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Everything posted by Alkaline!

  1. 10 kb/sec download would take a few hours to download, so unless there is a link from where we can download, i'm out.
  2. Capurable tech center which allows you to buy Tib Sun Vechs and maybe units. Now you can have titan and mamoth mk2 vs cyborg commandos and recon bikes. On flying maps gdi would get orca bombers and jump jets vs nod banshee
  3. ok that fixed it by FXAA looks like crap compared to MSAA 16x
  4. then at least we will know where the map maker stands
  5. Please try to issue a small patch asap, tanks will randomly stop firing usually when you hop out and get back in, Is this some punishment for trying to repair or is it a bug? I can sometimes get it working by hopping out of my tank into another vech and then getting back into mine but this is not always succesfull.
  6. Since 5.13 my mini map keeps flickering! How do I stop this? Using GTX 980 SLI i7 4790k...
  7. put flying in and it will solve all the problems.
  8. Right now its a mlrs / ob show as all the buildings can easily be attacked from just outside your base. Flying units would stop this abuse and make the game much more dynamic and balanced. Also can we lighten it up a bit its too dark..
  9. This map should totally have flying, Make some capturable sam sites so they could keep the choppers at bay, in that big open area by the cliffs. The team that captures 2 sam sites could really give the other team a head ache
  10. Hey Bong can you put this on the CT server rotation?
  11. Played it, looks good but took a while to get the map to load. I don't have any fps issues so its fine for me. Yes collisions in the ship need to be done. The doors while cool get very annoying after a while can you cut down the amount of opening / closing? I guess it could kinda be fun trapping a SBH but overall the novelty animation wears off. Also yes need to fix some of the collision inside. What about some crates? Or dare I say pick ups? What does the nod satellite do? It shoots a purple thing in the air? Thats all?
  12. The sniper changes are B.S. imo, there is also some new bs where I can't HS while not in scope view even if I have an engine dead set in my cross hairs, what is up with that so now only scoped shots can H.S.? Basically this made rave/sydney the only choice for anti infantry/tanks
  13. hopefully this will be ready for patch 5.04
  14. hey guys any update on this map?
  15. put a crate that spawns a mammoth mk2. It will be the best map ever
  16. I am 100% its server owners hitting each other trying to grab players. Seen it on original renegade, I would know I ran the New Maps server for 5 years; we knew where people would go after an attack. Needless to say once the other side got a taste of there own medecine things returned to being civil. Whilst on the topics, anyone remember the a000000 username on wol yeah enough said
  17. Well since we can' t get the site on Steam or Origin, I think the next best thing would to be to get a final version ready so it can be submitted to game review websites. I think we would get a large influx of players once the game is reviewed on IGN, GameSpot, Pc Gamer e.t.c. granted many would be noobs but even if 10% decide to stick with it, all of the servers would be full. Every day the player count is dropping I can't believe this happening all over again as it did with the original renegade...
  18. There are very few things that can stop an apache or orca rush aside from the other teams also having a ton of aircraft to counter them.. So many times on walls / lakeside 8 apaches kill Bar in 8 seconds. and its not like you stop them because the fly over the area in lakeside where tanks can't go. Aircraft should be limited, the armor comment doesn't hold up because ramjet and sniper does far less damage than it used to in the end unless you have an apc, LCG/Patch or a normal rifle man, flying units are just as strong. It is still far too difficult for ground units to kill aircraft. MLRS, apache simply hides behind a cliff... Stank has limited range so orca just flies away. About the only thing that put aircraft in its place is the HOVER MLRS with its 12 missiles. I mean I would like to see raveshaw or sydney take out aircraft with 3 shots, right now its 4.
  19. An aircraft limit should be set on flying maps, I would like to see aircraft limited to 4 / map as right on flying map everyone tends to get flying units and ignores ground units. I belive Kenz is implementing this on his beach head map and seems to be a good idea.
  20. Hey guys, Thanks for all the work you are doing on creating new content for us grateful (well some not so grateful) players. If anyone if you guys has an amazon wishlist or something please post link I'll see what I can do
  21. No offense, but the ideas I see you pitch all the time are mostly ridiculous. There is only 1 map in the entire game that has flying and base defenses, before eyes their was none. That is what was ridiculous and so are you . BTW whiteout, ALA hourglass had base defenses in the original ren.
  22. So in flying maps I think we need to allow the use of Banshees and orca bombers each side got 3 ground units only fair to add some flying units too.
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  23. This is why I liked the Beta 2 orcas they had 2 missiles but had 1.5x the range of the Apaches so what the lacked in firepower they made up in range. It also meant the orca was a superior air to air fighter but not as strong for air to ground. Now they are basically clones of each other wearing different dresses.
  24. why this is not walls 2.0, this is eyes and eyes should not be a walk in the park, OBELISK / AGT must stay
  25. post pics or a video fly thorugh of the new map I will let you know if I approve
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