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Profane Pagan

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Everything posted by Profane Pagan

  1. I see. But your mod would be a fan, gaming mod, isn't it? What is the deal with other C&C game mods then? Why is even Moddb exists? But all right, EA holds special rights although they can't spend time to write down their general policy on modding. The only thing I have found is this: https://help.ea.com/en/article/ea-games ... arty-mods/ This is nothing. Now think about how much work you had with this modification, and think about that sole mate at EA, whom denied your application on first sight. Within minutes the ignorant he or she sealed months of work! Wouldn't you like them to reconsider? Maybe your letter was partially unacceptable to EA. You should assort them. I looked into the Command and Conquer ultimate collection EULA. In it, sure I have found this: " EA reserves all right, title and interest in the Software (including all characters, storyline, images, photographs,animations, video, music, text), and all associated copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights therein." Also "...you may not decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer the Software, or any component thereof, by any means whatsoever. You may not remove, alter, or obscure any product identification, copyright, or other intellectual property notices in the Software." It is clear, that EA holds the right of forbidding to decompress videos, pictures, sound files, etc from their games. So you shouldn't use sound effects, pictures, or models from the games. If you model your assets, create own sound effects, you avoid the infringement. I still uphold my opinion that your mod would be legally a Renegade X modification. Renegade X is classified as "a mod for non-C&C games". It is UDK. Your mod is not even a modification of an EA game! But this is not everything right? Your modification would be free of charge and your mod wouldn't solicit donations. This is a terminology and requirement invented by other publishers on the topic of modding. So you wouldn't harm EA's business. Secondly by creating your own gaming materials, you avoid to infringe their intellectual property. You can't possibly tell me, by putting a mirage tank in game, you would commit a crime. Mirage tank is not a terminology copyrighted by EA. I strongly belive you give up too easily, just because somebody at EA didn't took time to think over your application. This is a very interesting essay on modding-ethics: http://firstmonday.org/article/view/2971/2529 This was not a cease and desist appeal: you could go around. But if you really want to hit the brakes, I can accept that. Alas, I had no time in my life to contribute, I was a mere excited observer. Good luck to you Ska-Ara!
  2. Hold on Ska-Ara! This one is for you: ldyZ-Pdo418 I am not a lawyer, but let's examine this problem. First of, you wouldn't harm EA's business by any means, like many other software modifications are harmless, the same applies here as long as this work stays free to play, and you don't take advantage of EA's legally owned brandnames. (See below) However if the developers of Renegade X received a green light in exchange of the promise that they won't release additionally anything major, your modification might harm Renegade X, because of this disadvantageous deal. Is this the reason why Renegade X doesn't have a good pr? One could say the game is forced to hide in the shadows? Does it mean nobody could develop Dune, Tiberian Sun, Red Alert, (unfinished) Renegade 2-era weaponry? Having said that it is not completely clear to me what does EA mean with this clause presented by RypeL. I am encouraging you to consider renaming your modification: strip the Red Alert brand name. Also, state officially, that this work is a submod of Renegade X. I can't belive the legals of EA would come after you: scores of various modifications of various C&C games are in development right now. I am referring to Moddb here. We don't know how did you compose your letter. I strongly advice you to reconsider. Don't demolish your work, look after the legal issues of software modifications. Of course we can't have EA to harm Renegade X, however I belive in this case the status of your mod would be a mere addition to the coregame: the renamed Red Alert modification could be a gametype in Renegade X! -With the developer's permission of course. Renegade X even has a Tesla tank, "all you have to do" is to build around that vehicle with other models and scripts! I strongly belive such approach is totally unassailable.
  3. I would be happy with a gamemode where you can rebuild your lost buildings on their original same spot, with depletable tiberium field. That could be a different game mode. By the way, instead of creating an overseer mode, it would be enough to enhance team communication with better, relevant message-types, with inbuilt teamspeak system. Even an option where I can message 'thank you'; 'take cover' with one click would be great.
  4. Just look at this picture: So many passangers, much wow
  5. Sure, but let it be a real airstrike then. Activate friendly-fire. However we are talking about an already decided feature. So what is the point after the devs considered this?
  6. On the one hand, airstrikes create a big deal of haze, also greatly damages the defenders while they are struggling to defuse the beacon. So I can understand those whom dislike this air support. On the other hand, it gives a tactical value, and I can understand the caller's point of view. I think the sollution could be this: create a high risk scenario! If you call an airstrike on your beacon, you may harm your nuke or ion beacon device. What do you think?
  7. You mean shooting while sprinting? I think it has a tactical value: you must measure your stamina and you have to choose the right moment to attack- counterattack. With this gameplay mechanism the fight becomes skill-based.
  8. I believe no soldier gains extra defense by carrying heavy machine gun in real life neither. In this game if you make the LCG more durable, you create a tank. He is strong enough.
  9. I have tried them out. Thank you very much for the maps! I have got one issue. Are they fully finished? Because I dont want to be an ass. I think you might wanted to create polished, clear maps, and I can already grasp the thick mood, the lighting and layout is great, and I am so excited to play them with you guys. However the lack of decorations and lack of covers strikes me that they are actually empty for a bit. For navigation, the tunnels in the map Uphill are too similar, in the heat of battle I can lost orientation much easier. They doesn't serve as navigational aids. Just like at the tomb. The title bearer of the map exists as a simplified sarcophagus. That would be a major focal point, as a landmark and as an artistic focus for the map. It is simplified in a way that makes it feel a bit empty, and creates a high-risk scenario whenever I enter, because the only cover is the coffin. But I am not talking about covers only. I know you don't have many egyptian decals and models for decorations, and you wanted to make an original, well playable map. I just think more personalization could have a great effect on these maps. I wanted to be constructive so what about this: if you would like to place some decorations and additional models into the maps, I would like to help you with the creating of the materials and models. If you write a list of the needed decals, models, or materials, I think I can create some during the spring. How about that? Sorry for this criticism. I adore your works!
