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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Madkill40


    I think they might, joining an Official RenX Discord gives players a neutral platform and a place all RenX servers can link to and share with players. PUGs are organized by players for players however CT provides the server and utilities by all generous means. China, German & Russian chatrooms will be needed on this Discord channel as well to accommodate our Eastern players. Majority of the channels should just be Eng speak anyway. PUGs voice rooms on this discord would declutter the CT Discord anyway. (:
  2. So let it be part of the personal stats box? Globally it is just a place to rank you on your team somewhere, highest average would be a better way for players to be listed or they just remain static on the scoreboard and listed based on joining the game. My score of 3000 doesn't inform me of anything other players could see and think: What is that player doing to get that score? OldRen scoring system is mundane.
  3. Madkill40


    "Quiet, f*ckin' 'tard" ? Well that's not very nice.
  4. So long as the other team cannot see how many credits the other team has? But these are points players need to recognise as important for the team? Overall score does not reflect that at all. ("Repairs Made" is all repairs made to Inf, Vehs and buildings just to be clear)
  5. Madkill40


    Most just join the CT Discord but maybe more people would feel more comfortable with an 'Official' one and the PUGs could also be managed on that Discord as well?
  6. Personal stats at the bottom is a great idea. So for the main scoreboard if the global scores per individual are what we want players to identify as what is important for the team... Global individual list: Name Repairs Made Infantry Kills Vehicle Kills (Harvester included) Building Damage Overall individual score doesn't seem necessary to me, unless people are against not having an overall individual score on display? Global combined stats: Total Team Score Team Kills (Inf & Veh) Team Deaths (Inf & Veh) With stats like these then the 'V' menu could literally have one less column of numbers making it more clear. Name / Unit / Credits Sidenote: regarding the 'V' menu, them stats need to be aligned to the right so that credits and unit info are easier to read. Player160 Adv. Engineer 1889 Player16 Med T. 2885 Pla2 Gunner 998 Player1603252 Patch 767 Platt164 MRLS 256 Player165252 Adv. Engineer 244 Play Rocket S. 354 Player1605654646 Havoc 666 Player1609525 Patch 252 Player1610 Engineer 25 That is really annoying to see, whereas... Player160 Adv. Engineer 1889 Player16 Med T. 2885 Pla2 Gunner 998 Player1603252 Patch 767 Platt164 MRLS 256 Player165252 Adv. Engineer 244 Play Rocket S. 354 Player1605654646 Havoc 666 Player1609525 Patch 252 Player1610 Engineer 25 That is way more clear to see whois what and how much they have Could player names get a prefix with veterancy? Either globally visible to everyone or only to team? Rct. Player1998 Vet. KrypTheBear Elt. Agent Hrc. Boxes Prefix changes for player-names upon promotion would be a nice touch.
  7. .rank and !rank should be the only means of broadcasting your individual k/d. The scoreboard should reflect how useful a player is to their team by not individually persecuting players with information which doesn't necessarily matter for the style of gameplay. I.e. Make the scoreboard reflect the MVP stats better. Vehicle and infantry kills = Come under one stat. Building damage and harvester damage = Come under one stat. Building, vehicle and infantry repairs = Come under one stat. Benefit to team "ratio" = Total team score divided by your own score, e.g. 22,156÷3,456 = 6.41 At the top of the scoreboard by total score for GDI/Nod = Total Kills (infantry only) / Total Deaths (Infantry only) - A combined stat of all teams' kills and deaths. These are relevant scores which will empower a team more than the current archaic stats.
  8. Using Nvidia Control Panel make sure PhysX settings are set to 'GTX 1050' instead of either 'CPU' or 'Auto-Select'
  9. Dumb hotel, why are there beds? Stupid.
  10. I was just speaking generally that this is a tactic adopted by any player with a Rav/Sydney. Their guns shouldn't be blasting ragdolls like a ForcePush tho.
  11. The come-back games are pretty damn fun, once a team eliminates another teams' ability to get Hotwires the path to victory becomes clear.
  12. So the shotgun tactic counts as skill? I.e. run up close as you can, strafe and shoot and headshot any character to instakill?
  13. That;s great but Deadeye and BHS still have invisible gunshots don't they? ANd they can still instakillHEADSHOT can they not? So... White, trail, same length of time for BHS/DE please.
  14. The amount of times you die does not matter in this game. Death stats, kill stats, they should all be team combined at the top as a separate entity. Individual score based on the MVP counters sure! Because that makes more sense. But I agree with OP.
  15. Anyone found a good blend of +60fps and decent visual look? Care to share their modified .ini files? Sick of getting just shy of 60fps and not being able to maintain steady and consistent frames per second, there's no reason why my PC should be struggling other than poor configuration.
  16. "Its not about making sence, its about establishing the balance." Sorry for establishing balance by forming an informed and logical reason for why the Railgun/Personal-Ion-Cannon should only have a headshot multiplier of x3 instead of the current x5? Ya D!ck. Sniper are already this. x3 headshot multiplier is 400-600 points of damage (Health & Armour), this would still kill quite a few types of infantry should they be twatted in the face with a beam of concentrated light, other suggested modifications for multipliers are based on the theory of how ions and lights-as-weaponry would affect different infantry types, e.g. Rave/Syd damage other Flak-Armour infantry more than they would Kevlar infantry i.e. Gunner will nearly die or die but a Patch will just be badly hurt. It is agreeable that their weapons shouldn't be able to instakill all infantry. But as it is a top-tier unit there should be some leeway because... Headshot multiplier of x3 on a weapon which deals 200 base damage is still going to reward you with a kill for most infantry, but it should not be all infantry because headshotting a tier-2 or above shouldn't be an instakill for if you give any player the ability to instakill any other players despite what tier they are this, as Axesor said are just a replacement for the patched sniper. Even with an infantry unit specifically designed to do the most damage to vehicles? Snipers got hip-fire spread to stop this bullshit, Raveshaw/Sydney needs a nerf to their headshot multiplier. By all means reward players but not with a 200bd x5 for a headshot, that is insanely imbalanced. Maybe reduce their headshot multiplier to x2.5, but it should definitely be capped at x3.
