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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by boxes

  1. 1. Lowering your opponent's cash by disarming their mines is a good thing. Defenders will run out of money, which isn't a bad thing. 2. Making mines cost 250/200/150 for 3 makes early game rushes still viable in a way so you can slow down the enemy team's economy. Yes it will require more people, just buy the mines and place it at the nearest door. You can mine all the doors at the start of the game, but it'll affect the vehicle and character count during early game (not a bad thing). 3. C It's more than that. What does "Mines Dropping" even mean to a new player? Why is overmining so bad? Why do you mine sandbags over doors on some maps (barracks)? Why don't you mine the tunnels/infantry path entrance? Why do you mine the stairs on the WF but not the ref or the PP or the bar? Why do you mine the handrail over the actual stair on the WF? Why do you mine the windows on the HON instead of the stairs on flying? Why do you mine the MCT over the door in the airstrip on flying? Why does your teammates hate you so much for using proxy mines even though you had good intentions? ^Is somebody going to spend their precious time learning all of this just so they don't get kicked from a game?
  2. 1. One time 2. Anybody 3. Removed 4. Credits 5. Yes 6. By either seeing the total mine count dropping or by an alarm system for infiltrators 7. EMPs stay the same, and probably should be given to elite-status Rocket Soldiers. Making a tutorial on mines needs to be quick. People aren't going to use a minute or more on their life listening to how to mine properly in Renegade X. The way it currently is is very complex, and there's no way somebody's going to learn the important bits of it and remember them within a reasonable time span. There's also those people who don't speak or understand English.
  3. Next time, Captains will be chosen and start picking teams at exactly 7:00PM GMT latest. It took longer than expected and we ended up being 40 minutes late to starting the games. Please come on time so we can get the teams sorted out as soon as possible. We'll lock the waiting room once 40 players have been reached. We had 47 today, and it led to a pretty awkward situation. So yeah, now you have to be there on time if you want to play at all. As far as custom maps go, maybe only 1 every week would be preferable after the issues faced this pug. ~ Personally I'm getting tired of these huge games. I'm interested in smaller ones, 10v10 preferably, so interesting things can happen more often and so there will be more organization. Commanding 19 people vs commanding 9 people is a huge difference, and I'm interested to see how it'll turn out as things will be less stressful in communication. Depends if anybody is interested though, basically it'll be same as the saturday pugs except there will be 20 players max instead of 40, and first come first serve. How does the same time on Sunday sound for you all? (7:00pm GMT)
  4. It's not particularly the trolls being a problem, it's the fact that its a weapon that if you use incorrectly, you will get your feelings hurt.
  5. Straight to the point: Instead of restricting to only T1 inf/vehicles, I'd prefer some kind of interval where anything is purchasable from a destroyed structure after a global reinforcement time limit has been reached, for triple the price at anything T2 and above. For 1, comebacks, and 2, keep the fun in the game in a way that you don't permanently lose your favorite vehicles or character classes. For infantry and vehicle structures, once the building is destroyed, you lose all access to the respective structure for 10 minutes. Everybody can see a reinforcement countdown for the structure destroyed, and once the time goes to 0, a 1 minute interval is given for the whole team to purchase whatever they want from that structure (ex Raveshaw for 3000, Med for 2400, Mammy for 4500, Buggy for 600). After that's done, the 10 minute countdown restarts all over again. For Ref and PP, the same 10 minute interval and this time Refineries give back the 2 credit tick and PP should restore all prices back to their original values (base defenses stay off), all during a 1 minute interval. This is so comebacks can be more common of a thing, and discourages teams goofing around after destroying a building. Since everybody can see the reinforcement timer, the team that destroys a building is forced to keep pressuring, and if the losing team manages to hang on, they can unleash counterattacks that are actually a threat.
  6. The system I'm currently favoring is Agent's idea plus a tweak on mine price, and maybe an alarm system as well. The current mine limit should either be completely removed or only show the total mines placed (#) instead of (#/#). Mines should start out at 250 for 3, and after every 8 minutes the price increases by 50. By the 30 minute mark, mines should cost 500 for 3, making mine spam less of a threat. Destroyed PP should affect the mine price, and destroyed refineries should be 1 credit tick per second. If the mine counter is removed, an alarm system should replace "MINES DROPPING!11!!". The alarm system works by the structure playing sounds whenever an enemy infantry is inside a structure. You can only hear the alarm when you are at a somewhat close proximity to the structure being infiltrated, approximately the same sound radius as a superweapon beacon.
