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This is a server-side mutator that increases the time between map changes. It works via the existing cooldown mechanism for map related votes (restart/change/surrender) per team. The mutator adds an initial team cooldown of 15 minutes upon match start and after a member of a team has proposed a map related vote there is another 15 minutes cooldown. Because the existing code works per team it's still possible to get two map change votes in quick succession, but people can't just keep spamming until a vote passes. There is a pity mechanism for teams that are losing. When a building is destroyed and map related votes are on cooldown for more than 3 minutes the cooldown is reduced to 3 minutes. Note that there's also an already existing personal map related vote cooldown which prevents individual players from proposing a map change more than once per minute. This mutator doesn't change that mechanism. When testing this mutator it's easy to confuse the personal cooldown with the team cooldown, the personal cooldown is checked first and results in a green text whereas the team cooldown shows up as a message near the center of the screen. Installation The mutator is supplied in source form. Extract the "AntiMapChangeSpam" folder to the "Development/Src" folder of a Renegade X SDK installation. Add "+ModEditPackages=AntiMapChangeSpam" to the "[UnrealEd.EditorEngine]" section of "UDKGame/Config/DefaultEngineUDK.ini". Then run compile.bat. The mutator can be added to a server like any other mutator. Configuration The mutator can be configured by creating a configuration file named "UDKAntiMapChangeSpamMutator.ini" with contents (these are the defaults): [AntiMapChangeSpam.AntiMapChangeSpamMutator] ; Time between successive map related votes, per team. MapVoteCooldownSeconds=900 ; Time since match start before the first map related vote for a team can be made. InitialMapVoteCooldownSeconds=900 ; Upper limit of how long the map related vote cooldown can be after a ; building of the team is destroyed. MaxVoteCooldownAfterBuildingDestructionSeconds=180 Note that setting a value to 0 is equivalent to setting it to the default. Use a value of 1 to effectively disable a mechanism.
Hey everyone! @Luhrian @Tytonium and I, are working together in favor of fixing the Fort map, we have an early version that we would love to have you playing it (solo or on server), and give us your opinions. any comments, recording of the map played, screenshots will be wellcomed. please share the info down here for better organization.
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Version 1.1.0
Warning : This mutator can crash your server * This mutator will add a votemenu item, the submenu's contain items you can enable/disable during gameplay * For now i added the functions "FutureSoldier","Sandbox"........ Later i will add more options Modes : All modes can be enabled by entering the "Vote Menu" (Ctrl+V), then choose "Server GameTools" (9). The modes below will be displayed on the screen, choose the mode by number. Mode 1 : FutureSoldier Mode 2 : Sandbox (SandboxSpawn) Mode 3 : Sandbox (Gimme) After the vote successfully ended, the Mode Access-Level will be set to 2, the chosen mode will be activated en accessible by the command screen (F5 or ~) Commands: Mode 1 Command : Futuresoldier Mode 2 Command : SandboxSpawn SandboxKillOwned destroy all items spawned in Sandbox SandboxHelp Mode 3 Command : Gimme Commands (Only Admins) options: AdminToolHelp - Displays information about accesslevels AdminToolInfo - Displays the current status of all modes AdminTool {Mode} (Optional{Status}) (Optional{Level}) Command: Description: Admintool mode1 - toggle current status mode1 Admintool mode2 true - toggle current status mode2 to true Admintool mode3 false 1 - toggle current status mode3 to false and set mode1 access-level to 1 Admintool mode4 2 true - toggle current status mode4 to true and set mode1 access-level to 2 Admintool mode1 3 - set mode1 access-level to 3 Mode Acces-Levels : 1 = None 2 = All Users 3 = Administrators 4 = Developers 5 = Administrators and Developers Mode Status : true = mode is Enabled (All Users got access to the function depending on the Access-Level of the mode) false = mode is Disabled (Can only be enabled by command line) Version 1.0.0 Compatible with Renegade X v5.283 -
