Very often 1 server is full and another one is filling very slowly. As long as not enough player are there (about 12) gameplay is mostly just boring and i often leave after max. 1 game again. I'm sure that i'm not alone on this. We discussed lounge game modes ingame before, but i came up with a different idea now, which may be easier to implement than other solutions:
Add another column to the launcher which is named "Players waiting". Also add a button for every server with less than 16 people named "wait to join". If you click "wait to join", the total number of waiting people for that server is increased by 1. If it reaches a certain number, say 12, everyone can join. (Either immediately, or after a notification of the launcher =blink like Skype or something)
This way, you can browse the web or do something else and you don't have to AFK on servers waiting for it to fill up.