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Everything posted by TK0104

  1. Yes that is something you don't need to remove
  2. So I decided to make this map more fancy by using Blue Nod buildings. I've scripted them and they are working. Even the Nod Com Center Only problem is that the buildings won't be showed on the HUD I think it's somewhere in the HUD files but I don't know exactly where. Can someone please find out?
  3. You can easily do this by importing them in 3ds Max and export them to w3d
  4. I tested the map too ---To Fix--- - Nod Repair Facility is not hitting the ground - Tree behind Nod pp is flying - Maybe do something on the grass landscape because it looks a bit crappy - Maybe scale down the tankblockers to 0.75. They are huge
  5. Yes! I will test this map when I'm back home from school
  6. Maybe it's because you used a vehicle script. What If you just copy and paste a RX_Building_... file and edit it. Maybe that will fix it
  7. Nice. Can't wait to play it
  8. Can't you check the box : "No nuke spawn" in the crate properties
  9. Is there a link to download the files?
  10. CNC-Tomb Release V1.22 - Did some work in the world properties which will fix the landscape from top view (probably) Download Here CNC-Tomb (V1.22) Map also added to the Mapper Cloud Storage
  11. All the ideas sounds good but I'm not the dev of the new tech building. I just found it in the game files and I can't script it and I'm not that good with Kismet
  12. At the moment this tech building does nothing when captured And I'm going to try to contact people who want do some modeling
  13. UPDATE: So it looks like during 5.15/5.16 days a new tech building is been added in the game files that's been modeled and scripted. So I thought why not to add it:
  14. I haven't looked at City for quite some time. And i don't like what I did to the map. So I did some magical stuff again - Changed for the last time to Night time (I've learnt how to work with night time maps so I changed City again to Night - Lighting. It's gonna look like Mesa II Night - Removed Silo - Made the background of the bases smaller I will edit the light cause it looks at some parts in the nod base too Red and in the GDI base it's too much light. And I will fix the black spots of course
  15. So when you destroy the barracks it turns to LOD 4 but the ext lights are still flashing. I think this is never fixed. Please do that in an upcoming patch
  16. I updated the first post and I will explain everything what you need to know
  17. So the exterior of the Communication Center is done. It will not be the greatest thing you will ever see cause I can't model and texture at the moment. But I've already started already on the GDI Adv. Communication Center. And I think a preview video will be released tomorrow. So stay alert EDIT: a9B2DbyI3QM
  18. Well I tried it and I can't do it . And if i use an old model, it looks very very crappy. And I don't have a texture for it.
  19. Don't forget to add a Physical Material to the landscape btw. Also pls fix this on Eyes I like this bridge. Keep up the good work
  20. I think a lot of errors will appear. I tried it a lot of times. But always had errors
  21. In the original Renegade there was a recon bike on custom maps. Bring that one back and make it able to purchase in PT
  22. viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75852 Check the tutorial
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