Version 0.0.9
* This mutator will let you run your Renegade X server in "Sandbox Mode". * For more info i created a link below to the forum : New Version: The way you need to input names is changed. Version 0.0.9 Compatible with Renegade X v5.285 Everything always starts with pressing F5 and typing : "sandboxspawn ItemName" DONT USE : "sandboxspawn renx_game." "Rx_Vehicle_" Humvee Buggy APC_GDI APC_Nod LightTank MediumTank FlameTank StealthTank MammothTank Chinook_GDI Chinook_Nod Orca Apache A10 C130* Hovercraft_GDI Bus* "TS_Vehicle:" Wolverine HoverMRLS Titan Buggy ReconBike TickTank APB_Vehicle_TeslaTank "Rx_Weapon_Deployed:" ProxyC4 RemoteC4 TimedC4 ATMine IonCannonBeacon NukeBeacon "Rx_Weapon:" Rx_Weapon_CrateNuke (faster NukeBeacon) "Rx_Defence:" GunEmplacement (not mannable) RocketEmplacement (not mannable) Turret (Nod aligned) SAM Site (Nod aligned) GuardTower (GDI aligned) AATower (GDI aligned) Prefix : "Rx_Projectile:" Grenade MissileLauncher SmokeGrenade EMPGrenade Rocket_AGT * Disabled by default because of crash when spawn. New Version: Use mutator=Rx_Mutator_Sandbox_v007.Rx_Mutator_Sandbox_v007 Instead of game=Rx_Mutator_Sandbox_v007.Rx_Mutator_Sandbox_v007 Version 0.0.7 Compatible with Renegade X v5.282 Mutator : Rx_Mutator_Sandbox_v007.u (Download) Source : Info : I've changed this gametype to a mutator, and increased the delay betweens spawns. SANDBOX SPAWN SECTION Everything always starts with pressing F5 and typing : "sandboxspawn renx_game." Prefix : "Rx_Vehicle_" Humvee Buggy APC_GDI APC_Nod LightTank MediumTank FlameTank StealthTank MammothTank Chinook_GDI Chinook_Nod Orca Apache A10 C130 Hovercraft_GDI Bus Prefix : "TS_Vehicle_" Wolverine HoverMRLS Titan Buggy ReconBike TickTank APB_Vehicle_TeslaTank Prefix : "Rx_Weapon_Deployed" ProxyC4 RemoteC4 TimedC4 ATMine IonCannonBeacon NukeBeacon Prefix : "(not following Prefix)" Rx_Weapon_CrateNuke (faster NukeBeacon) Prefix : "Rx_Defence_" GunEmplacement (not mannable) RocketEmplacement (not mannable) Turret (Nod aligned) SAM Site (Nod aligned) GuardTower (GDI aligned) AATower (GDI aligned) Prefix : "Rx_Projectile_" Grenade MissileLauncher SmokeGrenade EMPGrenade Rocket_AGT EXAMPLES : sandboxspawn renx_game.Rx_Vehicle_Apache sandboxspawn renx_game.TS_Vehicle_HoverMRLS sandboxspawn renx_game.Rx_Weapon_DeployedNukeBeacon sandboxspawn renx_game.Tx_Weapon_CrateNuke sandboxspawn renx_game.Rx_Projectile_Grenade WEAPON ACQUIRING SECTION Everything always starts with pressing F5 and typing : "gimme renx_game." Prefix : "Rx_Weapon_" AutoRifle_GDI AutoRifle_Nod Airstrike_GDI Airstrike_Nod ATMine Carbine Carbine_Silencer Chaingun_GDI Chaingun_Nod ChemicalThrower EMPGrenade_Rechargeable FlakCannon FlameThrower Grenade GrenadeLauncher Grenade_Rechargeable HeavyPistol IonCannonBeacon LaserChaingun LaserRifle NukeBeacon MarksmanRifle_GDI MarksmanRifle_Nod Pistol ProxyC4 Railgun RamjetRifle RemoteC4 RepairGun RepairGunAdvanced RepairTool PersonalIonCannon SMG_GDI SMG_Nod SMG_Silenced_GDI SMG_Silenced_Nod SmokeGrenade_Rechargeable SniperRifle_GDI SniperRifle_Nod TacticalRifle TiberiumAutoRifle TiberiumFlechetteRifle TimedC4 TimedC4_Multiple VoltAutoRifle_GDI VoltAutoRifle_Nod EXAMPLES : gimme renx_game.Rx_Weapon_Railgun gimme renx_game.Rx_RamjetRifle gimme renx_game.Rx_IonCannonBeacon Version 0.0.3 Compatible with Renegade X v5.281 Gametype : Rx_Gametype_Sandbox_v003.u (Download) Source : Info : Version 0.0.2 Not compatible with Renegade X v5.271 Gametype : Rx_Gametype_Sandbox_v002.u (Download) Source : Info : Version 0.0.1 Not compatible with Renegade X v5.271 Gametype : Rx_Gametype_Sandbox_v001.u (Download) Source : Info : Follow member Handepsilon Message Moderators -
