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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by iridesence

  1. will attempt to finish this map here soon, after i can get a moment to "relearn" udk! make no promises atm though.
  2. so i just got my new computer finally after the old one took a poop, and getting ready to reinstall the game. I have none of my original map assets for this on this new computer so if someone wishes to take up finishing this map they have my blessings. iirc, it just needed to fix a few tiberium glitches and a few stuck spots but otherwise was working.
  3. building a new release for public use here soon. just been taking a break from renx after some minor burnout.
  4. this. doesnt feel like it would be worth it to do. esp in public matches where people just wont give a damn, and with maps being small enough as it is(with the exception of like 2 or 3) not like its hard to gather people in places. Tha said, if people wont listen to the current commander system in place what makes you think they will listen to someone with a different color. and if that text chat is somehow hidden in some way away from other members of the team, then its already hurting the team since people will be unaware of possible plans that might have otherwise joined on a whim.
  5. New version of the map is now available to download. This version fixes a few bugs, introduces a working tech center for the abandoned nod outpost, a working minimap(kudos for @Madkill40 for the help on that front), and a few other things behind the scenes. download the new version here:
  6. It is already possible to get onto the walls for both teams: GDI: Nod: As for gun emplacements, im not to sure yet, don't want to make the area up there too crowded. If i added emplacements id have to figure out where they would go.
  7. trying to get a working minimap at this time, but its going quite poorly. if anyone wants to make a minimap i wouldn't mind the assist tho. ill be adding one or two non-landscape things to the map and that should be it.. (after getting a working minimap of course..)
  8. Current Map version can be downloaded here for test here: (edit: new version released, see posts in thread)
  9. Greetings renegaders, Here today I present to you all, my 2nd attempt at a new playable map for yall: Desert Valley: This map takes place in the western American badlands, where GDI has built a remote technology laboratory for its R&D. Eventually Nod discovered the location of this lab, and has sent in a strike force to construct a base nearby and capture the facility. This is a medium to large sized map with a good deal of open space, primarily focused towards group vehicle combat: Before Nod sent in its strike forces though, they had sent in an exploratory recon force, which has since abandoned its outpost, any team can choose to fight over it to gain access to any possible leftovers from its previous occupants: both teams will have a very tall and thick walls in the front of there bases, of which are manned by turrets, guard towers, and advanced defenses. Base entry is locked behind a pair of automated gates. though these gates will open for proximity, they cannot be simply barreled through: However, each base will have a unguarded REAR entrance that enemy teams can attempt to exploit to bypass these stronger forward defenses: Both Teams will have a Repair Facility to use (made a bit more cool with fancy decorations), As well as there will be a single Tech silo for teams to fight over to help with funding.
  10. static mesh for mappers / modders. its basically the mammoth mk 3 from C&C 3 (pre-railgun upgrade) this is free for anyone who is interested in making a prop for a map or making a working vehicle. (currently textureless) MMK3.max
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  11. back to basics. alternate weapon systems for existing vehicles
  12. something like this? not hard to make things similar to it.
  13. quality isnt great but its watchable, hasn't gone through any balance changes yet, so displayed dps & stats are not final. still, figured people might like more laser thingys
  14. <deleted post due to error>
  15. Laser Tank in Progress. mostly done other then some graphical bugs to be sorted.
  16. Tank Destroyer, for when you need to remove an enemy vehicle (or footsoldier dumb enough to stand in front of the gun). Very powerful gun that can: 1 shot the following: -Humvee / Buggy - Arty / Mrls - Aircraft -Light Tank -Stealth Tank -Infantry (if they are dumb enough to stand in front of the gun) -Turrets / Guard Towers The following are 2 shot kills: -APC -Flame Tank / Medium Tank -Bradley The Following are 3 shot kills: -Mammoth Tank This power is balanced by its extremely low rate of fire, and the fact that it has no turret: the tank must turn its entire hull to shoot at moving targets. This means aircraft, infantry, and other nimble targets counter this. it also means that at close range its effectiveness is more limited. It also has 500hp so it cannot take as much punishment as other armored units. tank destroyer.zip
  17. there is a way i had thought that comprimises for both sides: The conyard would have several uses for a team: Firstly, while the conyard is up, commanders can spend a large amount of credits to rebuild a bases "basic" defenses (turrets & guard towers). lets say, spend 7,500 gold to start a counter on a chosen "defense slot". after the timer counts down (lets say 2 minutes or so) the turret or guard tower is rebuilt. this helps with base defense and gives more utility to the structure. Secondly, while the building is alive and functioning, every building (other then the conyard itself) slowly regenerates its shields (not health) at a rate as if it was being repaired by someone with a repair tool externally. Thirdly in the RTS games the CONyard also had a small supply of power it also gave to the base when active, so having it active while the powerplant is destroyed will negate the cost increase of units and vehicles somewhat (lets say a 30% reduction of the penalty). Finally, when the conyard is destroyed, respawns take twice as long, and any remaining buildings suffer 1% health damage (not shields) every 5 minutes to a minimum of 2% (to keep it from self destructing). at least, this was my idea. afterall the conyard was the most important structure of your base, and it should hold a role similar to that i believe.
  18. still doing things. will attach editor files for people interested in trying stuff. This time its an armored jeep seating 4 (1 driver & 3 passengers) and armed with an RGS gattling system making it great at dealing with infantry and light armor, but is terrible vs heavy armor and structures. its also more durable then a hummvee or buggy making it ideal for a late game "scout" as it were. (or for a small rush due to passenger seats and swiftness) (11.3k polys / 13k verts) AssaultReconCar.zip
  19. reworked medium tank. to look more "modern" compared to the current model.
  20. Download for people who wanted to try the cargo truck i made: (currently its for udk people, its not complied fyi.) Millitary Transport.zip
  21. up-armored, and up-gunned light tank. cage armor on the sides of the hull , ERA on the front hull, and turret is protected from the sides & rear with ERA & cage armor mix. and a side machinegun was given. because why not.
  22. more civilian vechs: The local "on the scene" news van of WWN, the news company of C&C.
  23. editor files for anyone who wants to use the MG technical. (also should contain raw files for the missile one if anyone wants to experiment) TechnicalAlpha.zip
  24. like this:
  25. because lets give nod another way to tank: a variant of its light tank: missile + coaxial MG instead of the normal rapid fire cannon.
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