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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by boxes

  1. Comm center is pretty broken in general, wouldn't be surprised to see a nerf sometime later
  2. Somebody mentioned that mines auto-repair if you don't commit to disarming. I like that as well.
  3. From what I remember Cliffside is done, and it has an interesting layout as well minus the purchasable recon bike gimmick. Redline I think has abandoned it and gave permission for anybody to put the final touches to it.
  4. The idea of one class being more flexible than others is not necessarily a bad thing. Main issue is that in its current state HottieTech does things better than other infantry classes in areas that they're not specialized in with a pricetag of 350. The Commando already exists in the form of Raveshaw/Sydney with their EMP and ability to tackle anything head on and win.
  5. They're designed to be lethal against structures because by default they carry a weapon that disarms defensive mechanisms and supposedly their combat abilities are lacking compared to other infantry, which is clearly not the case at the moment. Marksman is a free sniper class. It's clear that their function is to shoot things with a semi-automatic weapon. Plus if you make a mistake of getting one instead of a shotgunner, there is no penalty. Splitting Hottie/Tech is just going to have people relearn which of their features go where and adds confusion as to which one is useful in what scenario. On top of that we have to rebalance them out according to their given features so one isn't completely useless or overwhelming.
  6. Making a 2nd class unnecessarily complicates the game. The problem here can be solved easily by moving around HottieTech arsenal and/or decreasing performance as well as repair tool buffs. It's apparent by now that the game is already difficult to learn, and splitting a feature into two separate ones isn't going to solve anything, it'll just introduce new problems. Issue we have right now, is that they are too spammable, kill inf/tanks very easily, and given map design how infantry behavior works, are difficult to keep out of a base even with dedicated defenders.
  7. Splitting the class into two is not the solution as I mentioned earlier. Them being able to kill buildings on their own isn't the issue, it's how easy it is to simply walk in a base/building undetected. That includes just spamming them blindly (again, them being 350 is why this happens) and running in until you get lucky that nobody sees you. The last pug on field is a perfect example of why it's so easy to walk in. Tanks smashing a building to draw away defenders, sneakers all over the place run in undetected. Either that, or look at @Quincy's pov on islands on his nonstop attempts to kill the Nod ref until he gets lucky that nobody looks at his direction when he runs in through the front of the base.
  8. No character please, don't want to see any early 1ks
  9. It actually almost didn't work because we had a shotgunner inside our APC. I had to leave the driver seat to finish it off and luckily didn't get crushed on the way out. Had 4 breaks, one was that Tony spotted us early as we left our base, so I got ready for a line of remote C4s. Didn't see any suicides and ended up seeing a bunch of soldiers running around in front of GDI's base panicking, so probably he was late on that callout. Two and Three was on the APC. It didn't block us at the entrance, and it didn't block us behind the bar on the way to PP. Could definitely see the confusion when I saw the GDI APC minigun staring at us but not moving or shooting as we entered. Four was me being very lucky to plant 2 remotes on time and barely surviving at the last second.
  10. At this point havoc and sak are going stay with ramjets. Making them commandos isn't going to make a significant benefit to gameplay, as i mentioned earlier ravs and sydneys fill that role of infiltrating a building and shooting things up. Super snipers although annoying are one of the few counters to field repairs and the other 1K characters. For the next update mine disarms will be louder, and we'll see if that makes any real difference.
  11. Nothing needs to be shared, hottie/tech just needs to be toned down while others stay the same, otherwise it'll pointlessly introduce other problems that need to be addressed in the future Right idea but players can still shoot another building with their pistol before disarming the mines, and mines are sometimes placed outside building doors. Feels like it just adds another layer of sometime to do before walking in a building
  12. Other infantry currently are fine when they are inside buildings, take gunner and LCG for example. It's a threat, but it doesn't need to wake the alarm bells of half your team. The reason why Hottie/Tech is way more threatening because they take a building down in a single burst, while other classes have to slowly wither it down.
  13. A bunch of idea's that I've been tossing around in my head, not everything needs to be applied: Price increase to 500 (addresses how easy it is to spam them non-stop) Return Heavy Pistol back to Silenced Pistol (must rely on other infantry for combat, heavy pistol headshots are brutal) Louder mine disarm sound distance, similar to that of a mine exploding (More clear to the defenders for which building is being infiltrated) Remote C4 Limit to 2 (including engies) (Less damage potential when defending or flaming C4) Increase mine disarm time (too fast disarming 3 mines, sitting outside a building door doesn't take very long) Decrease time to disarm remotes to match current mine disarm rate (forces infiltrators to pop their remotes quicker) Have EMPs either stop remotes from being detonated or disarm them like mines (Have other infantry deal with infiltration other than trying to kill the hottie/tech) Have hotties/techs disable buildings for a certain period of time instead of blowing them up (Still lethal but not a permanent effect) Buff repair tool disarm rate to match repair gun Less stamina ~ Just want to say I'm against splitting hottie/tech into two different classes. All that's going to do is make things more confusing and difficult, even though it has the right idea in mind. The repair gun being very universal is one of the most noob-friendly things in this game, and accidentally purchasing one version of hottie/tech instead of the other is just going to add complications. Keep things simple.
