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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by kira

  1. We are resurrecting this project, Who ever is interested to see it happening, contact me on discord
  2. our team places like 5 nukes on the peda while rushing with tanks
  3. it's looks good keep it coming!
  4. Repairing if i am not mistake, also gives VP , also if you shelling tunnels with arty or mrls and the enemy team team tries to sneak in , there is also reward of VP. would be though nice to test your idea as a mutator to see how it goes for the balance in favor of the new players\defenders.
  5. Why he doesn't work with totem arts?
  6. great, can it be more conditional? like considerations the rank of the teams (like if in one team there are a lot more heroic, K\D and such )
  7. specify in details
  8. Hey guys i just was wondering what are your thoughts about this new mod, Would be very helpful and important for the Renegade X gameplay experience.
  9. It's the flash, the fastest man alive
  10. kInd of mad idea, but if you really want to get prespective knowledge about the battlefiled, an hologram would be a good soluition. like here: In one specific building or using a terminal to access , or simply modified map under "M" key - player could see a 3D hologram map, with enemy colors and friendly colors, see the ground\building\ every other detail on the game in the 3D hologram (enemy units will be limited according to q spotting) For example on Under a Nod player can see that his rocket buddies goes pipiline to attack WF, so he would grab LCG \Doza to hold tunnels to counter attack any incoming rush , and another Nod player notice it also from the map and hold field with flame tank near Nod entrance and such. This would give the best visual. Bonus: add controls for the map to zoom in or out, move across point or what ever.
  11. There was one time we started a match, bottom feder called me with q spot and I ran after him and even without using chat at all I jumped in with what ever I could afford buying I think it was engi. We took the long path I think on x mountain. We came crossed with few Nod enemies but we passed them quickly strait to Nod ref and all along I didn't knew what he was planning just followed him and we blew up Nod ref which on the game start. No need to say we won the match afterwards. Sometimes you gotta watch and learn.
  12. Hello! @SilentKnight ! I think i have not completely understood your replay (my English skills are basic ) , It wants (if the performance of UE 3 joins in) open up many new options.Missions and campaigns would be easy, as well as our events.Alone the factory already invites to sniper competitions.Think about it because we are definitely not in competition. but if you mean to share resource pool like working together then absolutely yes! I have no preference to whom should i work with, and would be happy to invest time when ever I am available to create content for RenX players.
  13. Great! I'll keep that in mind. Currently iam trying to get a job so Iam busy too. After I settled a bit I would be ready for renx stuff
  14. congratz, @DenWellingston, you are now the story teller\builder for the co-op missions storyline and gameplay experience consulter. along with programming, moddling and rigging eventually we need some one to visulize the main story, game play and such. It would be awsome if you can help with that.
  15. Hey guys\gals! We are thinking about adding new gameplay experience and would love to hear your opinions and suggestions of any kind. for example we thought about creating co op missions, when you gotta retrieve information from NOD base, capture building and hold it for some period of time could be small player server or big, maybe adding new building like temple nod , new faction for NOD , something even like the single player but with people on server, race with speed up buggies\humvees , new vehicles (like for example venom from Kane's wrath) anything that cross your mind, share with us. Currently, me and nexus thinking about creating a co op mission which the player (with friends) must go the temple of nod, clear the structure from nod soilder while they are rushing in , capture the building and grab some information (using E key or what ever) , and then wait for backup, with the back up arrives transport which takes the players and they need to shoot the NOD choppers coming after them, later on they arrive to GDI base to meet with mobius, give him the information, and after that they have access to Weapons factory and ion to come back and destroy NOD base, Required: - Autocad users with the ability to paint the 3D objects, adding animations for the objects - Artists in general. - Programmers - would be great if familiar with Unrealscript but not a must. - Story Tellers - i think it's called like that, like people who visulize the game story, (or to be specific the mission story) *even if you have little experience with one of these stuff, but still have a lot of time you are wellcom to join.
  16. being able to destroy teammate tank is crossing the line in-game experience, it's forcing your opinion and i don't like it at all, few agree with me on this. if you want to deal with afk, noobs, people that don't understand or wont - we find other solutions. like chat, nagging, hinting on the UI level with signs and text, whatever. just won't force on someone. except for that, good ideas being suggested here, I am getting the vision for the features, Keep it coming!
