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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Mystic~

  1. I like most of the suggestions. Not sure about this: This becomes a problem if someone decides to mine in an obscure location in the field, because then it would be necessary for someone to first find then and then disarm them so the base can be properly mined. Some people like to infiltrate a building and replace the enemy mines with friendly mines, whilst they get ready to C4 the MCT. Same goes for defensively mining beacons. Maybe mines that are placed outside a building could be set to expire over time so they don't take up the limit.
  2. Is there a current download link for this map so I can test it? I see it's on the official testing server, but the in-game download would take forever or possibly even time-out before it completed.
  3. This isn't specific to this bug, but I was playing a Marathon game a few days ago and two of us tried to sync placing our nuke beacons at the same time. I thought the other guy placed early, but it turns out his timer was something like 10 seconds faster than mine; so client and server don't always perfectly sync stuff.
  4. Sure, but you can explain away just about anything like that. It just feels odd that being on top of a tank doesn't protect you and yet you can literally stand right next to the stuff and take no damage.
  5. I voted for this map the other day on that German server, it took a long time to load, but nowhere near as long as when I remember first testing the map. I didn't get kicked whilst compiling etc, but that timeout is maybe server specific.
  6. That refinery was down to 1% health by the time the C4 detonated, and even prior to that it needed just one more shot from someone to finish it. Repairing the outside of a building under those conditions is risky because that much C4 can strip a building of all its armor and health if allowed to go off.
  7. I always thought gravity in the Barracks was higher, but the blocking volumes explain things. The infantry hit boxes are definitely a bit dodgy when it comes to repairs, you have to aim at quite a precise point now else the beam goes through the player or the repairs don't register.
  8. This isn't hugely game breaking, but I thought I'd report it anyway. When playing on Complex the other day I discovered that whilst riding on top of a mammy tank that was in a tiberium field that my sbh character still took tiberium damage despite not being in contact with the ground. If someone manages to get into that position I expect them to be able to do considerable damage to the vehicles as it's once of the Mammoth tanks Achilles heals etc.
  9. Engage Quantum Firewall - problem solved
  10. It might help map makers if you say which maps you found this on specifically.
  11. You basically just described the process of Lucid Dreaming. If you become conscious inside your own dream your thoughts and intentions have the ability to materialize and create objects, people, environments and probably even stories straight out of the ethers. Most people dream without much awareness and so they're just a jumble of unconscious thoughts and the other tricky part is not getting so excited that you snap-back and wake up.
  12. Would you be able to create a static menu link to the wiki from somewhere within the game interface? Either at the main menu, options screen or loading screens etc.
  13. Maybe you ask someone who manages the forums/Ren-X website to put out a request on your behalf? They could create a front-page news item or sticky post for it etc. It's a nostalgia map and would bring some extra attention. If you know the specification for the bridge you could also try to write a brief and out-source the modelling for it to a freelancer, at least get a quote and crowd-source the cost between community members through a Paypal donation or something.
  14. Hotwires and Techs aren't the defacto choice of class choice they once used to be because even Soldiers can handle them with ease now. I lobbied for turning Havoc and Sakura into Commandos with Ripley inspired assault rifles and the necessary c4 which seems reasonable considering their price point. However they instead took the C4 away and gave the grenade launcher to Patch instead. - could always let people choose their primary weapon for this class to satisfy the noobjet sniping. Still seems odd that a 150 Chem trooper can solo kill a building given the chance but Havoc can't. I would like to see dead enemy players leave health pick-ups behind, the idea of having a team medic that stays behind the front line sounds interesting, but might create a lot of new work.
  15. Since we're being honest lol... I actually called out that APC rush on Canyon, but later realised my mic was still muted having previously gone for an end-of-game celebratory piss. Sorry I tend to get headaches playing on the same team as Ryz, Kenz or Tony, but I think that's largely because they're some of the most vocal players. Whatever mood they tend to set gets amplified. Ryz's ideas are 50/50 - my constructive criticism would be they're sometimes completely unfeasible to do under the conditions and other times they detract from the main plan and complicate things. I don't think further micro-management is the way to go with playing Ren, it's just a game after-all and you can take it too far. I am however all in favor of greater team synergy, awareness, observation and listening... I also like it when players intuitively pick up on and voluntarily plug gaps as well as acknowledging and using individually known players preferred skill sets. Attitude is also another big thing - even if you lose the first game, just accept it and try and stifle the moaning and criticism (particularly of individual players) because it very quickly sets the tone for the rest of the PUG for that team. Whilst the opposition get a huge morale boost. Repeat offenders could probably get messaged or spoken to in private by team captains rather than being scolded in public.
