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Profane Pagan

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Everything posted by Profane Pagan

  1. You know him?, good to know. And who is he? Is he a player too?
  2. We'd need an ethical hacker to track the culprit down. I was asking what do you think, because I have a suspect, although I know you might wouldn't agree with me. I noticed a player, for his behaviour, his name is MAX. The well known troll. I dislike him pretty much. From my perception, I have never seen him in a game which got shut down because of DDOS. To tell you the truth, at the beginning I only considered him as an ill mannered player, and I was glad he got banned from constructive tyranny. But one day he got kicked out from another server, and in 5 minutes our game was cut short because of the DDOS attack. I have just realized, I could imagine him enjoying the trolling of others, and then ruining their game in various ways. Later in constructive ty. server, I saw him again. But that was the server he got banned from! Someone commented he has methods to get back in the game with the same name, regardless of the ban. Is it so far-fetched to assume, MAX is the one behind the DDOS attacks with this kind of knowledge and reputation? True, I might despise him too much, and I don't know much about the nuances, but right now he is my suspect number 1. I just want to ask you whether you saw him ingame during a DDOS attack? I have never. Look out for him. He is a worthless player in the game, a bad team member, and I can imagine him as an avenger too.
  3. Do you have a suspect, who could attack us with DDOS?
  4. I am so sorry guys. I couldn't come anyway, but really sorry to hear this cancellation. Do you have anybody in mind who could behind these DDOS attacks?
  5. This is a must have. In Renegade X the still tank icon on the bottom right could be used for this.
  6. The last link works perfectly fine, thank you so much!
  7. Thank you, but I have tried to download it 4 times, and I have received broken packages every time. If nobody else has this problem, then I have to adjust my set. Thanks again.
  8. Hi! Thank you, but the rar file doesn't work for me, I can't unpack it. Do you have the same issue as well?
  9. 5R19lxut_dw
  10. Maybe somebody has started playing the Jumanji in Austin.
  11. Regardless of the absence of the free aim, repairmen would still need some sort of observational freedom during repairment. Would it be possible to implement two extra stances for the engineers in which they were be able to shoot the repair beam straight, and at the same time they could face rightwards or leftwards? This would be just a change in posture. Could be handy for everybody though.
  12. Yagihige and DoctorBong, and Yosh, you are too nice, I cant belive you are saying sorry. Memorial day, family or flood are pretty good reasons to say the least. It was nothing like an empty shell of a character in the game and the unnoticed disappearance of the player after the crash of his game. So I just did this last time. @sterps Every Saturdays, at 19:00 GMT. Check out Yosh's first post on this topic. But hey here is the countdown timer from the first page.: https://countingdownto.com/countdown/re ... down-clock
  13. Textbook case of perfection. But what was that noise at the very start? I have encountered a similar kind of alien sound effect on the Islands map, I can't remember on which server. Maybe a dutch server? It was contionous and it was very annoying. What is it for?
  14. HAHA Who was my commander then?! Or was I Team 1 then and Team 2 after the shuffle? Dunno.. My style is the oblivion.
  15. Hey Pingu! Welcome to Renegade X! See you on the battlefield!
  16. But think about this: you fear the trolls, but there are only a handful of wrongdoers in the games. Or fewer. And we can always kick them. The majority of the people do honest mistakes when they overmine or place mines at wrong places. And it would save time if a professional player were able to defuse the teammate's mines rather than begging through chat for several minutes. Education is a good thing, but not at the expense of the team. "Hopeless for the round" I am not good with it. At the current state it is like as if a locked and empty vehicle were indestructible, and would stay forever until an opponent can steal it. Not much logic in it. The topic here is about coordinated defense: we have to be able to reach over each other in order to cross-check our defenses.
  17. Also about coordination: you should take account the problem with mines. Often it happens, the team can't delete badly placed mines, if they can't ban the crook miner and he/she is refusing to replace the land-mine. So it would be good if the whole team could defuse their own mines. 2 or 3 missing mines from a building, which are sitting outside somewhere could be determinant. Heck! Our adversaries can defuse our mines, why can't we do the same? Was it very off topic?
