detect SBHs, especially the cloak should fluctuate when they get hit by bullets. At the moment, only driving/running around in the hope you get an SBH off-guard will give you a chance of foiling an SBH investation. Mounted guns for infantry only? then they need a targetting buff, higher fire rate/faster bullet travel and larger magazines in order to support the "anti-infantry" paradigm. Quote
SFJake Posted August 9, 2014 Posted August 9, 2014 I'm not too happy with the SBH detection nerf. There wasn't any real issue with it. Same with the laser rifle. Have you been playing GDI at all? Or are you the one that spams the "change team" button as soon as you realize you are on GDI team? SBH needed a detection nerf as it was nigh impossible to detect SBHs, especially the cloak should fluctuate when they get hit by bullets. At the moment, only driving/running around in the hope you get an SBH off-guard will give you a chance of foiling an SBH investation. Mounted guns for infantry only? then they need a targetting buff, higher fire rate/faster bullet travel and larger magazines in order to support the "anti-infantry" paradigm. Biggest problem was the INSANE nerf from Renegade to their headshot damage. Around 4x less, I believe. Yes, that much. I agree, I think these vehicles should be more anti-infantry instead of being given anti-armor bullets but.. they need to be much stronger. Other than being rolled over, those mounted machine guns don't threaten infantry nearly as much as they did in the original. Heck, I've tried many times to just take an APC for anti-infantry purposes, and I thought it was really inefficient. Quote
boxes Posted August 9, 2014 Posted August 9, 2014 I'm not too happy with the SBH detection nerf. There wasn't any real issue with it. Same with the laser rifle. Have you been playing GDI at all? Or are you the one that spams the "change team" button as soon as you realize you are on GDI team? SBH needed a detection nerf as it was nigh impossible to detect SBHs, especially the cloak should fluctuate when they get hit by bullets. At the moment, only driving/running around in the hope you get an SBH off-guard will give you a chance of foiling an SBH investation. Mounted guns for infantry only? then they need a targetting buff, higher fire rate/faster bullet travel and larger magazines in order to support the "anti-infantry" paradigm. Yes, I play GDI quite a lot, and you saying it is nigh impossible to see SBH is ridiculous. Plus, you can always spot out the SBH, giving you the ability to see him after recloaking. A coordinated GDI team can always foil a SBH nuke rush by taking advantage of the points from disarming. And, since nuke rushes are expensive, (1400 on tmx, 1550 on ekt for each SBH), there should be no reason for GDI to not set up some sort of retaliation, assuming both teams have all structures. SBH C4 rushes are also easy to deal with by paying attention to the mine count. As far as stealing vehicles, people just have to know to never leave them when the HON is still up. I don't know what you mean by targeting buff for the guns. I've always wanted a faster bullet travel for most of the guns, especially for the APC. That's pretty much all it needs in fact. Faster fire rate would make it too strong, because the DPS isn't the problem; it's actually hitting your target and aiming for headshots. A larger magazine isn't necessary because the short reload time. Quote
bali Posted August 9, 2014 Posted August 9, 2014 This will be a minor wall of text about my thoughts and ideas. Crates. Not just death crates. These are just so annoying. In beta1 (if I remember correctly) crates were something to hunt for. They gave something valueable. Like a different character from the same price range. When very low Hp it was almost aways a refill. Spy. etc. Now it always gives me a useless character, death, refill with full hp. Basically saying "What did you expect? Get fucked". Aside from the 1st crate of the round (100$), I get fucked by crates every time. Even with free characters. I get a new free uniform, .... which is completely useless. Now I only try to get crates if the game is in the PP vs Refinery stage. During all my playtime I got only 1 vehicle. + please make pickup of the crates based on button press. I mean you should press 'e' to pick up the crate. It's really irritating to die to a crate that spawned just on me. Vehicles Vehicles feel bad in X, really clumsy, and weak. I know, I know, UDK was not designed for vehicles, but dont make things worse with the map-design. Every valley, and road in X is shaped like a U, while in Ren it was |__|. (the terrain is sloped at the walls, what really messes with vehicle handling & aiming) I guess you can't change it, but the aiming is weird too. I just don't know where will my shots go. (especially with the arty, shells can fly really differently despite I rotate just a tiny bit.) Artillery:- Projectile speed reduced. - Artillery projectile gravity pull reduced to give less of an arch. - Artillery explosion blast radius increased. Arty is the most powerful vehicle of Nod, I don't tink it needs any more buffs. (the only vehicle I use sometimes) What needs