  16. I have another idea (see video)... I always thought that the Weapons factory was well, sort of, factory shaped! It's shaped appropriately considering tanks are magicked out of thin air. The airstrip is harder to hit from distance because it's profile is so flat, this cancels out it's greater surface area. You could always make the runway section take less damage, but I'm not convinced it's needed. I'm more bothered about GDIs more frequent ability to destroy tanks as they are delivered because whenever under siege Nod loses its tank effectiveness. I'm against hiding blue beacons inside other blue coloured lights. I also think the Airstrip tower should get the interior elevator that Thommy once put in Training-Yard or at the very least not require elite jumping skills to get inside. These imo are some of the most non-user/gamer friendly things in Ren-X.
  17. This is how I took things. Despite their intended roles I almost always use LCG vs infantry because of its high rate of fire and the EMP when storming buildings. I'll pick one to go up against tanks if I can't afford a Rav. I almost always use Patch against other vehicles, he does mediocre damage to other infantry (haven't really tested the grenade-launcher yet). I feel that LCG should have 'heavy' armor given its slow speed and not be cut down so easily by bullets, perhaps make it very susceptible to energy weapons as suggested (PIC/Mob) but I don't know how that would work in reality. Gunner still sucks to use on the field because he's really slow and almost everything kills him despite the crappy carbine. But he's a good defender and good in numbers rushing against buildings. I agree McFarland is too fast/effective for 150. I don't really like using Mendoza anymore other than rushing the GDI barracks on Field. His main gun feels comparatively weak unless you have superior Bananas aim and the blue powder storm isn't so effective against tanks. Given his hefty price tag I almost always opt for something cheaper.
  18. The map becomes very one sided in favour of the team who manages to take the silo and tiberium field side. Maybe the silo could be put on the opposite side, or on the roof of the tomb if it's flat...
  19. Weren't there radio taunts in the original Renegade?
  20. I was playing a game of Grassy-knoll earlier, planted an Ion Cannon beacon next to the side of the Nod refinery and re-treated back into cover. A tech predictably showed up to disarm it, so I let loose with my Chaingunner - and it did 0 damage to him. No head-shot damage, no body damage, nothing. I even closed the distance down to point blank range and got through an entire clip. Now I think someone else mentioned something similar about Techs but I can't find the thread. The animation was working fine but the weapon wasn't killing the enemy player. [edit]Renamed thread to more accurately describe issue[/edit]
  21. I managed to shoot myself in the back of the head with an SBH whilst trying to shoot inside the doorway to a building, first time I've noticed it. I was aware of being able to do it with grenadiers based on someone elses video previously.
  22. If that's the case you need to make it so infantry are completely cut off from accessing the path/strip of uncovered land closest to the central infantry rock area. You could do this by expanding the Tiberium field or adding more rocks. Nod would have an early game advantage by being able to attack the GDI harvester with Chems similar to Volcano and maybe offset the disadvantage they have of not being able to get stealth units past the Guard Tower. The other problem is that Nod doesn't really have any good traditional tanks for ranged combat, Artillery is for bombarding from distance, it's not intended to go head to head with other tanks. Because the field is mostly flat and open GDI MRLs have the lock-on advantage from distance that stops most things. Nod needs lots of cover and obstacles because they don't have the armor to face down GDI tanks.
  23. I agree with this, early game inf rushes would no longer be one-sided in Nods favor if exploding characters caused friendly damage in group-clusters. Sort of like mixing flame troopers with infantry in the original game or mixing disc throwers in Tiberian Sun.
  24. Please allow the map to have some proper playtime before making any significant changes. I've played it twice so far and its been over pretty quickly, but people still need to adapt to the attacks and learn the map before we go asking for automated base defenses and guard towers. Volcano and Complex are also very quick rush maps that you can draw parallels from.
  25. I agree with this. The same bridge concept could also be applied to Lakeside linking cliff paths creating an extra infantry route.
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