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Everything posted by Alkaline!

  1. Well so its clear in beta 5 the objective is no longer to destroy enemy base but to camp/swarm the crates for new tanks. I will admit thats all I have been doing, advocating cease fires for the first few mins. Its clear we all want new tanks, so PLEASE Devs can you make a small patch to B5 and just enable these tanks for purchase In all Maps? The recon bike is soo good and whooping orcas... I have yet to try nod buggy, gdi hover mlrs but so far wolverine is my fav, he just looks like a clown in a mech suit . If a patch is out, then who will be the first to make a mutator that enables these tanks for purchase?
  2. new vechs are great on same maps there should be a captureable tech center which allows you then to build these tanks at will.
  3. Is this going to be a new mode or are these going to be new maps that can be played in the regular game. It would be great if they were just maps, this way they can be added to the regular rotation and we can have a mix or renegade and red alert
  4. sounds good waiting for the download link
  5. wow, what happend, hardly anyone is online any more, just a few weeks ago we had at least 1 of the main servers (ekt / matrix) full or close to full but now I see 11/40. what happened
  6. Wow played for the first time, not bad my fps was ok, hovering in the mid 50s Some issues, on nod by the heli pad there clearly needs to be a blocker because you can basically go out side the map and drive on hils and stuff that are clearly not meant to be driven on, or are they? same thing found various parts where you can escape the inner boundary and roam around. the day / night is nice, however, the night seems to bright, is is possible to make it darker like field dark?
  7. Ok we need to set a day to play, the test map server is offline when are you guys going to be online, Post time GMT I will join so we can find and squash bugs. But map is heading in the right direction, I love the titan! However it shows up as a TANK and not a titan also the icon is of a med tank.
  8. This map is looking too awesome, include titan in it please.
  9. for me performance is fine, it struggles on the laptop but that is expected. Im getting ful 60 fps with the occasional drop down to 55. This is with 32 stupid bots causing problems. Paths for harvesters and bots need to be set.
  10. link isn't working 404 not found...
  11. Still many bugs by the ship and too many places you can get STUCK and have to sucicde. The orcas and titan do not spawn an error message appears saying path not found. Size is good and performance is better, bu some cahnges have added new problems, e.g. you can hop to the back of the destroyed gdi weap but when you do there is no way out and you can't hop out. The cave with the skeletons was gone... too bad... Main issue left is with the ship and the surround areas that need to be fixed. Also the area behind the ship.
  12. any updates or changes, agt was still messed up range wise...
  13. played coastal sm... not liking it, first a lot of bugs, on the infantry path there are a lot of places where you can just get stuck in pits. the bots on gid were able to buy orcas and fly around? i thought this was a non flying map. nod base is to easy to attack and way to wide spread, we went from too many turrets to no turrets I like the idea of the small, but I think you just need tot ake your original Coastal and make it smaller something between the size of the original and current one. Keep the flying units.
  14. Fixes: Map says lighting needs to be built not sure what that is all about... Nod ref does not have stairs, it is the NON flying model, needs to be updated. GDI range is still an issue, but will just have to live with it Map ceiling is TOO low, it should be increased at least to the height of the central cave. There are lot of cool placed to snipe like that "T" shaped rock. Personally I would make the top of the cave accessible and make that the ceiling height like on walls, also maybe some wooden bridges that connect the upper areas to the top of the cave? Other than that map is pretty good, you may need to wait for the next beta to your agt range issue fixed.
  15. where is C&C-coastalSM map? I see it on the official map testing server but no where to download it.
  16. just test 1.1 Ok flying is nice and works good on this map I didn't find any game breaking glitches that would affect the playability, celling height is also good. Now new issues: 1, Nod spawns in GDI ref? also it says paths not built, so harvester just stays in the weap 2, bots don't work, but this isn't a big deal. 3, AGT is still messed up, I can stand right at the cave entrance gdi side and only guard tower shoots at me the agt just doesn't. The range on it needs to be fixed right now agt is essentially useless. 4, ALSO the AGT does not fire on the back entrance, only 1 guard tower. I think you need to add 2 guard towers to the back gdi entrance, you can sneak into the gdi base without the agt firing at you once the read guard tower is gone. In contrast on NOD, the obelisk will fire at you from both sides front or back so NOD has double protection that GDI does not. 5, More anti air needed, place a GDI anti air on the weap factory and nod sam on the HON. 6, the back cliff that overlooks the nod base needs tiberium texture, right now it looks like sand but when you land on it it takes away you health, if that is the case it should be tiberium, I like this as it stops snipers from camping in nod base. so mostly bug fixes need to be done in 1.2 and something about the AGT range, right now the agt is essentially use less. Also I think you should double the guard towers for GDI 2 in the front and 2 in the rear
  17. dakukja 2 turrets on the front will be fine, this is how field is and it works good, same for gdi, put 2 guard towers side by side on gid. I will be waiting to play your updated beta, flying will be great
  18. played again with hbunny and I will say again, need flying and also lower walls so that agt can hit ppl in the tib cave like ob can
  19. rocket is perfect as is, if you are going to nerf tank damage than increase aircraft damage, rocket should be able to take out orca in 4 hits, same for apache. Flying cockroaches must die.
