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Profane Pagan

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Everything posted by Profane Pagan

  1. If you model a Kane character for Joe Kucan, what primary and secondary weapons would you give him? Are we talking about an OP character here?
  2. Pity I didn't take a screenshot when I entered the first session after the 5.1 update! Excited GDI and NOD players were hanging out in the GDI base, sharing thoughts about the update. No harm was done, it was a real Fraternisation. I just want to tell you the update made me happy, and I consider myself lucky to try it out with you, at the first place.
  3. Until the ref is gone, the silo works only as a cover. More tactical-strategic value would be better, but it is up to the map designers I think (i.e. placing machine gun on the top, sandbag covers for Forward Operating Site, or Forward Air control).
  4. Thank you for the update, I like it! My first feedback is: you should update the loading picture with the information windows too. Many players gasped in horror when they newly noticed the absence of the weapon menu. I like the modifications on the infantry, I just miss my little frag grenades so much.
  5. You could place broken vehicles, corpses and scattered military surplus, bullethole decals on the asphalt,and small blazing fire on the road here and there. Like this were another 'highway of death': https://www.google.hu/search?q=highway+ ... 8Q_AUIBigB Horrible. And war is hell.
  6. Instead of Sketchup, for creating buildings and other architecural elements, you can also use ArchiCAD, an architectural BIM CAD software. Easy to use, and far more better than Sketchup.
  7. Don't you fear the replenishing grenades will render the game to a 'spam-fest of grenades'?
  8. Thank you for the information about the repair guns/tools. Can you capture a silo with a repair tool by the way?
  9. Repair tool has finite ammo, even when engineers, technicans, hotties are using them? I think this purchasable repair tool, with cooldown is one of the most drastic change in the game. I am really excited right now.
  10. with 30 fps this jumping visual glitch has occured, however the controls of the aircraft were always good for me.
  11. Indeed, same happens to me.
  12. Nice work! By viewing the pictures is it too far fetched to assume, that the teams will bombard each other's base from the distance? By the way, do the defensive towers have equal range? In my opinion AGT, Obelisk, Tiberium factories are in the open, with a little exercise and adjustment, artielly and mlrs can shoot over to hit powerplants or airstrip. Or do you plan to build walls as well?
  13. Hello! Thank you for sharing the list! I have been playing Renegade X for months now it has become one of my favourite game and I would like to share my thougts. I am againts the seemingly continuous nerfing of weapons. So nerfing down deadly weapons is the only way? Balancing would be to define strongpoints and weakpoints for the opposing forces. Like rock-paper scissor is the ultimately balanced game. No action is the weakest, every weapon has advantages over something and disadvantages against others. And luck of course. -I just fear, nerfing weapons gives uneven chances and can irritate players. It has happened so many times, with a marksman I spot and shot a recless Havoc, standing in plain sight. I fire at him, after 2 or 3 definite headshots he is still standing and he returns fire, killing me with one shot. I reveal my position with nerf guns, I worth half as much as special classes, not just financially. Who likes to play shooter games, with weak rifles? Headshot should be a critical damage caused by every rifle. -Here are my examples: nerfing down sometimes is the best choice, but you have to give something in return. Hottie-Tech-Engineer classes are truly much more usable equiped with tiberium weapons, yet you haven't figured out a class to counter the abalities of said specialists. Yes, engineer repair gun is weaker, but what if? Take away their capability to heal players, and give medic role to the shotgunner or even better, to Mcfarland. Thus this render him much more valuable, and players cannot rush forward into close combat with the shotgunners. -Give a purpose to every classes, and define some weaknesses for every one of them! For example the Officer is a good support gunner, so give the officer a backpack, from which he can give ammo to other players. Or just slow him down into semi-walking speed when he is firing his minigun continuously. Or make him able to deploy his minigun into an irreversible stationary object with limited ammo, which can be used by every player. Not the best idea, but this is something which makes him useful, special, but weak against sharpshooters. - Give night vison googles to Patch and Laser gunner, which are useful in dark, but they can be blinded with the blast of a grenade. These were just plain examples to illustrate my point of view. -Bottom line: give and take. But please don't nerf down the guns beyond a point. This is a shooter game so reward the good gunslingers, whom can hit the sitting fly on the top of your head from a great distance. Thank you for reading this, I know developing a game is a big effort, yet you took the time to read my opinion. We will meet on the battlefield, so you can shoot me for my big mouth. Or for the not too good english:)
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