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Everything posted by TK0104

  1. No I never heard of that one. And hovercraft never was really finished. HandEpsilon finished it for his map Coastal
  2. Yeah that would be nice. I'm in (if I make it)
  3. UPDATE The new edition has some small changes to make the map "beautifuller". Changelist - Changed all the blocking volumes to SoftBoundary Volumes - Changed all the rocks to better collision versions - Added a preview image to the Skirmish menu (Google Drive) Download Here TrainingYard (IndieDB) Download Here TrainingYard (Constructive Tyranny) Download Here TrainingYard
  4. I focus now more on uphill. I don't work at the second now
  5. Yeah that is removed cause it didnt work in multiplayer
  6. Hello everybody, how you all doing in lovely 2016. Well I'm doing fine for now. So Beta 5.1 has finally been released and I got my hands on the new SDK and decided to do 3 Re-Makes of Original Renegade Custom Maps. These maps were added to most servers. And I wanted to show you what I've been up to. The first Re-Make is actually quite far in it's progress. I've already did some test plays on this map. But it isn't ready for release yet. I already started a bit on the second but that is no where near finished. Uphill Most of you probably know this map. This one was created by Titan1X77 in the Original game. The open bases are good for Arty Party's and other rushes. A Non-Base defence map. Some people will be very happy with that.
  7. Yo Ska-ara I could do some map development for the mod
  8. Won't make it to this one. Some private life things are blocking my way to PUG
  9. I'm gonna update yard soon. will make one and put it in my package
  10. Yo Are there any plans to release new ts vehicles soon?
  11. Those need to be made first. And canyon night image don't have 2 be one made. Not one server runs canyon night
  12. Small update on it. I'll release soon an updated one. It is not a huge one. I want to get rid of invisible walls and replace them with softboundary volumes
  13. I don't know how the original looks like but these screenshots looks awesome.
  14. There are bugs with softboundary volumes. The 10 second warning don't disappear even when you're out of the volumes
  15. You have to edit the command line to the exe. Example: 'RenX SDK/Binaries/Win64/UDK.exe' editor
  16. TK0104

    Landscape Bug

    Hi, I've been mapping a time ago. And I wanted to remove some landscape cause I want there a tunnel entrance. I do this with the visiblity tool and that works fine. But when I restart UDK and load the map, the removed landscape is back but that part has no collision. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?
  17. 2016's PUG is even better than 2015's. 25 vs 25! Massive rushes!! More people to kill!!! More fun
  18. Ah I got it now. It is like every character got his own strong points and weak points. Okay that is nice. Now I can't wait to see this
  19. The best way to create new meshes is by using sketchup and finish it in 3DS Max.
  20. UPDATE 12-31-2015 Before were gonna end the year 2015 I want to show my work of City for today. I did a HUGE update on it. I almost forgot there is a map with a nice landscape material: CNC-Sniper-Park. So I decided to get the material in my package and used that one. But the sky didn't really match with the landscape. So I copied and pasted the sky from CNC-Sniper-Park in CNC-City. This is the next generation of City: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ze9 ... S02TmZwcmM Because there is still no overpass, I putted a silo in the center for now. Thats it folks. Happy Newyear
  21. Okay this is going to look awesome
  22. First I thought that this would be another messed up map, but it isn't. Keep up the good work
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