  10. A bit off-topic sure, but I am okay with the deadliness of such sniper and high energy rifles. Sometimes you just need a strong weapon. Like in a session which has only 13 players and you are standing against a medium tank rush. In my opinion the HITSCAN mechanism is the most problematic issue here. To be a good sniper at the moment, you just have to hover your mouse accurately. I would like to see actually flying anti-materiel rifle cartridges, maybe with some trajectory, which can be seen at the marksman's rifle. In the moment when you get rid of this 90's gameplay scrap -the hitscan weapon-, instantly real snipers will born. Because this weapon would require real skill. I am with those who like a good balanced skill-based mutiplayer game.
  11. True that. I am glad when I encounter a grenadier. Regardless of my loadout I mow them down, then I collect my points. Like squishing a bug. Except when I am a grenadier.
  12. You are right about the lack of server possibilities. And I understand your problem. What this game needs is playerbase, and it shouldn't scare off, or bore people. However if 2 chemtroopers make into the GDI base and demolish a building, well good for them. Really! Especially in a 30+ people server. That GDI ensemble deserves what it gets. I wouldn't deprive the felling of succes from people. I hear you, usually NOD is the pro active in the earliest fights, maybe because GDI tends to wait until they can purchase MLRS for a rush (and because grenadier sucks and no good for anything in that stage) ... What this game needs -I think- is to enhance the cooperative experience: with better command-lines, wider tactical possibilites which would force the players to cooperate better. And a newer launcher would be great which would show inactive players in lobby, so they could fill up the second or third server. As I know such launcher is on the way. Right? Dunno.
  13. Why would you punish good coordinated attacks at the start of the game? It is the other team's fault if they can't assemble. And if two good teams clashes on a marathon server, the session can be long. You choosed to play on a marathon server.
  14. Seems like an exploitation. Moreover if Nod hasn't got such a sneaky way into GDI base, this path makes the map rather unbalanced. I have never seen this path. Troublesome.
  15. I have encountered a problem which maybe a part of this autoreload glitch: quite sometimes while emptying your mag in primary fire, your gun "jams" at the very last bullet/eneregy cell/ grenade whatever. Deal is, the only way to reload your firearm is to hit the secondary fire, thus "clearing the chamber". Occured to me at least with Sakura, Mcfarlan, Patch. These are the ones I can surely remember of. I have never seen this bug in pre 5.11-5.12 versions. Very annyoing in the heat of battle. Or is it my mouse suddenly giving up?
  16. ^This. Oh yeah good ol' Deus Ex. Such defense-system with Axesor's lasers would really enhance the game.
  17. @Lukas No succesful game franchise would oblige the players to do a tutorial prior the multiplayer game. License to play? It just harms the business. I know this is a free game, but still needs good publicity. We are so different, but we learn eventually. Give license to mine to senior players or do designated mining areas, but let everybody join in.
  18. &Henk I see. But that's what pop up notification is for: "Use you repair tool to disable laser grid". On the fuse box caption reads: 'Control panel'. Visual hint helps a lot. In contrast, the mines has non whatsoever, so newbies often mine their garden awfully. Like I did first time, I almost got kicked out, I spent a couple of minutes defusing my mines. From that point I was watching carefully how others do it. Your designated mining area is a good plan, but what if the map designer forgot a choke-point? Personally I like your idea and Axesor's as well. I don't think his way would complicate the gameplay. EDIT: I would even expand this laser grid thingy: After disabling a door, some sort of intruder alarm could go off, but after the loss of the Powerplant, the complete door-alarm system would be out of order. Tactical value I say.
  19. A warning sign decal next to the laser door with yellow-black colours and stripes would deter the intruder.
  20. With this contrast, the map X Mountain looks like No man's sky. Especially when Mendoza's painting your picture all over with blue colour.
  21. I think hacking is an odious crime, and I acknowledge Yosh's decision as a community member. Moreover I think his reasons are totally justifiable in that context (maybe he should have learn more about the member he choose to ban globally). However as a developer, his action maybe was not the best thing to do. I mean I don't really know about developers of any AAA games who ban people. I know, Renegade X is a free, officially not AAA game, but even in this helpful and great 'little' community, Renegade X has, a banning developer just doesn't sound good. For PR reasons. Maybe I am not right, the devs are players too. And I should be thankful to you, for keeping out the creeps. Also personally I don't belive in the rightness of total permanent ban.
  22. Thank you for the reply! It just prooved I know nothing about the Red Alert series. I think I know what game I'll play on the spring.
  23. I wanted to ask. How does the mirage tank on the middle picture rotate it's gun turret? The boxes attached to the turret at the back will get stuck on the hull. On this picture you can't see but you published pictures from it's back view, and I think I saw the engine compartment is above the rotational line of the turret. Oh I rush to add, I like your work and your dedication!
  24. I belive the so called problem with field is it's design which requires higher level of cooperation between teammates. Granted, the chokepoints, and the small arena for tank battles can be blamed for the stalemate. Players just can't work as a team when they can't shoot themself through the enemy easely. I think the devs should enhance the ways of communications, with hand gesture animations, and with much better and useful voice commands. Still, I think teamspeak is the best solution.
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