  14. Think at this point the commando slot is pretty much Sydney/Raveshaw. They can kill buildings by themselves, but they make it much more obvious with the EMP and railgun/pic shots. Which, top of them being 1000 credits, is why their infiltration kills is much less irritating
  15. Yes, this again. To put it simple, they still do way too much for a mere 350 credits. As a utility class, they have so much versatility. The heavy pistol wrecks flak armor like no tomorrow. Remote C4s still completely nullify infantry rushes and still can be used as an effective weapon against kevlar armor. And of course massive burst damage to vehicles. Flaming C4 is also still a thing, plus remotes being the optimal choice for APC rushes. They are the ones responsible for mining and maintaining a base when defending. Again, no other class can do the same as hottie/tech when it comes to camping, other than perhaps SBH repair tool for catching hotwires without them knowing. Their disarm rate/repair rate is completely unmatched compared to engineers. Having 10 seconds to disarm a beacon compared to 20 seconds is a huge difference, as well as having 5 seconds to disarmed timed C4 compared to 10 seconds. Sacrificing your class to a hottie/tech for defensive purposes can decide the outcome of games, and don't even get me started on how awful the repair tool is outside of healing infantry. Hottie/Tech when repairing tanks or MCTs can nullify insane amounts of damage, and when properly protected they make these invincible walls of death that can only be stopped by dying to snipers or SBH. But who cares if you die, you're only 350 credits, you can pump them out nonstop. Just get another one create another wall of death in the field. Infiltration is by far the biggest reason why hottie/tech is broken. When you get to a door and disarm mines, the enemy team has approximately 35 seconds to respond before their building blows up, and that includes the time figuring out what building the infiltrator is in, and the time it takes before you realize that mines are down, and your positioning from the building that's being infiltrated. You also need to have the judgment to change your class to a hottie/tech instead of a shitty repair tool to disarm timed C4s safely. And while you have a good chunk of your team rushing to a building to save it from a 350 credit Hottie/Tech in the last critical seconds, you can potentially have 3 other Hottie/Techs going inside your buildings during that chaos, or have a tank rush go in and attack the farthest building if your team is sieging the base. Saying "it's your fault that you let them in" isn't a valid point on maps with multiple infantry entryways. You can't expect to have 1 defender in each path to deal with infiltrators that might not even be there for the whole game, and again having multiple tech/hotties sneaking in against 1 defender is the most efficient way to kill structures in this game. The reason why this wasn't as much of a problem at least in my experience in original renegade, is because RenX has sprinting, silent repair guns, and very fast mine disarm rates. RenX infantry are also harder to see, and RenX maps usually have more entryways into a base and uneven terrain. You also can no longer plant mines on top of building doors, but was a cheese way to deal with sneaking. In my opinion, losing a building to a hottie/tech is easily by far the most frustrating and boring thing about Renegade X. Losing a building to a vehicle siege or rush is a much different story.
  16. Islands - Back and forth tank battle for an hour straight until a sneak kill destroys Nod ref. Nod slowly crumbles afterwards Field - Multiple infiltrators plus tanks hitting Nod PP eventually results in airstrip dying, and the crumble once again WallsNF - APC rush kills GDI PP, GDI surrenders Very boring when games are decided by infiltrators.
  17. Both teams won when they had more players. Field 15v17, Walls 17v16
  18. Haha, laptop mic WF died to solo mendoza from front door
  19. Fort's probably going to be removed from the rotation next PUG because it disconnects a bunch of people for some reason.
  20. Not as much as GDI sneaking to Nod's ref. There's no turret watching the backdoor, and you don't even need to trigger the obelisk.
  21. Thommy's videos are just recordings of pugs from his perspective. It's not entertaining for those who never played renx before. Lavadragons videos are more of the idea of what you should share
  22. Hit U and type out the persons name, then type the message
  23. New AA and SAMs absolutely rape air vehicles, so we'll see how it goes first before considering restrictions or removals on helis
  24. Remember to update your clients to 5.281 for the Sunday PUG
  25. Won't be around today
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