lukeman3000 Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 The first time I heard the "boink" sound effect I took off my headphones and looked around my room because I had no idea where it came from. When I discovered that it was coming from Renegade X, I was a little disturbed. In my opinion, this sound effect doesn't belong in a game which otherwise seems to take it self seriously. It sounds very out of place. I hope it's just a placeholder for another sound effect which would be more appropriate. Something like the kill sound effect in BF3, for example. Anyways, just wanted to put in my $0.02. I think Renegade X is pretty cool and for the most part, I like everything about it. I do kind of wish that the aiming could be toggled on and off instead of having to hold down the right mouse button (for most weapons). But other than those two things, no specific complaints come to mind.
SFJake Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 And here comes another moronic boink defense topic with the intelligence level of all other stupid internet memes.
Buzzer Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014
Aircraftkiller Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 Boink has been around since the Renegade beta in 2001. I still have my beta disc around somewhere. It wasn't ever meant to be used in the final game, but like many bugs/errors/glitches in Renegade it became part of the game and nobody wanted to get rid of it. I personally like the sound. I don't care what sound gets used (I've been in CS:S servers over the years where knife kills made Howard Dean scream ) - but I have to admit that I thoroughly enjoy the boink when I kill someone. I always have.
MusicNote Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 The first thing I did before I played my first game in the original renegade was download a correction_4.wav (or whatever it was) sound replacement,in my case it was one of the tibdawn death screams because there were no death screams in renegade due to westwood's incompetence. I've only heard the boink sound once,and that was when I reinstalled renegade after a virus and forgot to put in the boink replacement.
HaTe Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 i actually laughed out loud. this is great. haha glad i'm not the only one that laughed out loud to that first paragraph. I actually pictured it and it was quite funny. But I do think having the option to choose another kill sound will be added in a future patch.
Daedhart Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 The boink is right up there with the cake and helix fossil.
TigerXtrm Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 It's just a nostalgic and iconic thing left in for old Renegade vets. But I can imagine it must seem completely random and out of place if you're completely new to anything Renegade. Maybe they can put in an option to turn it off in the future.
R315r4z0r Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 I wouldn't be against an few options that players can choose (like different pitches of "Boink!") But the current sound needs to at least remain the default.
Malt Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 The boink is an essential part of the Renegade experience.
lukeman3000 Posted March 15, 2014 Author Posted March 15, 2014 And here comes another moronic boink defense topic with the intelligence level of all other stupid internet memes. Are you ok? I'm going to assume (I know, I'm taking quite a liberty here) that you didn't mean to say that I was "defending" the boink sound, because that would mean that I like it. Furthermore, did you even read my post? I'm making the simple point that (in my opinion), it doesn't fit in with the otherwise serious nature of the game. That's all I'm saying. After reading through the replies I get that it's a nostalgia thing and I think it's cool that the devs of RX are doing some fan service in that regard, but as a newcomer it seems silly to me and completely out of place. Oh, and while I'm at it:
Megakoresh Posted March 15, 2014 Posted March 15, 2014 Yeah sure, it's misplaced, but I think it's on purpose. Like you know the ZZZZZAAAP!! icon when you get killed by an obelisk. This game is not particularly lore-friendly, but I personally don't care. But isn't it a UDK game? Can't people mod things like sounds on their own?
omega79 Posted March 15, 2014 Posted March 15, 2014 C&C was never too serious .... even if EA failed big time to carry that oldschool C&C feeling that involves comic humor in adequate doses the BOINK is just a part of that humor and belongs there
XD_ERROR_XD Posted March 15, 2014 Posted March 15, 2014 C&C was never too serious .... even if EA failed big time to carry that oldschool C&C feeling that involves comic humor in adequate dosesthe BOINK is just a part of that humor and belongs there Now we're talking about that...
omega79 Posted March 15, 2014 Posted March 15, 2014 lol ... I wrote rubbish there ... I meant, EA failed to carry that C&C feeling ... and part of the feeling is the more or less subtile comic style humor Red Alert brought that humor to a new level
lukeman3000 Posted March 16, 2014 Author Posted March 16, 2014 Suffice to say that I appreciate those of you who have taken the time to explain why the sound effect is there in the first place without being a total dick about it. As a newcomer, I truly have no idea what is and is not "supposed" to be in a C&C Renegade game, and I didn't see any disclaimer stating that I to be a long-time fan in order to play X.