  17. Upon further thought you are right, 0 headshot multiplier doesn't make sense. But... Miniature-Obelisk (Railgun) and Micro-Ion Cannon (Personal Ion Cannon) are handheld energy-based weaponry which are primarily designed to decimate through armoured vehicles/structures because the atomic make-up of non-biological entities are much simpler compared to that of human skin/flesh/bone. Now think about the size of the Railgun for the moment, the Obelisk is pretty big but cannot destroy a whole Medium tank with one shot and the Obelisk also has to charge its attack for about 5 seconds as well. Now with the Personal-IC the actual Ion Cannon has to be powered by the sun (unlimited energy source) and charge up for a certain amount of time and only then can it destroy an entire anything but having an unlimited energy source kinda helps with that. So the Personal-IC and Railgun, on the energy-basis and because of their handheld size both weapons would at best cause 2nd degree burns to skin/flesh with no armour? Potentially cause materials to corrode/melt/alight? But certainly not be able to actually instakill infantry just because the player was fortunate enough to score a headshot, as it is an energy based weapon the headshot multiplier should be much weaker than the same-tier counterpart. (Ramjet) A x3 headshot multiplier maybe, but no higher than that! They should decimate infantry armour by all means, but all energy-based weapons should struggle to affect infantry health. (Laser Rifle being an exception) Suggested changes to Railgun/Personal-IC: Suggested changes for Railgun/Personal-IC: Headshot Multiplier x5.0 -to- x3.0 Kevlar Multiplier x0.95 -to- x0.85 Flak Multiplier x0.95 -to- x1.1 Lazarous Multiplier x0.95 -to- x1.1 Heavy Vehicle Multiplier x0.428 -to- x0.528 Light Vehicle Multiplier x0.5 -to- x0.6 Also, just to point out that both these weapons fire energy, super-charged light, ions disrupting the make-up of what they touch causing them to degrade/breakdown so neither of these weapons should really be blasting bodies really far away upon contact of kill. Don't let the sound and visual fool you, it hits you instantly because its a beam of sodding light. I'd also like to suggest that the 'Lazarous' (Stealth armour) be affected more by energy weapons, ions meeting ions and a negative reaction etc. LCGs and SBH are also in the same boat regarding damage to infantry; however as the SBH is meant to be an assassin'type you could argue their weapon (hence the burst fire) is a more concentrated beam specifically tailored to piercing beneath the flesh of infantry therefore causing more internal damage, which differs from all other energy-based weaponry available, which means the Lazer Rifle should probably do slightly less damage to vehicles. Suggested changes to Lazer Rifle: Lazer Rifle: Kevlar Multiplier x1.0 -to- x1.45 Flak Multiplier x1.0 -to- x1.25 Lazarus Multiplier x1.0 -to- x1.15 Heavy Vehicle Multiplier x0.35 -to- x0.25 Light Vehicle Multiplier x0.52 -to- x0.42 Aerial Vehicle Multiplier x0.55 -to- x0.45 LCGs have a high damage per-second which would cause simpler compounds such as metal more damage as the weapon already does, however on skin and flesh it'd be like someone flicking boiling deep-fry oil (About 200 degress Celcius) onto you, tiny droplets which sting but obviously the more droplets flicked which hit you the more the skin and flesh suffers and the first degree burns are eventually worsened and become fatal. Suggested change to LCG: Headshot Multiplier x2 -to- x1.5 I am now questioning SBH/LCG unlimited ammunition, they just have an unlimited energy source somewhere on their person? Some pocket-star? Maybe the LCGs can be unlimited since they're a heavy unit? Maybe reduce them to 1600 rounds instead? SBH should have an above-average but certainly not an unlimited amount of rounds? Give the SBH a grenade-esk ability to leech energy off vehicles to resupply their ammunition? It could just look like an EMP Grenade but with a Red emitter. This does not affect the vehicle but does make enemies aware there is an SBH in the area. Mobius not included because his weapon is electricity and that is as dangerous to humans as tiberium.
  18. The sidearm they currently have is less accurate and you want to give them a more accurate sidearm? Goodluck... On the note of Raveshaws/Sydneys, do they have headshot multiplier? Or hitscan on head? (I still dunno what hitscan is) Just remove multipliers against infantry for Sydney's and Raveshaws, maybe they do extra damage to other anti-tank infantry as a sidebuff? They'll still pack a punch but won't instakill many infantry types. (Unless they're shooting at a Gunner/LCG or Rocket Soldier)
  19. Deadeye's and BHS should have a thin, white bullet trail. (Like the sniper rifles in DeltaForce)
  20. People in this thread. Talkin' 'bout a good spread. Its not the spread in the bed that gets me fed but this thread just got gone'd to bed. /thread.
  21. There is a recommended players in the map settings, map vote rotation options could just be based on this? If player count is less than 32, CNC-Canyon appears, if player count is more than 32, CNC-Canyon_Ext appears. (Ext = Extended) Or with dynamic maps, just block extended areas off with destructible objects which are only destructible should the player count be sufficient before map selection at the end of the previous game.
  22. You can't balance a game by banning players from playing it...
  23. Ty running the 32bit version and seeing if this happens. In the launcher settings try the "verify files" option.
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