  17. @ryz well in that case you might right, i think i will do it as request unless someone has better argument against that @isuperme ui\ux modifications are great, it give good hints and make the game experince even more incredible, i would like to do it like you said and also like different qspot colors , shape, smoke different (make like pink smoke to mark area to meet for one commander, other would be blue) @Mystic maybe we can create two pools, one for prime commander and one for sub commander (captains) and all the pools can be filled from the qspoting , but earning less cp per kill so that if prime commander and captain marked same unit, both credits pools rise up by 5 cp each and the use of captain powers (limited ofc) would be spent by the captains pool only. and about the tanks, i dont want to force players to be too strictly, you gotta leave room to have fun and ui suggestions are always wellcom, flare gun in pink or green would be awsome to set point for meet up @reaper auto elect sub commander to prime commander is good idea, ill add it to the list. and its not about emp or smoke strike, its about divding the authrity to moniter and control the battlefield. orginized in a way that you can calmly plan without panicing when leaving base for some hottie sneaking in remmeber guys, we are trying to make the game more playable and fun, restricing players is not an option. if you think the newbie buying useless tank, pm him and explian, and if he doesnt listen, just let it be.
  18. I think you didn't read my post, 2 or 3 additioanl commander (captains) which have limited powers ( not any kind of buff, no missle cruise ) , with a captain pool that only the captains share. this meant for team originizing (also displayed in different position on screen, different color) the three main areas: - field (front line) - tunnels (if exist or path\forest) - base defense
  19. i know, as i said the action to prove or denied can be quick, but it casue to arguments in the team, why you didnt approved that, and why you didnt respond to that we need buff\scan what ever. it's for the best that the captain wont have to request, but with limited powers. (no buff, no missle cruise)
  20. About the thing with "Request", i dont like much the idea that a captain need to request from the prime commander to use buff, or radar scan and such. it could be slow response, and the point of having "sub commander" class is to be an autonomus commanding unit, which can releif the prime commander duties. if a captain relay on request for yes or no then it still a burden for commander to approve or deny (not just click or type but decide too, and explain why he decide that, all this can take a lot of precious time) it could create a lot of aruging ("why you denied the buff, we lost our chance to kill hon", and such) Ryz suggested different roles, different captain, like for instance on Islands map - one captain lead tunnels, other captain base defense, prime commander out to field that very good idea, i already heard suggestions for multiple captains and i like it. Of course you can't have one team with one prime commander with 2 captain while the other team dont have neither, so there would be limitiations to create equality. LOL and yeah from now on let's use the term "Captain" and not sub commander. Another good idea, that commander and speak with his two captains (though it's prefered on voice chat), in private and he can guide them what to do, and the captains can text message every one in different color , different place on screen ( you can play with the UI/UX for something that works) To Isuperme question, yes i wont divide the captains they all share public chat in the team. I really love the idea that a commander can plan comfortly while he knows there is a captain that defened the tunnels with team. And also encoruge the commander and the captains to be on voice chat @Isuperme, as for the bounty , it's less suitable for the game type, we want to work as a team, putting bounty is a waste of credits which can be used for rush. it's nice and funny idea if you get pissed on someone that kills you a lot, so you place bounty of 500 credits to the one who kills him, but still part of the game is to kill the enemy so there is not point spending credits on bounty. as for the idea of captain bounty enemy units, someone on discord suggested we can use a shared credits pool only for the captains. with limited powers (not buff or missle cruise) , so when a captain q-spot enemey unit and it destroyed - that pool credits increased and prime commander credits pool (the regular credits we currently know ) is unaffected. so it's like bounty hunt by captain. as for the harverster control, it's part of the captain/commander options, i dont really know how to decide about that. @SvN91 role assign could be neat, as I said one captain for tunnels, one for base defense, but make it tank or infa or support it's sounds too much divided. i'll wait to hear more comments about this specific idea. because you can have inf on tunnels and infa on field, depends the maps, but the 3 divisions of: field, base , tunnels is more likely to be rellavnt in our maps for my opinion.
