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Everything posted by LavaDr4gon

  1. I would really like a squad system. The problem is, everyone has to do what they are told. You can organize people into 3 categories: -Vehicles: The people assigned to this squad will get nothing but tanks and are never seen out of one. -Infantry: Controls the infantry path, provides support, and helps defend -Defense: 2-4 people that will never leave the base If this can be accomplished, then as a commander, can mute the other 20 players from speaking on ts and listen to only the leaders assigned to those squads. It may sound boring to do one thing the entire map, but all the person has to do is focus on their job, not other peoples job. If I'm assigned to defend the base, I shouldn't give a crap about what's going on in field or any other place. I should be patrolling the base until someone types RUSH in teamchat, then I can prepare myself. It may be boring, but that's what a job is. And the job lasts as long as the map goes. Next map, you can be assigned a different task, and if you do your job properly, the game shouldn't last that long anyways.
  2. How about muting people on teamspeak. When we have over 20 players on a team speaking over each other, it's always a mess. We only need 5 people talking to lead the team. If there is a rush, what's so hard about typing the word: RUSH.
  3. RypelCam is very useful. How much has it improved lately? Last time I used it there were just some annoyances that I experienced like: no arms in first person and some sounds missing. Still waiting.
  4. I never asked... But its nice to know how now. However, I like to place links so I can keep all the videos in the same post. For the PUG, are we attempting over 40 players, 40 players max, or splitting into two servers?
  5. Unfortunately, I might not make it for the game. I can jump on TS for awhile to listen to the pregame chatter at least. Hopefully Bong finds a way to give demos to me so I can watch the game once its done.
  6. If a certain someone activates something called "recorddemo" maybe I can join.
  7. Amazing PUG. From mobiuses finishing the game to gunners raining from the sky, this is why PUG exists.
  8. A lot of stuff in 9 months. Pick Up Games (PUGs) might interest you if you want to play some competitive games. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=75419
  9. And we actually knew it was coming too, since we had around 8 sbhs waiting at the wf.
  10. I've been thinking about having commandos for a long time. There is one important factor that you forgot to mention which has its own problems: mines. You can simply say "buy an emp grenade" but I feel like that isn't infiltration. I remember someone mentioning a "Repair tool" in the SDK files. I thought about having it modified into a "disarmament tool" so a commando class unit can use it to disarm mines.
  11. I know of the spot your talking about, seen it once. If you are standing in front of the ref facing the tunnel entrance (End of air to the left) you see on the left wall some rocks in the tunnel entrance. You can jump on those rocks and place the beacon so it is still close enough to hit air. Problem is it is easy to defend as there is only one way for you to disarm it, so it can be easily camped by GDI.
  12. On Xmountain I managed to infiltrate the wf and was caught so I detonated my c4. I expected it to die but GDI saved it. I came back later to discover that it was at 1 lousy percentage. When I reported it to my team they responded by doing a rocket rush which was completely successful despite that someone was repairing the wf. I am kind of angry at the armor system because it is much harder to destroy a building, but the permanent damage really helps later in the game. I see o reason to change it, except that casual players might not take the advantage of it.
  13. A bit of nitpicking here but needs some tiberium glow on Earth.
  14. Funny story on that sbh rush. In the beginning we planned to create a 3 man sbh rush. I volunteered, and Legolas joined and told xNaquada to do it too. When we went to pp we waited for xNaquada so our team told us that he wasn't even on our team .
  15. Forecast says there will be rain Saturday. I can make it to the PUG.
  16. Maybe, depends on the weather.
  17. *sniff sniff* I'm so sad I couldn't make it. Any of the games video worthy?
  18. @Ryz: In the field match we did try to bring the wf down from the outside when it was low. It went down to 8% but the other team responded too well.
  19. NOOOO! I can't make it! I feel so bad now, well maybe the games will be better without me.
  20. INSPIRE!!! Hopefully these will get you guys in the mood to win some games.
  21. So, are we going to try again, hopefully better?
  22. I am currently making another video and hopefully more in the future. However I am just a producer, once I release them its really up to the viewers to share them.
  23. So what caused me to fall down on the ground when the buggy hit me?
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