a buff is the Mammoth. Make it faster like it was in B1, increase regen? dunno, its just useless now. (the +range, +blast is not enough) With the no vehicle damage to MCT, and no splash through walls, vehicles lost really much damage potential. What I would really love to see are weakpoints to buildings, that are accessible to vehicle fire, but not to contious bombardment. I think this would help with rushes, and it would improve the general gamaplay too. Rushes These were awesome in Ren. In X? Not so much. Yes, we had "The Lag", but now its not that common. Still, I barely see any succesful rushes. I think vehicle handling needs to be tuned more, and/or tweak maps. (+ the Mo Mo Mo Mo Move out! spam before rushes felt real good, and gave some synchorization too. plz give back the spam for some limited commands) Infantry. Characters:- Reduced hitbox radius. - Increased SBH detection radius. The increased sbh detection radius is needed. I would also like that if sbhs use sprint, they would shiver, as if they would have been shot in original ren, maybe a bit less visibly. The reduced hitbox radius may cause problems with the non serverside hitreg. With the current hitreg I get more hitreg fails than I should have (they were indeed 100% hits, not shots of corpses, or tank husks). I have a fairly stable net, living in central EU, I don't even know what would somebody living in Russia do, or somebody even further, where connections are worse. This would make McFarland and Chemtrooper even more annoying, since you just cant kill them, on the other hand they can kill you easily with their AOE weapons. I beg you to nerf these two characters with the hitbox nerf, and I know I'm not the only one who wishes for this. This would greatly reduce the frustration of many people as you could take away the main weapon of the trolls and griefers. - Updated sniper, ramjet and shotgun reticles. I really hope that this is changing the reticle to similar to the pistol's. In that case please change the PIC & Rail too. Please reduce the 500 sniper's scope red dot. It's just too big. It covers my target entirely sometimes (I know there is zoom, but i dont want to limit my fov that drastically.) Please double the ammo of PIC/Rail. Since it's an anti-vehicle weapon it needs many shots to be fired, and it can't just blow up tanks in 1 shot as a sniper can 1-shot any infantry. Yet they have the same ammo. It wont change anything only that better players can stay on the field longer, and actually do stuff, instead of always thinking about ammo conservation. with the current reticle of the PIC/Rail/snipers, there is an irritating glow around the circle. (no bloom) ... airPIC.png Purchase terminals - Added 1.5 second delay to re-access purchase terminal to disallow refill spam. Updated hud indicators to show non-accessible PT while the delay in in progress to avoid confusion. Only refill should be disallowed instead of any access to pt. Buying a vehicle + inf + nuke / sidearm would be really annoying with this change. Also accessing pt is really laggy, and when I think i will just quit the termninal i enter the sidearms menu, because I pressed w. After this I press esc, which reacts late, I maybe press it again, which gets me to some menu, and its just annoying. Accessing PTs from outside was (is?) a hot debate. You won't reimplement bugs, ok. But you can implement them properly, with small PTs outside. (hitting PTs would deal no damage to the building the PT is on, so the PT has to be small, like 8-10% of the original.) This way I think everyone can be happy. various: Field: elevate the terrain left to Hon, so artys can shoot from there. Right now the arty is too short for that, and if i roll up to the wall, the angle makes it impossible to hit GDI. -Increase the spread, or decrease the headshot damage of the 125$ sidearm rifle, currently it kills a 1000$ standing still infantry (with constant headshots) as quickly as a weapon from CS. This can be extremely deadly in the hands of a nuking SBH, picking off defusing hotties/engies in a flash. (or just insta death while typing) -Remove the hitmarkers on dead bodies and destroyed tank husks -Remove the fixed 90 fps cap. -Give back alt-tab repairs. (probably engine related, but i can dream..) - Chat system in pause menu. Is this something to read past meassages? I really need that. thanks, Korgoth Quote
SFJake Posted August 10, 2014 Posted August 10, 2014 Vehicles Vehicles feel bad in X, really clumsy, and weak. I know, I know, UDK was not designed for vehicles, but dont make things worse with the map-design. Every valley, and road in X is shaped like a U, while in Ren it was |__|. (the terrain is sloped at the walls, what really messes with vehicle handling & aiming) I guess you can't change it, but the aiming is weird too. I just don't know where will my shots go. (especially with the arty, shells can fly really differently despite I rotate just a tiny bit.) The Artilery has some sort of really weird, ridiculous auto-aim that likes to kick in and completely changes your shots. It really makes no sense whatsoever for it to be this way. Quote
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