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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by iridesence

  1. also, pressing F4 on any of the boxes gives nothing. "no actors selected".
  2. yeah that's the thing, it doesn't work. if i highlight the red cube, and try to copy-paste or duplicate, it just un-selects the box without making a copy. if i click the red square and press F4 it doesn't find the box either. i tried making a new box but the editor seems to make it vanish soon as i try to apply something to it. if i press "add CSG" it changes the box as if i has selected it though.
  3. i have a water volume in now so the water is swimable. but i cant seem to be able to copy or select or create a new box to create a post-processing volume to make the swimming effects. not sure how to fix atm.
  4. GDI Tiberium Field nearly done terrain wise:
  5. trying to decide where to reposition the basic defenses atm.
  6. Added some grass to break up the tiled look of the ground textures:
  7. Decided to change the map name since the original name is taken, and i think the new one suits it more.
  8. Well i had an hour to spare, so i decided to do some touch ups. 1st screenshot here shows the changes to the bay area: As you can see the bridges were replaced by shallow depth water (some terrain needs fixed that that is simple to do) A Basic lighting & a basic sky have been introduced. 2nd screenshot here shows the change to the bay area base entrances: The entrances were closed off a bit with tunnels, and the surrounding rock has been modified to prevent rockets/missiles from hitting base structures from outside other then the tunnel, which requires people to be in plain sight to rocket the building through. B2B is not possible through these entrances, they are at different angles. The 3rd screenshot here shows some basic infantry cover that was place as i started to flush out the overland route: Each base will have an outer wall, which infantry can use as cover to fight off attackers. behind these initial walls, are two turrets/guard towers. still just barely starting on the overland part though, so i expect more stuff like rocks and whatnot to appear.
  9. I might change the name if it finishes to better reflect what comes out.
  10. i did plan on making bunkers & stuff, filling out the overland route more. But the "sea route" was purposely meant to be completely exposed as a trade-off for quick base to base access. As i said though, its very early in its stages, and stuff could very well be changed. the bridges were just a first thought, i could see doing a shallow bit for crossing instead, will see how dev goes when i have time. i planned on doing a "kill area" too far out away from shore (Swim to far out, you die). vechs naturally would be killed on submersion in deep water.
  11. one thought could be both teams have a refinery already, but capturing a 2nd refinery would allow for a 2nd harvester to be deployed from strip/WF, but not the steady income from it, thus increasing income over time of a team if they can protect both the neutral structure, and the secondary harvester.
  12. honestly id be more interested in glacier myself
  13. Well this is my first attempt at a map in RenX, and i am brand new to UDK. I have been trying to use my mapmaking skills from games like FarCry, timesplitters, old renegade, and such to fill in some blanks, and im watching a few videos when i have the chance to work (which is rare, as i normally work 50+ hours /week.). It is still heavy WIP, but im hoping i will eventually be able to finish it. But, here it is: Bayside It takes place on a small plot of rocky/sandy shoreline, ideal for the setup of a potential future naval port. It's proximity to local shipping channels also gives it value as a location. The map itself is pretty straight forward: each team has two direct routes to assault the enemy base, which consists of 3 base buildings, and a silo, guarded but turrets & guardtowers. The most straightforward route is a bridged path that was built over the inlets, but while very direct, there is no cover whatsoever from attacks, both frontal and to the side. players may also elect to take a more conventional overland route, which has more cover, but takes longer to reach the enemy base, and they will have to deal with base defenses using this route. Infantry can use the beach to avoid direct conflict with tanks from the overland routes, though they will be subject to fire from any tanks who decided to take the bridged route. Soft cover from trees will break some line of sight. A single peninsula splits the bases apart, upon which a comms center is ripe for any infantry to assault, giving a purpose for people to take the bridged route. The overland route also has a secondary route, which is only navigable by infantry due to dense foliage, but because of the dense tree cover, it is dark, and so it will be harder to see. However it is a good way to flank people fighting below. As i said before this map is still heavy WIP, and my guesstimates is that it is about 10-20% finished. Screenshots below: A small overview of the field: Overland Route: Peninsula: Forest Path:
  14. I have had a couple hours to work on my test maps so far, but there is honestly 20 times more work i probably need to put into them.
