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Everything posted by Alkaline!

  1. Exactly, veterans system for currency? Baloney I say! It should be like the original C&C, upgrade character/tank stats! E.g. if you are sniper and have killed 5 chars you now get faster reload or more HP, as you go from Rank 1 up to say rank 5, a 500 char sniper could basically have the same status as B3 havoc: 1, Shot Kill, 250 HP, 100 armor e.t.c. Same for tanks, the tank itself would get upgraded not the driver, so loosing that tank would suck. I could see it now a fully upped Mammoth tank with the speed of a medium tank, 2000 HP, QUAD cannon shots, and 8 rockets. Actually how about a when a mammoth reaches level 5 veteran it gets transformed into a MAMMOTH MK2! OR A FLAME TANK That gets upgraded to a CHEM TANK! Another way to buy stuff is not so appealing me thinks...
  2. You are not supposed to be able to buy ANYTHING when the weap is down. be lucky you have the option at all, next time defend your base... OK DEAL add 1 and 3 and we will call it even. Remember loosing a building is supposed to have consequences.
  3. Same for busted refinery, no more creds. The 1 cred should only happen if BOTH teams loose there ref, if 1 team looses it then they are going to pay, err go broke. The only change I'm ok with is Tier 1 chars for free in the bar. Going back to the VECH drop, if it has to exsist then their should be severe limits: 1) Cost is 2x, if pp is down then cost is 4x 2) HP should be 50% of regular because this vech drops are obvious Chinese Knock Offs overseas defects. 3) Whole Teams Vech Limit will be HALFED
  4. Vech drops are just plan BS. What the heck you are supposed to be punished for loosing your strip/fac instead you get a "Time out" Ohh you have been a bad boy now you must wait 5 mins before you get your toy. NO, you loose You get nothing!
  5. So looks like mobius can now throw hadoukens but the speed seems to be a bit slow, are there plans to up the speed of the fireball?
  6. I think what it comes down to is the original ren, most ppl don't seem to get it, they rather PLAY CS/COD/BF which is the same damn game 20 years now... Gawd...
  7. Yoooo... where is the next video?
  8. ok so no ob / agt. how about if you capture the scrin ship it turns the head into a blue obelisk?
  9. Another time maybe, not in this map plz!
  10. Please add AGT and Obelisk, we don't have a single map in renx with OB and AGT that includes flying units. This is 1 thing I really hope more map makers start adding.
  11. Please leave ramjet as it is, 200 dmg to infantry. It should kill infantry with 1 shot, punishment for loosing baracks or Hand of nod. free infantry should fear sak havoc, besides already a good shot gunner can take out havoc/sak in 2 shots. I also think giving sak/havoc 2 c4's is stupid, thats not the role the class should play. Finally the only thing I agree with is the damage change to light and med tanks, this should give ppl more reason to play with ravshaw/sydney.
  12. Has anyone contacted this swedish clown to play renegadex? I'm sure he can get us a flood of new players I mean if Goat simulator can have a million sales, sure a free game would bring in a good bit.
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