  7. Went through tunnels on my own, very good map. Need to see how it goes in an organized game first to give feedback however. Reservoir needs optimization, as people complained about FPS issues. I didn't really see a proper match though, as people were kinda worn out from the previous Fort game.
  8. PUG was meh. Walls Snowing - Orca/Apache slugfest for the top for the majority of the game. Occasional rushes here and there (orca rush on HON dealing 70 perma, apaches+Nukes dealing some perma to WF and Refinery). During a Nod rush however 2 hotties sneak in and kill airstrip and PP. Nod surrenders Fort - Tank slugfest for 30 minutes. Solo nuke kills WF, Rocket rush kills HON, Tech+Mobius+Mendoza kills ref, Hottie kills ref, and then snooze fest for the rest of the game. Reservoir - Rocket rush by GDI fails to do perma, stank rush by Nod gets caught. Tank slugfest ensues, GDI having the upper hand in the end. Gunners and tanks deal perma to hon, and GDI slowly starts steamrolling.
  9. We all know it's broken and no matter what we do to alleviate it it's still going to be flawed and complicated. Many ideas have been thrown around to replace the current mining system, which I believe should be a big step to making this game a bit more friendly to newcomers.
  10. <CT> Total Players: 32 | GDI: 16 | Nod: 15 | N/A: 1 <CT> [Vote] A vote for "Surrender" passed (Votes Yes: 5 | Votes No: 2). (name):WTF?? (name):what happened ~ ^Is basically what I mean. 7 people voted in a 16 player team, and a surrender vote passes because the 9 other players didn't notice the vote happening.
  11. The assigned commander in the commander mod should be able to disarm all mines, not just anybody as that would either lead to discreet team hampering (not knowing who disarmed a door and running away for 3 sbh to walk in), or a back and forth clawfight between 2 people who think they know how to mine properly by disarming each other's mines and placing their own in their favorite spot. Making mines purchasble and removing the limit sure would fix the overmining issue, but would introduce a bigger problem, and that being late game stalemates when everybody is loaded on cash and spends them on mines. Infantry tunnels will likely be stuffed to the brim with proxies, and by the time you reach a door you'll find out the dedicated defenders spent their time and money putting 50 mines per building. If we discuss a way to properly discourage this playstyle without affecting the mining job as a whole, I'll be down for Agent's idea.
  12. We'll also go back to captains selecting their teammates one at a time, as it should always be for PUGs. At this point pug regs are much more familiar with each other's skill levels and are a bit more mature, so things should go well but with more consistently balanced teams.
  13. When you get an early officer your main job is to prevent that from happening in the first place, but even if they do get in you still kill them faster than they kill you, especially with refills Shotgunners can kill both in one shot, and the fact that you can sprint shoot while they can't is a huge advantage
  14. At the moment I feel chems are underpowered compared to Mcfarlands especially after their recent nerf. The people who complain about these guys are the ones who don't understand infantry armors and throw remote C4s/grenadiers at them instead of soldiers or shotgunners. The only time I use flame troopers is when I'm running for crates, and that's about it for them. Nod's other basic inf are much more substantial. Engineers are also without a doubt much more of a threat against structures.
  15. An additional tutorial video next to the original one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObDKswJQq0I that introduces the new features would be neat, but everything could just be consolidated into an in-game tutorial.
  16. Discussion is of course welcome, but just remember that the game is currently in beta, and any real, all-together advertising push should be made once a release version is finished.
  17. The reason why most of these map change and surrender votes pass is because the people on the team who are playing the game often don't notice the vote menu popping up, while the ones standing around waiting for the base to blow up obviously do. Somebody mentioned earlier to make votes more obvious is the first step imo.
  18. I'll be there with 15 fps
  19. boxes

    [MAP] CNC-Gobi

  20. Already brought this up to kenz before 5.2, not changing it looks like
  21. Please keep discussion on these forums civil and on topic. Attacking other users will not be tolerated.
  22. The camouflages are all opinion based on whether one likes it or not and have no impact on the gameplay whatsoever, but would be neat to toggle camo on or off. Honestly staying devoted to C&C lore at this point isn't going to influence much. Personally I like the camos a lot more than the boring old aesthetic and was a nice touch to encourage vehicle use. Autorifles are pretty strong now that they have projectile speed increases, borderline OP if aimed at the head against flak armor, ex. me as a veteran soldier taking out 2 recruit LCGs head on Grenadiers are pretty nice at taking out kevlar based infantry, particularly 500 snipers by sprint+shooting. They also have nearly the same ttk against structures as chems. Their splash isn't big because it encourages aiming. Grenade headshots in particular are deadly.
  23. isn't it was common knowledge now that if you do anything else but an air rush on lakeside you're going to get your ass handed to?
  24. Then make mcfarland's alt-fire occasionally fail and shoot himself in the face to balance things out
  25. <3 Timed C4s deal 400 damage, not 200
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