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Everything posted by TK0104

  1. Hello everybody, I'm back with another Remake of a Renegade Campaign map. This time it's the tutorial map of C&C Renegade. No it's not TrainingYard (For the people who didn't know this, TrainingYard is based on that map) First a screenshot: Released[/color] Download:https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ze9DgoAGKIdllCSHZpQlFlNnc
  2. Well there is an APB soldier in the RenX files. So there is at least 1 character
  3. If this PUG will be cancelled, we can play on a server with custom maps or just play on an other server
  4. Can TrainingYard be added to the rotation coming PUG?
  5. - TS characters with TS weapons
  6. Well here comes the funny part......................I added the coords of the note in the world properties. I watched the tutorial and it was helpful
  7. I made a minimap. It is not 100% good. Cause when you stand on the air, the minimap says that your next to it And this is made with PowerPoint and paint (See what you can do without photoshop )
  8. Hi, So straight to the point. I did some changes for CNC-TrainingYard to keep it in patch 5005. I do this because it looks like my map already got rid of all servers already . So I got below a changelist. This is not the final changelist for an upcoming patch (if Yosh is so kind to add it): - Changed (Just 4 you) the time of the day. It is now in the afternoon - Changed the tiberium back to green. I did this because this looks better on the map. - Fixed the b2b problem. GDI can't attack the Nod Refinery anymore from their base. - Changed foliage tree's to normal static meshes - Made a new endgame camera - Removed the walls at the base entrances (vehicle path) - Added different Physical Materials to the landscape. And I made some other small changes but those are not important. And it won't change the gameplay of it.
  9. Gonna use it as my desktop background
  10. PP needs to be swapped with Barracks. The PP then needs to be swapped with Weapons Factory. 10/10 Job done. Why should I change the building locations
  11. Thanks but I think I don't need it. I already put normal meshes in instead of foliage (only tiberium is foliage)
  12. TK0104

    Easter Eggs

    Man I really need to read more topics Forget what I said
  13. TK0104

    Easter Eggs

    Yeah because you do map changes
  14. TK0104

    Easter Eggs

    Today I was playing on Under and I found an easter egg https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w--Rz56w7BE
  15. lol as his map is out for testing ... it would be more appropriate for you to change the name of your map or a better idea finish one of your other maps Yeah I'm not in a hurry for that map. I'm more focused on TrainingYard to keep it in patch 5.005. And I'm working on City as well.
  16. You should change the mapname cause I'm also making a map called CNC Woods
  17. Okay nice. Should actually be a PUG for custom maps
  18. Okay. I will release 2 different City's when Its done. A day version and a night version
  19. For next patch maybe the new map that Kenz made, CNC-BeachHead. I like that map and it is a good map (people who played this map already know what I mean).
  20. UPDATE November 12th 2015 I did some changes. I changed the time of the day. It will be a day map because I think people are going to say that the map is too dark and you can't see shit. And it was too dark btw. And I like it how it looks like now. But I have to add some pointlights to remove all the very dark shadows.\ Screenshot: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ze9 ... VJVdEo5XzQ
  21. Wth. That looks sooooo awesome
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