  15. didnt the old renegade have a fully meshed conyard in the singleplayer campaign?(the one where you assault the nod base that had the hand of nod.) you could use that as a reference? there were even a few fan created maps in the old renegade that had working multiplayer conyards, that slowly repaired buildings over time. (i think it was something like 5-10% every 10 seconds healing)
  16. what about ramjets? lasers? tac rifles? PICs? railguns? all these are more of a pain to fight in an attack craft then a standard rocket soldiers, as they are usually instant hits which make it nearly impossible to dodge. in the old Ren game ramjets were often used as a counter to attack aircraft from my experience. fact of the matter is i think the attack aircraft are too flimsy as they are atm. they have to expose themselves greatly to attack, which leaves them open to fire from anything, and with such weak armor they get shredded by adv infantry with half a brain in no time flat. they are useful in some situations, but more often then not your better off taking a light tank/medium or artillery of some sort.
  17. obviously im working on smaller maps first until i learn how to make a proper map. Though I admit i havent had the time I wanted to work on it much. i did have 2 thoughts on the subject: -larger scaled traditional (the standard "U" pattern only scaled up massively) -Frontline-based maps. With multiple objective-based stages for an army to plow through. (see attached image 1) so far i have been able to scrape together this with just me fumbling around with the UDK: its not a large map, but as i said, it would probably be best to map sure i can make a functional map first before increasing the scale.
  18. im just getting into the mapmaking scene for this game, (though i have use plenty of mapmakers before such as the farcry editors, the map maker for orginal renegade, final alert, etc) and there has always been one thing that bugged me about the game: maps were too small for a full server. 32vs32 (a full 64 player server) is just a giant fustercluck, and there is no real room to do too many things. i have been working in the udk learning it, but i have been mulling the idea of larger scale maps designed for 50+ players to play and still have plently of room to move around and engage in, and not be stuck to 1-2 chokepoints. my current project is about 5 times the size of outposts, with several closed and open routes for travel. So losing a tank means it would take you 2-3 minutes to get back, not 20-40 seconds. obviously im still working out balance issues with such scale, but i think i can eventually find it. how does the community feel about grand-scale maps? (stuff that is purpose-built for full servers of 50+ players.)
  19. as i am sure you are all aware, from playing the original renegade, and now renegade-x, there were only two real modes to play: command & conquer mode (original & current renegade), and deathmatch (original renegade). while command & conquer mode is still good, and if possible DM ever gets here, don't you think it would be nice to have a different mode unique to ren-x? my idea was a sort of "assault mode", where one team has a single building: a comms center(old renegade users will remember it), and one team will spawn somewhere off in the distance. the attacking team will try to destroy the comms center to win the match, & the defenders win if it survives after a set amount of time (20-40 minutes perhaps? adjustable to server pref of course). only basic vehicles(buggys, hummvees, apcs) will be available to both teams, and the comms center will have double health of a normal building (to prevent early destruction within first 3 minutes hopefully). both teams will have access to all infantry classes but the server could decide to have one of two options: all characters or no 1k characters. each side will have passive credit income of 1 silo. no nukes or ion beacons, but airstrikes are available. just imagine nod or gdi doing "spec ops" style rading on a hidden NOD comm array in the moutains or deep forests., or vice versa. sounded like a fun idea to me. what yall think? id be a good way to breath some fresh air into the game imo.
  20. advertise alot more on steam. try to get more notable youtube gamer personalities to at least try the game.(acheivement hunter, nerd cubed,markiplier,etc.) raise funding to get a popular reviewing website to review the game publicly. (ign, mmohut etc) spread word about the game on very popular video gaming blogs. there are 4 quick suggestions of the top of my head that will gather a LOT of attention. dont have to do them, but they work. the game is easy enough to learn. the gameplay is basic enough for people to pick up and go. the problem is a severe lack of awareness. the places you have to go to find out about this game are either niche, or very obscure/out of the way. the only way to really solve the awareness issue is to find very popular outlets to spread with word of mouth, and/or get popular personalities to promote your game.
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