  20. Ok so I just played the beta Overall very good map, I think the size is perfect do not make it any smaller, however, I do belive you need to add flying units, it would make the map really fun and hopefully we can get the walls crowd to join in... So some fixes: There are texture issues, esp the brown rocks, the switch from light to brown but do this vanishing thing... also there are lines like corduroys pants texture, I saw it on the ob as well. In terms of design, something has to be done with the walls, I think the walls should be small similiar to how it is on white out, this will clear the path of the agt, RIGHT now you can out of the tib cave area about 1/3 before agt starts firing and even then only 1 of the guns is firing, in contrast the regular guard towers are much more aggressive. So my solution will open up the agt range and it will actually be able to hit tanks like artys lobbing shells over the wall to hit agt. Nod side seems fine, lowering the walls will increase ob's range and this should match the agt. which will be good. Other than that I"m really liking this map, for the beta it did not have a lot of glitches and collision issues so now all that needs to be done is to get a mass group of ppl to join and test in depth. Looking forward to beta 2.
  21. I'm aware of this. I didnt put a blocking volume there just yet because I don't really know where to block off them orca's. I'm still considering the location of these things. Thanks for the heads up anyways! It's quite a view you have there (the last screenie) I'm glad the performance fix worked out for you. How are you doing in terms of FPS when looking at the background (rocks and fog) As for the map opening.. I don't really want people to get on top of the ship, thats why I blocked it. The ceiling contributes to that. As you hover over the field in the middle, I think that, with these current settings, your air vehicle becomes a bit more vulnerable to AA.. I might just up it a little bit, but I don't want the air vehicles to climb too high. performance was definatley better, but still looking at the OLD gdi base I get 55 fps some of the rocks on nod when you stand up and look at the ship it drops to 48 fps. I'm on 680GTX SLI w/i7-4770k @ 4.4 ghz cpu which is on par with a titan x card. So if I'm having fps issues others will most definatley. Everything is running maxed all settings on ultra. I would say remove detail from areas you can't access and cut down the map, reduse trees, and possibly remove the OLD gdi base non accessible buildings like bar, destroyed guard towers. Also the wrecked tanks cut them down. Personally I think the whole map should be flying with units available to both teams but that is just my thought, I like the concept but after playing it it is a 90% long range vech attack, only way to keep arties at bay is to have orcas, and MLRS with apaches. I am to hit all bldings while being outside the base with arts/mlrs the concept of the destroyed weap is cool however, i would have liked to see a hover MLRS spawn there instead. 4 choppers is pretty limiting on this map.
  22. more screens
  23. I played around today and yes the weap light removal improved FPS there are still imporvements that need to be made. ALSO I personally think you need to open up the map and add ares that are currently not accessible to be open. Orca ceiling should be raised to math the base of the head of the ship, right now if you try to fly over the ships front spears it stops and you have no idea what is going on. There is a huge clipping bug that allows oras to fly around behind the map, this is from the area behind the ship, just go to it and start crawling up the rocks, eventually you will get to the top of the edge and they you can roam around the map. Some ares I think should be opened up, there is a lot of detail that is not accessible. Other ares obviously should stay locked. I took some screenshots
  24. Ok So I finally got the map to load! First thoughts: 1) Fog, I don't really like it, it makes everything grainy and blurry, I like the night scene but would much rather have the map look like Field, a clear night. 2) I have a 680 GTX SLI on i7-4770k w/32 GB ram, this is the firt map where my fps dipped below 60FPS, while looking at the abandoned gdi base it was hover in the 40s. Mind you I have everything turned on max at 1080p, all other maps are vsync locked to 60 fps and never a dip. 3) The map is actually sized just right, I first thought that it was going to be very big but after playing it I like it, it about the same size or smaller than lakeside which is perfect. 4) HOw do you get the orcas? I didn't see a way to capture the GDI weapfac 5) Overall heading in the right direction, I would have liked to see AGT / OB as we are seriously lacking maps with base defenses, but for now standard gts will do. I do think more work is needed in the FPS department, perhaps more optimization or removal of certain things (e.g. less trees in forrest), if my rig is having issues, the average rig most certainly will be lagging. keep up the good work.
  25. I can't get the map to load its stuck on the loading screen. Any ideas?
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