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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Make sure everybody has the map installed before joining a server with a custom map. For the host of the server, definitely make sure the map is installed then navigate to: Renegade X\UDKGame\Config 'UDKGame.ini' , open this file in notepad. Ctrl + F to bring up the 'Find' and put 'GameSpecificMapCycles' Click 'Find Next' Then add onto the end (including comma and quotation marks): ,"CNC-Toxicity" File > 'Save' And you're all good to go!
  2. Commander only gets to see moving red or yellow dots and vehicle icons on the commander overview map as well?
  3. Most experienced players are 'friends' with each other in some capacity, so this argument is as valid as a scrotum scratch at a funeral. In-regards to the team balancing bus of a topic, imma just throw @Agentunder it... Any news on de auto-balance for GDI and Nod teams on servers?
  4. Until who is up against who has been declared have a thing I doodled
  5. Update as of 09th March: Fixed bad collisions for vehicles (As reported) Fixed player hiding in static mesh (As reported) Changed lake back to normal, but it still hurts the player (1 dmg every 2.1 seconds) Fixed bad collisions for infantry (As reported) Fixed Terrain glitch (As reported) Regarding climbable rocks: If you can climb it, then it is fine Fixed infantry stuck-spot (As reported) Fixed floaty tiberium crystals (As reported) Fixed black skins with static meshes (TBC?) [If this could be tested that would be great] . . . Lighting Build issue unresolved & UTWaterVolume still prevents players from swimming the entire lake - TBD Still looking into the lighting needs to be rebuilt issue and I am hoping the UTWaterVolume works fine when the map is loaded on a server... Updated version 1.1 currently live with all reported issues fixed
  6. You still got that Adv. PP model laying around ?
  7. ^ Role / Experience +++ Because finding someone to be commander but who knows the players such as what they can do is a bit of an issue really. It doesn't even need to be too complex really, just infantry and tanker. See it as an alignment, players are usually better at one than the other. You could add more depth, sub-class to Infantry would be Sniper, sub-class to Tanker would be Artilleryman etc. I don't mind doing the time-consuming task to assign roles to each specific player in the RenX Discord, (temp-permissions permitting...) the easiest way to assign such roles for players is for each player to fill out a form where they select the main roles and categories etc... This is all just to make PUG teams be organised more fairly
  8. So this is the one ini which won't be overwritten? "Renegade X\UDKGame\Config\DefaultRenegadeX.ini" 'DefaultRenegadeX.ini'
  9. I imagine this issue is linked with the black rock issue. I'll probably just have to change the material and hopefully it should resolve this bizarre error.
  10. I'm amazed you didn't expect Outposts to be so advantageous for Stanks
  11. Just inform more of the USA'ian players about a low-ping server, if 4 or 5 of you loiter in the NEC server than other players with high pings on the EU servers will join the server with players on because "ohhey a low-ping server is filling up!" And if any EU players jump into a USA'ian server to mostly whine about people not being in the EU server then just kick them for whining.
  12. Black rocks may have something to do with the files being from another map, but it only happening on those specific rocks is bizarre. There is no "lightning needs rebuilding" error in any of your screens though?
  13. When you do, pass the latest version to me and I'll make you a nice minimap In-addition, @yosh56 @Ruud033 @WHOEVERWAHTWHYWHENDEVS... Please review Toxicity as it is as ready as a map can be (this time) to go into game. Whoever it is that reviews maps before giving the "yeah its all right to go in" order thingy does it
  14. Another alternative idea, if a commander has not been selected after 10 minutes the game will draw on the top 4 highest scoring players for the team at that moment in the match and players can only vote for who they want for Commander by pressing F1, F2, F3 or F4. There isn't a "No" or "None" vote. That way players have to pick someone. (Which typically will be somebody who knows how the game works) This person cannot "opt-out" of commander themselves after 10 minutes UNLESS somebody votes another Commander in to replace the current Commander. If the 'Commander' seat becomes empty then another F1, F2, F3 & F4 vote appears once again drawing from the top 4 highest scoring players for each team. Forcing teams to have a Commander.
  15. I kinda want to see what "the whole scene" looks like without the lighting change. A dusk or dawn lit map with light showers and lightning strikes surely would work just as well without the cycle? (Still have daylight, but keep the storm just without the day/night cycle itself) When I used to be in the Gmod RP community years back we had a mapper who made a map with a day/night cycle and he ran into the exact same problem i.e. Too heavy for systems and caused server to lag like heck, this was Source Engine 2009. [Technically, UE3 base is 2004 even with the updates and release of UDK that's still 2009 so a live day/night cycle causing difficulties is no surprise]
  16. ...I have exceeded my reactions limit for today due to this thread alone 2 minutes well spent. Progress in avatar'less depopulation is above expectations! Good job people, some lives have been saved this weekend (:
  17. ...they cannot be trusted and are bad at RenX *cough* @Ryz *cough*
  18. Get back in your closet Gunnery-Sergeant!
  19. I know he isn't 100% dutch, hence "dutch'esk", he has a similar presence of the Dutch peoples and I am sure they would welcome him with open arms.
  20. Don't forget @KrypTheBear and Ukill, they're pretty dutch'esk
  21. What about a kismet lightning storm which strikes the domes in the map? Just to keep the map to have its 'storm' aspect Have the map in a constant storm (like Mesa)? But make a daytime and a night version Its similar but not the same to the original concept
  22. Its great until you get there and you're like "DAMN BEAM OF LIGHT OBSTRUCTING MY SIGHT" I can get behind a bit of what @isupreme is saying, if waypoints were obscured by the terrain then they'd be less intrusive visually? Make the waypoint markers more transparent and have a clear indication on the radar as well as the map view of the waypoint location(s), an directional arrow around the radar which points in the direction of the waypoint would be a nice touch. This defeats the problem of the visual intrusion being a constant but doesn't entirely fix the issue people are having with them, which is seeing them through the entire map. Better to do a job right and never have to touch it again than to make the smallest change which you'll likely still receive the same feedback for anyway, which is to make the waypoint less visually intrusive... (see between the quote boxes) Waypoints do not want to be seen through the terrain at 100% Decay timer is a nice touch, I'd set the timer to 5 minutes instead of 2 minutes Map view display as well as radar display [Honestly not looked at either to see if waypoints show up on these, probably because they're always visible without needing to look]
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