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Everything posted by TheOlsenTwins

  1. Maybe the software development kit should not be the first link on the download site. Kind of misleading...
  2. Well you could use less money to buy a tower pc. Almost any new pc with a dedicated gpu should be able to run it at least decent. (and also many other games) (i got a quad core pc with a 4 year old mid range gpu HD6850 which is still able to run the game on ultra on 1920x1200)
  3. Maybe you have recently plugged in a new gamepad?
  4. Hi, As i just now left a game where a player continously gave vehicles to the other team it would be nice, if a message popped up showing whoever last sat at the drivers seat and the type of vehicle. Just like $xy just got his vehicle stolen by $player. As nobody knows who it was, this kind of team hampering is essentially game-destroying. Regards, TheOlsenTwins
  5. Can happen, when you have a laggy connection to the server you are playing on...
  6. The problem with people who can't understand the game without localization is, that these same people can't be contacted by others if there is a problem. (Ex. Overmining) Also they don't understand when people are trying to organizing a rush, which leads to a disadvantage of the team they belong to. As long as there are not more players (and therefore servers for every region/country) i also consider this idea very problematic.
  7. You misunderstood something there, it happens in games with unlimited frames, where in the menu 1000s of frame are rendered. (starcraft 2) in RenX the menu does not stress the GPU more than the actual game...
  8. This! And also the credit rate without ref should be a bit less (maybe 0,5 per second)
  9. Awesome, good job!
  10. I don't know how this ended up here, actually i wanted to post it to this thread: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=74700 @Topic: Maybe the dev's time is better spent working on MP for now, but in the future, why not?^^
  11. Reformatting won't impact your GPU speed, if it doesn't run now, it won't run later...
  12. Hi, As often the base has to be remined several times after somebody has used up all the mines on the entrance or the field, i would suggest to integrate another Kick Option: Kick the player and remove all the mines placed by him. This would make the constant mining issues a little more bearable. Best regards, TheOlsenTwins
  13. Reformatting won't impact your GPU speed, if it doesn't run now, it won't run later...
  14. Well the GPU could be tough, but why not just download and try it?
  15. Hi, Another thing i have noticed quite often, is that people overlook, that not very much time is left to play in non- marathon games. So maybe some notification or voice info like "5/10/15 minutes left" would be useful. Regards, TheOlsenTwins
  16. i think you can just set the netwaittime to a higher value on the match server :-)
  17. Hi, As someone who had to look up in the various threads how to get a decent LAN server running and used up quite some time, i would like to propose to also add a dedicatedserver.bat with the most common parameters already set to the standard Download of Renegade-X. A short readme would suffice to be able to find all the relevant parameters in the ini-Files much faster. This would make it far easier to play it on LAN-Parties, where lots of potential new players can get to know it. Greetings,
  18. Maybe a bit of a solution would be some customizable chat commands or more options for quick chat maybe also building ok, or mines gone in building "x"
  19. I believe that demos are already in use for this...
  20. I think it is not a bad idea, however SBH should not get Melee weapons...
  21. Maybe 90 seconds team cooldown after the airstrike has been ordered through the binoculars?
  22. I think it is a very good idea. However a good in game tutorial is needed in order to explain the basics...
  23. Well, of course, if you ve got the budget for an ssd get it, you will benefit very much from it. Just wanted to point out, that during gaming you want see much of a difference from it...
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