  18. So there were the people! You were watching football! Nice. My recollection: I can't remember who was the commander of the Team 1. Team 2 had Fffreak9999 at the helm. Eyes: Team 2 Nod managed to get rid of the first Team 1 GDI harvester. A little bit later NOD destroyed the defense tower at GDI base entrance. From that point, Nod was presenting a 'flexible turtle' strategy, effectively the team sliced it's forces into separate task forces, one's job was to harass the harvi, others went for the silo, and basically the rest of the team was just defending on the entire scale of the map. When GDI attacked, Nod pulled together at the base. GDI showed a perfect teamwork: I have never seen bigger Orca rushes ever before. GDI too was well coordinated, from my perception they were sticked together in order to be more effective with meds or with apc rushes. We lost the Ref, I think GDI lost something in return (Barracks?). Nod's opening and closing umbrella-tactics won the map, by points. Islands: Balanced fight between the two teams, however Team 2 GDi won with continous med rushes. SBH presence was very heavy, GDI defense squad made miracles. Canyon: Well, after killing the harvester, and securing the silo, Team 2 Nod just rolled in to Team 1 GDI base with partying arties and flamers. Just like last time. A GDI operative almost sneaked in to destroy the Airstrip at the very beggining. That was a pivotal point. So it was 0:3 to Team2 After the third map, raging quitters essentially ended Team 1. So new teams were formed. Fffreak remained the commander of Team 2, Sorry, I didn't pay attention to GDI, please write down the commander's name Goldrush came, Team 2 Nod lost. GDI blew up the HON and PP simultaneously. Great execution, later in game they came with tanks to finish the business. Grassy Knoll: The best. There is only one thing I would like to add. This is why this game is great. There are so many ways to lead your team. Like in a real strategy game! Boy, wish there were a spectator mode to record this carnage. Team 1 Nod was succesfully infiltrated the GDI base, and they were heavily covered by snipers and raves from the hill. Nod nicely defended combining smoke grenades with tank counter-attacks. Team 2 GDI however wanted to push the med rush. At the beginning GDI was able to lead with only a few hundred points, but Nod managed to turn the table! Eventually both teams suffered, only the barracks and HoN survived. Nod was leading, when GDI pulled out an APC rush against HoN in the last 4 minutes. Nod defended heroically, but the defenders inside the building were overruned, and C4s did the trick on the outside. I knew a Patch would come in handy when I was mowing down the technicans at the MCT. Oh and don't we forget the mighty mammoth-medium tank tower. Where the med tank was worn as a mammoth-hat. They were destructive on a whole new level. Pity the med bounced off later in the game. Tally: Team1: 1 Team2: 4
  19. My God Gliven, your computer has turned against you.
  20. It was a good PUG. Ffreak deserves a medal, he did a great job as our commander. Did anybody make a recording? *Edit: 'good' is an understatement. It was a great pug! With well balanced teams, and coordinated players.
  21. Agent, I agree with you. However I do belive there are other aspects as well. First: Voltex and others mentioned the responsiblity of the team. And apart from the map design they blame the bad teamwork for the stalemates. But this is partially true, because Renegade x is heavily relies upon teamwork. This is it's core game mechanism. The same approves for MOBA games as well. You can have great characters, without a good teamwork you are lost (I don't like MOBA games). However in RenX the maps are separated into at least 3 main divisions: GDI base-field-Nod base. It is not like any other arena shooter in which the players own nothing from the environment, they are just running up and down. In RenX the teams are pushing each other back and forth in a longitudinal pattern. Because of this homebase system, the importance of the defense is imperative during the game. Agent has perfectly presented the problem with the introduction of the substractive gameplay explanation. But! Second: "unstoppable force meets immovable object" I hear you complaining about camping a lot. Camping is obtaining a strategically important location of advantage. This is a pejorative word, describing someone who doesn't have the decency to join us in the noble fight. However when one team lays siege upon it's enemy, how could you expect from the besieged team to conduct a successful sortie? Moreover on many maps there are only handful of entryways. They need their buildings, because basically in that moment they have no chance to come back from a blow (so bulding repairment is a good idea). When the 3/4 of the attacking team is represented in a siege, the defenders won't leave their posts. This isn't called camping, this is turtling. Heavy defense with little or no offense. Usually turtling refers to multiple players. This is the nature of this gametype: When unstoppable force meets immovable object, two good teams can't deal with each other. Also, such turtling usually occurs at the entrance of the bases. Even if the designers move places of interests to the intermediate battlefield, the majority of the fights will still be held at the gates of bases. Ren x is not only substractive, it is also linear in the sense of military movement. Third: recently I have read an interesting review about Owerwacth. In the article, the journalist asked, what makes a good FPS? He stated, every big franchise started when players had the freedom to invent their own tactics, and choreography. I am speaking of personalized gameplays which was not planned by the developers. For example players invented rocket jump in the Quake series, in Medal of Honor players were leaning right and left while running in order to avoid headshots.In Counter strike players learn a lots of movement combos. Good FPSs are granting freedom. Renegade X is a good game, but it won't grow, if people won't be able to approach the fight in many various ways. I can't tell you if we need more buildings (I like the idea tough), I can't tell you what to do, I can only say, in this condition, the game usually favors almost only full frontal attack, if the attack is conducted by the majority of the players. We might need a more better way of communication system (I am like a broken record, I know). Was it interesting? Was it new? I don't know, thank you for reading.
  22. Isn't the *BoInK!* sound is a homage to the old Renegade?
  23. I am really sorry. I had no idea. I have bought a Laser chain gunner, took a few steps and Built with UDK error came . After I crashed, the 39/40 seat quickly got filled up to 40/40. To tell you the truth I just glimpsed at the launcher. So I was unsure whether my newly accuired mic was working properly, I wrote a message into TS chat, and quit from everything and went away. I didn't dare to imagine my character was still in the game on Under. Why? Again I didn't came back because as I saw, there was a point where 40 players were there, if I am not mistaken. Heck I was so beat up I didn't even want to come back. Now my mic is working, next time I will communicate if such thing happens again. Again, I am really sorry
  24. My game crashed miserably on the second level. Well, such thing happens. I hope you had a good game.
  25. Off topic from me as well, but Rypel, your game is great, and this small comunity is stable because of it. Granted, it needs marketing strategies, like promoting on various sites, researching market (tough not selling) and advertising with videos and whatnot. I am coming from Moddb, because I typed Unreal Tournament 3 mods. So I think you can gain more players from there as well. I have many acquaintances in the gaming industry. I think I will ask them for some insight about gaming PR. And then I can write it in a different post. Rypel, again: Thank you for this game, and thank you for being this very contemporary, democratic game developer group!
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