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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Update as of 11th September: Foliage replaced/re:referenced Fixed water mesh & volume (hopefully) Fixed blue tib mid material Added lightposts to GDI and Nod bases Modified terrain by GDI and Nod base (More dirt, less tile flooring) Fixed MegaFence reference error Fixed Env_Fallen reference error Fixed TempleX reference error Replaced landscape background material Currently building the lights... Standby...
  2. So many of us have wondered how nBab built a mutator in his map CNC-Fort which made the airstrip drop vehicles from up high, as opposed to flying so far down. Can anyone make heads or tails of how this work? Or how they are integrated into a map to work? @kenz3001 @Schmitzenbergh
  3. Just being able to call out where the enemy is over mic (rather than detailing a plan of action) is more ideal and likely to occur with VOIP, especially if those capable of voicing their calls can detail more precisely where and what the enemy is in a much shorter amount of time. Being able to mute individual players' mics is the best way for users to moderate what's going on. But I hope any UI features to come about include players being able to join a sub-team within a faction. e.g. Sub-team Attackers; players in this sub-team appear in chat coloured with orange, Defenders; players in this sub-team appear in chat coloured with violet, Infiltrators; players in this sub-team appear in chat coloured cyan, Freelance; players in this sub-team are here by default and will have default colours. From a UI perspective that gives players an incentive and a role to play in their team, no limits, but it does help players coordinate themselves with their team without necessarily having to communicate directly who does what...
  4. I'm guessing Option 2 didn't work. i.e. Do report back with the solution so I can update the aforementioned topic.
  5. Add a rock to mask the GDI refinery or make it possible to hit the Nod refinery.
  6. I did and it was still acting like a bich. Heck, the replacement tree didn't even show up and the blue Tiberium appears untextured yet they're all in the env package ): Even the temple textures were all reassigned via Toxicity's env package so I am unsure why the Temple appeared untextured. *** Update ** I've sorted out the Temple textures, referenced them fine. It appears the replacement tree was never saved to the package. (odd) And see below... Whenever I try to change the material for this particular mesh it always reverts back to its default material, despite copying the same material and the textures referenced in that material into the Env_Toxicity this mesh still refuses to accept any other material applied onto it via the Static Mesh Editor. @kenz3001
  7. Just add a parameter where if more then 3 people talk at any given time the gamebridge mutes the mics until they up the shut. (if this is at all possible) Coupled with the commander mod this would probably integrate quite nicely, players who refuse to listen can always mute mics. Talking is not mandatory but sometimes when you're ducking and dodging you can't tell your team where the enemy is or is heading without dieing and losing your hold. Voice integration please. Micbans as well please.
  8. Arty shell speed should be slowed down.
  9. And I still can't figure out why the water volume picks and chooses who to let swim. If you are in a veh and it explodes in the water you don't end up swimming either. Not sure why materials and textures are being such a ditch with this map, they're referenced in the env package.
  10. (In-game screenshot) Updated. Problem! My foliage editor appears to not like accepting ANY materials for ANY static meshes and also appeared to have told me to go F' myself regarding the replacement tree mesh. Worked fine on Frostbite... @Henk @kenz3001 halp plz.
  11. Save sky material to your env package and then assign the newly saved material now in your maps env package to replace the curremt one. And no longer will you have any more missing sky textures.
  12. Negative. I copied the tree into Toxicity's Env package and copied over a deadtree material. Problem is with the MaterialInstanceEditor, when I change the staticmesh material of the tree the material doesn't save and forces the material to remain the same. 'UN_DeadTree...' etc. The mesh refers back to a material within a UN_ package. (I presumed this was a basic UDK file) This is only an issue when using the foliage editor. I changed the model until I can sort this. New upload will appear later this evening.
  13. My foliage doesn't want to share the texture it has on it. Why iz dis? @Henk The UN_burnt/dead tree doesn't appear to want to accept a new material via the staticmesh material editor... This is an inconvenience for foliage editor. @kenz3001 @Ruud033 @PeopleDevs
  14. 1. Don't use the dominant, right click it and convert it to a directional light. 2. Lower that light's brightness to .135 3. Add in black fog. 4. Remember to add light posts to the map etc. 5. Render lighting.
  15. Turns out the content of the temple was not copied into Toxicity's package. Whoops.
  16. What is the in-game help like? When a player types !help, can they get a summary of what things and stuff do?
  17. Strip and Powerplant are too close together, you could Ion Canon them both. Refinery and Weapons Factory might be a bit too close to one another.
  18. Them tanker headshots are the best. No infantry should be able to survive a headshot with a shell. From a Mammoth. ..or med or light. (:
  19. Trap players inside the map. ToDo Updated. Got it.
  20. ToDo: * Include Temple.u * Fix skeletal meshes ToNotDo *Never click the 'SkeletalMesh' thingy under 'Tools'
  21. New version has been uploaded and is ready for testing. Harvesters are also synchronized. (forgot to add that to the list of changes) Enjoy!
  22. Changes as of 2nd September: Hand of Nod moved closer to the Strip, Weapons Factory moved closer to the Barracks Foliage added Temple (Tiberium Field) decoration added GDI Base off-map decoration added Long infantry path (Team Silo side of map) off-map decoration added Added a boat to the wooden pier/bridge Fixed crates on pier/bridge Adjusted the fog density Added culling volume DominantDirectionalLight converted to DirectionalLight Misc Optimizations Fixed "floating tiberium crystals everywhere" ("everywhere" being the team tiberium fields) Misc Changes Moved bridge/pier more center Minimap redone ToDo: Render Lighting Release Map ThoughtAbout: Shifting the bases closer together Ignoring Gliven Eating food Personal issues "Why'd the music stop?" "I should move clothes into the dryer" Rendering lighting before PUG
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