View File Rx_Mutator_AdminTool Warning : This mutator can crash your server * This mutator will add a votemenu item, the submenu's contain items you can enable/disable during gameplay * For now i added the functions "FutureSoldier","Sandbox"........ Later i will add more options Modes : All modes can be enabled by entering the "Vote Menu" (Ctrl+V), then choose "Server GameTools" (9). The modes below will be displayed on the screen, choose the mode by number. Mode 1 : FutureSoldier Mode 2 : Sandbox (SandboxSpawn) Mode 3 : Sandbox (Gimme) After the vote successfully ended, the Mode Access-Level will be set to 2, the chosen mode will be activated en accessible by the command screen (F5 or ~) Commands: Mode 1 Command : Futuresoldier Mode 2 Command : SandboxSpawn SandboxKillOwned destroy all items spawned in Sandbox SandboxHelp Mode 3 Command : Gimme Commands (Only Admins) options: AdminToolHelp - Displays information about accesslevels AdminToolInfo - Displays the current status of all modes AdminTool {Mode} (Optional{Status}) (Optional{Level}) Command: Description: Admintool mode1 - toggle current status mode1 Admintool mode2 true - toggle current status mode2 to true Admintool mode3 false 1 - toggle current status mode3 to false and set mode1 access-level to 1 Admintool mode4 2 true - toggle current status mode4 to true and set mode1 access-level to 2 Admintool mode1 3 - set mode1 access-level to 3 Mode Acces-Levels : 1 = None 2 = All Users 3 = Administrators 4 = Developers 5 = Administrators and Developers Mode Status : true = mode is Enabled (All Users got access to the function depending on the Access-Level of the mode) false = mode is Disabled (Can only be enabled by command line) Version 1.0.0 Compatible with Renegade X v5.283 Submitter Ukill Submitted 02/25/2017 Category Modifications
Version 1.0.0
* This mutator will let you change the skin of your soldier in the Renegade X game * Later i will add more options Everything always starts with pressing F5 and typing : "GimmeSoldier {SoldierName}" The GimmeSoldierHelp command gives you the information shown below. GDI Soldiers : GDI_Soldier GDI_Shotgunner GDI_Officer GDI_RocketSoldier GDI_McFarland GDI_Deadeye GDI_Gunner GDI_Patch GDI_Havoc GDI_Sydney GDI_Mobius GDI_Hotwire Nod Soldiers : Nod_Soldier Nod_Shotgunner Nod_Officer Nod_RocketSoldier Nod_FlameTrooper Nod_BlackHandSniper Nod_StealthBlackHand Nod_LaserChainGunner Nod_Sakura Nod_Ravenshaw Nod_Mendoza Nod_ChemicalTrooper Nod_Engineer Nod_Technician Others : GDI_FutureSoldier GDI_FutureSoldier_Old Nod_FutureSoldier UT_Crowd_Robot Nod_Soldier_Green EXAMPLE : GimmeSoldier Nod_Soldier_Green Version 1.0.0 Compatible with Renegade X v5.282 Mutator : Rx_Mutator_GimmeSoldier.u (Download) Source : -
Left Handed DOWNLOAD: LeftHanded.u This mutator combines several ideas that I personaly liked. Timed c4's removed from most of the units (SBH, and Patch still has 1x c4) Havoc, and Sakura got 2x timed c4, and 2x remote c4. Advanced Enginners got 1x timed c4 ***The damage of some weapons againts buildings, MCT, and vehicles been slightly increased to compensate timed c4 removal*** ***Also grenades, and smoke grenades been added instead of timed c4 (Mobius, and Mendoza has Tiberium Grenades || Officer's got grenade, and smoke grenade*** Advanced Engineers got mutated SMG's instead of Heavy Pistols. Hotwire got Silenced SMG. Sniper Rifles including Ramjet Rifles now got slight spread while hip-firing. Makes them still effective in close range combat, but for medium/long range they need to use Carbine's, or scope for 100% accuracy. Carbine magazine size increased to 50 SMG magazine size increased to 40 || base damage slightly increased || headshot multiplier is 2x now. All this done to make SMG > silenced pistol, but < Heavy Pistol. Shotgun range is 3x bigger than original. Why does it need such a short range anyway? Grenade Launcher explosion radius been slightly increased, making them.. not useless agains infantry Personal Ion Cannon, and Railgun: Headshot multiplier is 1x now. I will appreciate any feedbacks about gameplay. I hope that this mutator will break routine gameplay, and will brighten up the gameplay at least for a while.