  21. Hey guys, I am thinking about gathering ideas for creating new mutator - Sub Commander position with limited abilites to assist the primary commander. I need your imagination. I thought about those features so far: - /c team messaging. - q -spot marking - radar scan - different pool only for sub commander (or commanders, like 2 or 3 sub commanders for each team ) - disabling sub commander abilties if the other team doesn't match in number of sub commanders I would love to hear your ideas and opinions before i start trying to build it, remmeber it should keep thing equal between teams. Thank you
  22. Hey guys I made a simple mutator that boost your speed in tank and character. Install: Take the .U file into \Renegade X\UDKGame\CookedPC, And run the "run-game.bat" file to open a local server and open a client to connect with the mutator. Use it like this: In game open command line with F5 , and then type one of the three options: - mutate give_30 - mutate give_60 -mutate give_90 Could be useful if you testing large maps to cover an area more quickly when moving with character, or if you want to mess around with friends on the server. If you got any questions, mention me on discord (Renegade X, Constructive Tyranny, EKT, Renegade X community) Shalom! Dndir_Rx.u run-game.bat
  23. Not "hand of Nod need repair" But rather there should be "Defend the Hand of Nod!" in a tone like Nod soilder. Or for barrocks "defend the barrocks!" Just like there is "defend the power plant" defend the weapons factory.m4a defend the weapons factory2.m4a defend ther hand of nod!.m4a
  24. TomUjain and gokou and all the mods on FPI server, thank you for volunteering and your effort - without disresepcting CT - FPI is truley my favorite which i'm playing most of the time. thank you for you hard endeavor to keep the balance between all sides. As a person that lives in a country which forces their beliefs at others (religious forcing for Shabbat, women dress modesty and all), I don't like the idea of taking the freedom from others. in this cast the "playing with friends" thing. it doesn't matter who i am, i have the right to play with who I want to play, until it hurts someone else. now i can understand picking a side to be with your friends and to organize tactics on voice chat or what ever, i can relate because i do the same thing and i had great matches. once on field the teams were perfectly ballanced, GDI was trapped in the base but we couldn't get in they had hard defense from tunnels and front base. i was with nexus and dan and torresk, we coordinated on voice chat and it was an amazing experience to (and by the way the rush worked as planned perfectly). But my case didn't cause any complaints of frustration and that's the difference. "i want to play with friends" < *stacking all renegade X best players at one team and thus make them rage quit* now, i don't want to create a situation that hurt the feelings of any elite players, these days or in the future, there is always a programmable solution I think to give those elite players to play with each other at the same team can be allowed but also mixed with separating them for a few rounds. this is balanced, to compromise, find the center, compromise a little for a largly better game. I read poi words and it really hurt to read this, like every one against you and iam telling you poi. you are not alone, though iam not skiled as you I do and like a lot more people here in different positions want the best for you and sarah and jpj and the new players and old players and everyone else, god knows we all have life issues that we just want to escape from even for a little and Renegade X is perfect for that purpose of cleaning your head and heart. but we can't ignore the fact of complaints and thus we all have to spare a little for the greater cause, for the playerbase, for the amazing server and it's loyale teams, for the fresh players and the future players who havent tasted yet the glorifying feeling of teamwork on a match of 64 players. for those who feel less skiles - I too get frustrated a lot , after buying 1 K credits character and get headshot in my base, tempers me, so in my case i convert it to humor like changing my nickname to something funny, talk a lot in the chat. iam distracting my self and refocusing the gameplay, like someone said here ealier, if i can't kill the sniper, at least wound it enough so he\she go base to their base and my team can advance a little more, like i do often with tanks. mammis are all big and powerfull but the player who runs it sometimes does mistakes like trying to kill me instead those 3 arties aiming at him - and thus getting destroyed. find your path, dont get distracted by anger, dont blame others, and keep recalculating course like Waze. Agent , (hi :)) ) though i admire your effort and heart, i must disagree with you, i think the mods involvement is important for creating a balance (but as i said give the "elite" few rounds to play together, not sure for the right ratio though) as for exmaple the game is the product, the playing the user experience, and mods giving also some user experience and as a user, you want to be heard and not ignored, you want to feel that people understand you and act for your requesting. ignoring only fuels anger and frustration. until there is a trust build between elite players and other kind of players, and the normal environment is peaceful and tolerating (or programmatically ordered and boundaries are set ) , there is a need for a human person to get involved to bridge between all sides of the argument. just letting it settle by it self will make people leave. for example, you wouldn't start a computer software company with only juniors? no. you will make a ratio of 5 : 1 seniors : juniors, to keep the environment ordered and professional, until the juniors are all grown and became full senior, you would manually involved to keep the enviorment highly skilled, so in renegade x, until the environment is settled, there is a need for a person to do order. as solution for example, disabling team switch, auto ballancing but keep tracking the users requests and think of customize solution if can, i think a mutator or ingame code built code like after each match, if few players have ratio larger than 4:40 (for example lets say, i don't know how much really it suppose to be ) then those players are splited equally between the sides, and this code get turn off and on every few rounds - so elite players can keep doing their thing , but also give a chance for other kind of players to do their own thing. this is one solution, there could be more others that makes you less give up on your experience, this can be achived by focusing the right topics. we can think together, how to fulfill our interests if we all share our thoughts politely, all it needs is one insulative word and the other side stop listeninig and start defending himself, blocking from income communications, even the slightest hint of aggression so please. for the love of C&C and the Renegade X , be brothers and sisters. I love you all , who ever you are Kira
  25. yay! i want to decorate a tree for X-mas!!! never had x-mas before! i might be able to think about easter eggs inside the map, but I'll need the one and only - @Sarah we could plant hints on walls, make a very narrow path to special places, put some portals that require certain of actions as a pass code. (iam a huge fan of black ops zombies edition lol )
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