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Everything posted by kira

  1. maybe you right, but that's not the only issue. it was a mess, every report every plan planned in ts. a lot of ppl talking. so yeah i could keep it calm, but what would you do about the other noises? that is a problem too.
  2. Soon very soon, complete my studies, become programmer at full job, get partners, build idea, get investors and bang! Things rolls up
  3. lets decicde on a day, or a week, that will all, all memmbers are taking one friend - and showing him or her the game. also show how easy to install and play and such. if any one take one friend we can expend a lot toghter. what do you say?
  4. right now you have a lot of mirros which the launcher use to download from and i really don't know why but it is very slow to me. i have 40 mbps connection with a very good infrastructure, it should be fast when iam downloading from Europe but it doesn't. yersterday i asked for freak0009 help and i opend a bit ports but still when in game or using the laucher it is very slow. is there any chance to use a mirror from israel? or turkey? any other country which is closer? the speed according to my calc is 8 KBps
  5. started last 2 weeks javascript with tutrial video of virtual acdemy of microsoft. the lecturer explain great and i really got the lang, but now when iam trying to learn JSON it's look a bit werid and complicated. could it be that iam tried of it or really mess up lang?
  6. Yes i know i thought it will be more convient rather then drag and drop but guess not.
  7. hey guys i notice an old post about automated program for unpacking maps into the directory of the Ren X folder. i don't know if it would help much but still i made an .bat file that once being activate he transfer the .udk and .ini, and such from the extracted zipped file to the ren x folder. i checked it and it comfortable. try it out and tell me if it's useful to you too. here the post
  8. -----updated post------ i made a better bat file so you can use it unpack directly to the ren x folder by just clicking the bat file. @echo off echo This program will move entire folder into the ren x librery on C: pause rem for any problems contact kira at https://renegade-x.com or search google. rem >>>>>First Method<<<<<<<<< rem the undereneath line works xcopy /y /e "%~dp0"\UDKGame "C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\UDKGame" rem >>>>>>>> rem >>>>>>>>> rem >>>>>>second method to transfer the files, but the .bat file must be at the extract folder - "UDKGame"<<< rem to make it avaiable just delete the word "rem" ,add rem to the first method, save the file and click it. rem CD %~dp0 rem robocopy "%CD%" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\UDKGame" /E rem *rem- is a short for reminder, the meaning is to put comments in the code file. rem for any problems contact kira at https://renegade-x.com pause just save it as unpacker.bat and put in same folder as the extracted UDKGame folder.
  9. why not using simple Bat command? for example: @echo off echo This program will move entire folder into the ren x librery on C: pause robocopy "C:\CNC_CliffSide_v1.5\UDKGame" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\UDKGame" /E /A /MOVE pause saving it as a .bat file and boom. all folders with it's content moved. just need to addjust the code a bit for to be suitable for all directories, but i can try to do that if you need.
  10. agree with you, the funcionality became better. it has to be shown in public. CampinJeff and about what you said you are half right, becuase it is beta we should increase the amount of users for better and more feedbacks, and if not in "real" advertise then it will be between friends, at the mall, street, i would say soical networks but i don't know it could draw the attention of EA too early. of course if we publish it somehow we should claim it as totem arts distribution, with no relations to renegade (something like that i don't really understand the rights issue). anyway i think we can start burning some cd's with the game for first and put in in parks or something.
  11. hey guys, can we do something together as users, to publish this marvelous remake ? i mean i know there are lots of mods but this is the most beautiful i seen. in the glory days of C&C, there were milions players all over the world but now when i look for a full server, only one out of 8 is allmost full. it's fun, innovative , open to all users or developers and artists, i mean this is the best we can ask for. you can play it, mod it, even join the main developers team ( right?) and help in the project. it's amazing game, i think we should at least talk and think how to publish it to details. if there are any persons with strong hardware and spare time, opening up youtube channel and uploading videos will be great. if you need any video editing assistance im sure we can arrange help. just lets really talk about it?
  12. i am trying to look for matrierls and documentation for unreal script but when i try enter different sections it seemes as broken link. arent they update their site? are there any other sources i can use for unreal scripting?
  13. awesome thank you guys i am curious about ren x because i hope i can contribute to the game development.
  14. lately i developed interest at edit the script of the udk, so i downloaded the sdk and the udk, i wondered if would it be ok if i try to edit the scripts and launched the game (renegade x) to see the changes and to learn about scripting. would it be a problem?
  15. i added a photo to show. i got windows 7 , intel i7 3770 64 bit 16 GB ram 1 TB HDD latest version of renegade x, i played it earlier this day and it was ok. but now when i try to open it showed as virus? help
  16. i am a student so i can get it free and it is legit. the problem is it's complicated for me to use it....
  17. i am talking about donwloading an update for ren x and also while in game downloading some sort of patch (it was 980 kB kind of and took minutes to download it )
  18. why doesn't it download at full speed? when i am downloading my top speed usually reach to 3 MB\s , so why here the launcher is up to 60 KB\s?
  19. It wont show up my pc. Cant try other pc. I dont want to go swim in that water, too long so i told the seller and he ships me anthor one. Damage or fire i can handle but there is no way in the world im gonna deal with flying monkey fucker which is 2 meter long. Gonna burn them all.! By the way, on the 24 .8 i am suppose to be connected to the internet onmy apartment. Wish me luck with no stalling and problems. )
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