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Everything posted by Kaiser739

  1. Ruud, we just discovered a major bug with the AGT on your map (testing Beta 5.2). The AGT was destoyed while it was EMP'd, however, after the EMP effect had gone, it started firing and killing enemies again. Its status was still destroyed but it acted as if it was alive. Being a native German speaker I can also tell you that the German part on the tiberium warning sign is not 100% correct grammar-wise, if you're interested in fixing that I'd be happy to help.
  2. Map is awesome! However, I advise not to enter a certain part of the map when sitting in a dark room...
  3. Agree with Quinc3y, the first two games were awesome! Teams were well balanced. On Whiteout, there were several players on Nod using a questionable way to get to the GDI ref. From the inf entrance (the path which leads towards WF), they climbed onto and over the walls. From there it is easy to get to the ref unseen by GDI. Not sure if it is indeed a glitch or an intended path, could the devs please clarify? Most GDI players were feeling it was illegal as it seemed you need to leave the map for a short moment to pull this off.
  4. Winter skins for the characters would be awesome, too. I always thought that Hotwire must feel a little cold on maps like Under, she isn't even wearing sleeves!
  5. Will Flame Tanks being able to shoot throug building walls be fixed?
  6. Massive thanks for the effort you are putting into this, Cronus!
  7. Not quite true. What really happened was I sneaked in being a Technician and a single SBH (FloMannheim) just happened to be there and then supported me. Someone had been calling for a SBH C4 rush earlier but we decided against it for the very reason/risks you mentioned. Overall I have to say I've been really enjoying the PUGs of late, will certainly miss next week though.
  8. Some really good games last night, enjoyed this PUG a lot.
  9. It did, at this time last year, when EKT and TmX were still active, we always had two full servers in the evenings (EKT Marathon #1 and TmX AoW, sometimes even EKT #2 got quite populated). That was before the DDOSing started though.
  10. Agreed. Losing a building should really hurt a team. It was fine the way it was pre beta 4 - if you lose WF/airstrip, you have access to no vehicles at all. No Barracks/HoN - no advanced inf, not even low-tier. No ref - very, very low income. It will teach the team that lost a building to defend their base better next time and encourages players to infiltrate/rush (-> teamwork!) because it is actually rewarding and there is an advantage to be felt. I feel like there were way more organized rushes in earlier versions of the game than there are now and I'm fairly certain that is (mostly) down to these changes. Making buildings recoverable would totally be detrimental to the game IMO. It would only become more stalematey. It would also enforce less teamwork because players would be asking themselves, "why should we even destroy a building if they can just bring it back?".
  11. I believe this bug only occurs if you bind a crate vehicle. With standard purchased vehicles I don't think it's possible.
  12. If time allows I'll be joining too.
  13. Great idea, would be useful to have such a voice command. I would also like to have a "Harvester needs repair" command when Harv has taken damage instead of the usual "Defend the Harvester". It doesn't need to have an own hotkey, but it could be similar to the messages about under-attack buildings when Q-spotting them, ie: Q-Spotting Harvester at 100% health triggers "Defend the Harvester", spotting Harvester at 99% or below gives "Harvester needs repair" message.
  14. It's down to map design (bottlenecks) and, as Ryz said, lack of organization. Vehicle rushes, if done right, can work well on Field, but they don't happen very often and fail most of the time/are easy to defend against, as Radeon described. With the base defence nerf in the last patch, it's easier to sneak into AGT/Obelisk/WF, so these buildings get destroyed more often, which is good. Removing the walls surrounding both Refs could make sneaking and tunnel rushes even more viable, but I'm afraid it would also lead to even more tunnel camping. The worst thing for me are MRLS/Arties camping the tunnel entrances, I don't get how that is any fun! Other than that, I personally think Field is really not that bad as people make it to be.
  15. The board game looks absolutely awesome! How is it meant to be played?
  16. It's also possible with MRLS on GDI's side, there was one certain player doing it frequently but I don't remember his name.
  17. Also happening to me, maybe something went wrong when they changed the hitboxes in one of the last patches?
  18. Agreed. When I played this map as Nod for the first time, I thought it was perfect for stank rushes. However, in about 20-25 games I've played on Tomb, I haven't seen a decent one happen yet, which does quite astonish me!
  19. Would it be possible to add an icon to the HUD showing the silo status (ie which side is holding it)? Similar to the building status icons.
  20. As we discussed ingame yesterday, I think "defensive" airstrikes should be allowed, i.e. you should be able to place an airstrike near an enemy beacon.
  21. While I haven't been able to replicate the above mentioned issue, I have watched other players AT mines disappear when said player dies. Is it supposed to be that way?
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