Trev-MUN Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 (edited) Serious question here: What were the dev team's goals for Renegade X? Were they hoping to draw in a bigger crowd than just the old vets? Show the world there's still a place for PC gaming in an industry smitten with mobile apps? (EDIT: For posterity the above was in response to something Kil cleaned up, disregard.) But I do think having the option to choose another kill sound will be added in a future patch. More options is always good. I do admit the "boink" is distinctive, but it would be nice to have something more thematic available. Edited March 16, 2014 by Guest
Daedhart Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 Threads like this are wonderful...I need popcorn.
goztow Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 It was confirmed that there will be an option to change the sound in a future release.
Kil Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 Cleaned up thread. Keep in mind that anyone is able to register and post here, so of course every now and then you'll get a typical internet douchebag. They'll be seen to (click report), no need to respond to them... nor start judging the community as a whole negatively because of the select few. Back to topic.
mjolnir Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 as soon as we can mod the sound effects and skins of the game, it'll all be fine thinking of replacing my boink sound with one of the electrified death sounds from fallout tactics
omega79 Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 Custom skins and sounds will be not supported ... the game checks all your files, if you change one of the files you can not connect to a server ... at lest thats the last information i remember
mjolnir Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 im sure there can be a workaround, after all why not, it was possible in renegade and not everything is done with malicious intent replacing boink with would be a good start replacing prox/c4 with this for chaingun, imo the current sound is ridiculous
omega79 Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 not sure if there is a way ... doubt it ... if there is one for UT3 you are lucky ... if not then you cant i am not sad about it ... I like my games vanilla
mjolnir Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 it can be done in tera but i believe it requires spoofing... either way as long as someone has it figured out all you'd need to do is drag and drop directories liking your games vanilla is fine, letting people choose vanilla or mods pleases everyone though
XD_ERROR_XD Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 My new boink sound:
disorder Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 It should be the wilhelm scream. Or possibly the old infantry death sounds from the C&C games.
omega79 Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 I like to be everyone on same condition and also i think that customizing a game is not a right for players i am not against modding in general, as long as all use the same
PermaGrin Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 I think it would neat if we can get to the point to try and add some sort of sound option later on that would allow the user to disable or change the sound if they wish. The "change" would most likely just be through a set we setup or that plus the ability to add your own. But at the moment, attention to setting that up is low priority. I personally enjoy the sound.
lukeman3000 Posted March 16, 2014 Author Posted March 16, 2014 Was the boink sound effect in the "final" version of the original Renegade, or just in the beta? I just have a hard time comprehending why so many of you seem to like it. I guess that maybe I'd have a different opinion if I played the original Renegade (although I have played many C&C games), but that sound effect completely ruins whatever amount of immersion is there for me. It sounds like it belongs in a children's game or some kind of cartoon. Renegade X deserves much better.
R315r4z0r Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 It was in the final game. It's sort of a euphoric feeling of accomplishment. No kill in Renegade is complete without a boink. It would be degrading to remove it. But it would be a nice touch to add different kill sound options.
Malt Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 I love how a little boink is able to ruin the whole thing for some people.
omega79 Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 honestly, when i first heared it in the demo i was also like "WTF" ... but very quick i felt like it hast to be there and it fits just perfect and gives some kind of satisfaction
Trev-MUN Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 I love how a little boink is able to ruin the whole thing for some people. Sound design 101, man.
iovandrake Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 Sound design? Does everything need to be a realistic sound in a game with points? What about the weapons that make cartoony skeletons drop? Does that break the atmosphere for you?
