Since people have stopped doing the recaps for some reason, I'll do this PUG.
Team Quincy vs. Ryz.
GDI wins the harvester battle but Nod still masses artys to take short side. Artys plus techs hold the short route while long route bounces back and forth. LCGs sneak in and destroy the GDI pp while GDI was spread thin. Artys + Techs + Flame tanks = Dead GDI. Nod (Ryz) Victory.
Both sides lose their harvester in the beginning. A GDI infantry rush takes out the airstrip shortly after. Several minutes later WF goes down by a tech. Awhile later Bar is destroyed by some sbhs and mrls. GDI surrenders after a failed rocket rush. NOD (Quincy) Victory.
No harv battle. Only a bunch of skirmishes on the field and infantry path with some infiltration attempts with infantry and stanks. 16 minutes later Nod PP goes down to infantry. GDI rolls in with tanks and ions to clean the rest up. GDI (Quincy) Victory.
FInal: (Quincy) 2-1 (Ryz)
Total Players: 25-27