View File Rx_Mutator_TimedC4_Remove_Sec * This mutator will remove the second TimedC4 from all soldiers. * Version 1.0.0 Compatible with Renegade X v5.282 Mutator : Rx_Mutator_TimedC4_Remove_All.u (Download) Source : Submitter Ukill Submitted 02/03/2017 Category Modifications
View File Rx_Mutator_TimedC4_Remove_All * This mutator will remove all TimedC4 from all soldiers. * Version 1.0.0 Compatible with Renegade X v5.282 Mutator : Rx_Mutator_TimedC4_Remove_All.u (Download) Source : Submitter Ukill Submitted 02/03/2017 Category Modifications
Version 0.0.1
* This mutator can be triggered with the mutate command. * This gives the player a weapon when they typ "Mutate (weapon)" into the commandline. Version 0.0.1 Compatible with Renegade X v5.281 Mutator : Rx_Mutator_GiveWeapon.u (Download) Source : Info : WEAPON ACQUIRING SECTION Everything always starts with pressing F5 and typing : "mutate WeaponName" AutoRifle_GDI AutoRifle_Nod Airstrike_GDI Airstrike_Nod ATMine Carbine Carbine_Silencer Chaingun_GDI Chaingun_Nod ChemicalThrower EMPGrenade_Rechargeable FlakCannon FlameThrower Grenade GrenadeLauncher Grenade_Rechargeable HeavyPistol IonCannonBeacon LaserChaingun LaserRifle NukeBeacon MarksmanRifle_GDI MarksmanRifle_Nod Pistol ProxyC4 Railgun RamjetRifle RemoteC4 RepairGun RepairGunAdvanced RepairTool PersonalIonCannon SMG_GDI SMG_Nod SMG_Silenced_GDI SMG_Silenced_Nod SmokeGrenade_Rechargeable SniperRifle_GDI SniperRifle_Nod TacticalRifle TiberiumAutoRifle TiberiumFlechetteRifle TimedC4 TimedC4_Multiple VoltAutoRifle_GDI VoltAutoRifle_Nod -
View File Rx_Mutator_SlowTimeKills * This mutator will change the SlowTimeKills of the Renegade X game * * Version 1.0.0 Compatible with Renegade X v5.282 Mutator : Rx_Mutator_SlowTimeKills.u (Download) Source : Submitter Ukill Submitted 01/29/2017 Category Modifications
View File Rx_Mutator_NormalizeHealth * This mutator will change the NormalizeHealth of the Renegade X game * * Version 1.0.0 Compatible with Renegade X v5.282 Mutator : Rx_Mutator_NormalizeHealth.u (Download) Source : Submitter Ukill Submitted 01/29/2017 Category Modifications
View File Rx_Mutator_GameSpeed * This mutator will change the GameSpeed of the Renegade X game * * Version 1.0.0 Compatible with Renegade X v5.282 Mutator : Rx_Mutator_GameSpeed.u (Download) Source : Submitter Ukill Submitted 01/29/2017 Category Modifications
View File Rx_Mutator_DoubleJump * This mutator will add the DoubleJump to the Renegade X game * * Version 1.0.0 Compatible with Renegade X v5.282 Mutator : Rx_Mutator_DoubleJump.u (Download) Source : Submitter Ukill Submitted 01/29/2017 Category Modifications
Hello, Is that Script Correct? /** * Copyright (C) 2015 Jessica James - All Rights Reserved. */ class Rx_Mutator_MaxPlayers extends UTMutator config(AgentMutators); var int max_players; function InitMutator(string Options, out string ErrorMessage) { WorldInfo.Game.MaxPlayersAllowed = max_players; WorldInfo.Game.MaxPlayers = max_players; Super.InitMutator(Options, ErrorMessage); } defaultproperties { max_players=52 } Saengerkrieg12 Rx_Mutator_MaxPlayers.uc