Trev-MUN Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 Sound design? Does everything need to be a realistic sound in a game with points? What about the weapons that make cartoony skeletons drop? Does that break the atmosphere for you? Just for you, I think the devs should replace all explosions, blood, and gore with party balloons, presents, and rubber ducks. After all, it's just cartoony stuff, it shouldn't break the atmosphere for you in a game with ponts, right?
iovandrake Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 Ha ha. No. I guess this is the point where I turn your analogy on you and make a joke about the game needing to be super realistic. Like having bleeding wounds when you're hit that slowly kill you unless treated or having repair guns (so realistic) replaced with tools. Instead though how about we keep this intelligent? My point is that I don't understand how a GAME SOUND which sounds nothing like a death sound is out of place anymore than many other game sounds. The game isn't completely realistic and shouldn't be. I've always taken the boink sound as the server's fun way of informing you (amongst the realistic explosions and gunshots) that you got a kill. Since it is a game with points and all it shouldn't seem that far out of place. Logically. I'm not opposed to giving you the option of different sounds though. If that makes you feel better.
Trev-MUN Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 Thank you for choosing to keep this intelligent and civil. I was wondering why you chose to lash out at me with that snarky "game with points" post in the first place, honestly. That was entirely unnecessary of you. The problem is that you and some of the other Renegade vets in this thread are making the assumption that anyone who says they don't like the boink (or in my case, someone who never said whether they like or dislike the boink but supported the idea of making it optional) must want a hyper-realistic war game (which, by the way, Call of Duty isn't. If you want realism, the ARMA series is the shooter to play). More to the point, you erroneously equate the sliding scale of seriousness and silliness with thematic coherency. It's not a question of how realistic or cartoony the game is as much as it is whether or not it keeps an internal consistency. Playing a game set in Tiberian Dawn, which is a fairly dark very-near-future sci-fi setting, people who are playing Renegade for the first time aren't going to expect a cartoony "boink" as a kill confirm noise. Likewise, it would be jarring for a lot of people if they were to play the next Mario game only to see Koopas spurting blood and gore when Mario stomps on them. Intentionally juxtaposing silliness and seriousness is another thing entirely, and there are plenty of titles out there that play that angle and do it well, like the webcomic Erfworld. But as I understand it, the "boink" in Renegade's case was not Westwood's intention. They only left it in because people grew to like it. However, the developers are trying to bring in a lot of new blood to the Renegade community with Renegade X, or at least that's the feeling I've gotten from all the announcement videos. You're going to have people who aren't going to accept that the "boink" is a necessary part of the Renegade experience. And if the devs want to accommodate them by providing the option to change the sound, then you should respect that.
iovandrake Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 I understand there are people who won't dig boink and I understand it wasn't originally intended for Renegade. Here's my perspective on it though. I started playing the original Renegade in 2008. That was my first experience with it after I got the Command and Conquer: The First Decade collection. I'd played C&C since the 90's but had been completely oblivious to Renegade existing. When I first got kills and heard the "boink" sound in multiplayer it didn't seem out of place to me at all. Not anymore out of place then when I might hear killstreak announcements on old school shooters. It never threw me out of a game when I'd heard "Rampage!" or "Godlike!" in the middle of shooting things. Boink is very much like those two examples to me. I can totally understand the principle behind making the game more thematically accommodating for newer people. I just don't understand why anyone would have a problem with a sound like "boink". To me it's just part of the competitive aspect of the game. Same as the game displaying your score, kills, deaths, and other various things. It's distinctive and meta. I've prized immersion in games (mostly RPGs) but I just never thought of Renegade as being or striving for any level of immersion. So to me while I can understand someone (in principle) not liking boink disrupting their appreciation of the game I don't understand why anyone would be upset enough not to play because of it or unable to eventually like it. To me personally boink is far more pleasant than having death screams or some other sound like that. It's fast and unannoying. That's just my opinion though.
DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 Holy shit this is one hell of a drama fest. Que inane trolling out of spite for "trying to be polite" posts, like this one: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=73002&start=30#p126340 Dude you made me yawn. So fuck that, say something hilarious instead. Like BOINK! You see we don't need no education, DENENENE NAH NAH NAH NEYAH
Trev-MUN Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 Cuing inane trolling for trying to be polite and civil, eh? Kil cleaned this topic up once already, DoMiNaNt_HuNtEr. Just sayin'.
fetchystick Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 My new boink sound: You, sir, have good taste in games. Also, even as a diehard ren fan of 5 years, would it really hurt to let people change the boink? We all can keep it, but others can turn it off. I'd rather have someone play without the boink than to compltely lose interest in RenX altogether and go back to COD over something like this.
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