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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by iridesence

  1. You mean this? left to right: MK 19 Grenade Launcher, TOW missile, Default gun. Current stats: MK 19: Range: 2/5 Power: 5/5 ROF: 3/5 TOW: Range: 5/5 Power: 3/5 ROF: 2/5 Default: Range: 3/5 Power: 2/5 ROF: 4/5
  2. another major problem is they cannot make even one penny from this game or EA will sue this game into oblivion. intellectual property issues and whatnot. this means certain methods of advertising is off-limits. as well as making any advertisement efforts a giant money sink.
  3. the current maps are not designed around it. if we had some larger maps that had indirect fire in mine then maybe, but atm we dont, so i am not much of a fan of the way its currently implemented. (and this is coming from someone whos trying to experiment with indirect fire stuff)
  4. the lack of advertising doesn't help either. cant attract new players as easily if nobody is hearing about your game. saying that though this is a niche type of game as well, which further reduces the potential target audience.
  5. an advanced transport utility aircraft purpose-made for infiltration. its the most fragile vehicle in the game though. 250 hp and light armor. (2 or 3 railguns/pic will kill it) carries 2 passengers. unlike the stealth tank though, which is quiet, this thing makes noise, so it should have a "tell" if one is in the area around you. it is also weaponless. so with all these videos and everything. there should be some news soon hopefully.
  6. Update on Progress regarding development of several projects.
  7. This helped solve my issue, thanks @Havoc89
  8. having an issue pop up with the physics of a tank, and not sure how to fix it exactly. tank floats, jitters, and acts like its on ice. if anyone knows how to help solve this physics issue its be appreicated. it happens randomly, so im not sure the exact raisin for it. @Havoc89
  9. been a real 2/10 life for the past 5 weeks irl, which has halted all progress for me atm, but i do plan to finish the LAV here soon. stuff isnt abandoned, but not in focus atm.
  10. its on the backburner for now until i can figure out how to solve some critical bugs i discovered. id rather figure them out myself so i haven't reached out to anyone yet. its not abandoned per say, its just not at my top priority atm, as i have other stuff that is holding my current attention. (both irl, and renx related)
  11. mod updated, see other thread for relevant information: https://renegade-x.com/forums/topic/76509-mutatormod-gdi-lav-bonus-crate-drop-tank/
  12. also: Figured it was time GDI got some real love. rework of the LAV into a GDI counterpart to the Nod Bradley.
  13. depends on how common you want it to be. the bradley is superior to most tanks in the game atm, but its balanced by crate rarity. (and then there is the tesla tank, which decimates things at close range.) also, its dps is good vs light armor(aircraft, artillery, and scouts) and infantry. vs heavy armor (tanks & buildings) the gun loses most of its power. Think of it as a late game infantry hunter. (though i was mulling the idea of a precision infantry killer vehicle with a sniper-type weapon.)
  14. its the same range as the apc's actually.
  15. i know the quality isnt the best, but its still watchable. figured a video display would be neater for some then a bunch of still screenshots.
  16. Server updated, Hind, and Tank Destroyer changes pushed through. 2 tanks introduced for testing: - HIMARS (heavy missile artillery, best dps in the game, fragle cannot fire close range. requires missile lock to be effective) (given higher hp the normal for testing purposes) -Heavy Tank (generic name placeholder until better name is found) (bridges the gap between medium tank and mammoth tank in terms of power. known 1st person camera bug, is fixed internally already)
  17. still waiting on server owner to get back from trips. no eta for update. as of this writing. :v
  18. HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) Just got done with a release candidate for one of my tanks. I now present to you the 1st beta release of said work for servers that wish to add content to there servers. It is the undisputed king of long-range combat. If ignored, it can use its salvo of 12 Shaped Charge Heavy AT missiles to decimate any known ground armor or light aircraft (Orcas, Apaches, Chinooks,etc). It takes 10 seconds to fully discharge this weapon, so its not instant damage. This power does not come without drawbacks: -It cannot fire at anything that gets remotely close. -It requires a missile lock to be able to fire with any certainty. -It is big, and it cannot turn in place. -Cannot target buildings or infantry directly, as it requires a missile lock to have any kind of accuracy. despite these drawbacks, no other artillery piece can dish out as much DPM as this can, again, if it is ignored. Hard counters to this are: Infantry & Stealth Units Included in the attached zip file are the class files, & the .upk package. Will probably release 1 or 2 more patches for this vehicle, but for the most part i consider it ready for live play testing (beta). HIMARS.rar
  19. i would love to have it like that to be honest. for now though, until i can figure out how to do that, i have a very simple method in place.
  20. its much more simple then that. no code was lying around, and nothing custom written. if i decide to push it through for public testing, you will see why. The only thing left to do on it, is to create the miniature icon for it.
  21. Pretty Much Finished with the HIMARS. It is the undisputed king of long-range combat. If ignored, it can use its salvo of 12 Shaped Charge Heavy AT missiles to decimate any known ground armor or light aircraft (orcas, apaches, chinooks,etc). It takes 10 seconds to fully discharge this weapon, so its not instant damage. The missiles follow a "Top-Down" trajectory. This power does not come without drawbacks: -It only has 225hp (light armor) so it is very fragile. (2-3 PIC or railgun hits will kill it) -It cannot fire at anything that gets remotely close. -It requires a missile lock to be able to fire with any certainty. -It is big, and it cannot turn in place. despite these drawbacks, no other artillery piece can dish out as much DPM as this can, again, if it is ignored. Hard counters to this are: Infantry & Stealth Units Cannot target buldings or infantry directly, as it requires a missile lock to have any kind of accuracy.
  22. Early Prototype of NOD's new personal infantry weapon: Charged Particle Beam Its a sustained-beam laser weapon.
  23. the problem lies with the weapon itself (marksman rifle). it is a starter weapon, so It cant out preform the other snipers, but since its a sniper, technically, it uses the bullet damage, so vs vehicles its terrible. the other problem lies in that the automatic rifle also has similar range , and is much easier to use. and since engangement ranges are typically medium to close range that limits its usefulness.
  24. HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) someone requested a SSM type thing. i forgot who.
  25. wut?
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