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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by boxes

  1. Okay, you can place mines outside the perimeter of buildings. You can put mines in tunnel entrances, bridges, or any chokepoint in particular. I do indeed find it another layer of defense.
  2. Like I said before in my post in case you skimmed over it adding mines along with laser walls is an awful implementation because it adds an additional, rearmable layer of defense that would be totally unnecessary.
  3. I think the plan is that sams/AA towers are going to be buffed first. We'll see how they stand from there, then consider any kind of adjustment afterwards.
  4. Of the few players who actually care to visit the forums to vote on a poll, more that half voted to leave if mines are removed. It wouldn't be wise to jeopardize the player base any further, over an issue like this.
  5. Laser wall was a good idea in the way it functions but would be very weird in a logical sense in the fact that walking inside laser beams would not affect friendly infantry and only enemy ones, and also doesn't match up with the flak/kevlar armor features. This would also effectively remove proxy mines, which obviously some people won't be happy about. Including proxy mines with laser doors would basically add another level of defense that attackers have to break through. Having lasers on windows or ramps would obviously be very awkward, particularly strip windows or ramps that aren't even bothered with, such as bar. It would also require a lot more development work. There also are certain tricks that can be done with mines, such as when mines are behind doors, sticking your med tank turret through a door would pop the mines for nearby infantry to run in.
  6. Unless I'm mistaken, this map is going to be replaced with glasses sometime in the future
  7. Now that I think about it more, having pre-placed mines would actually make some sense. Some betas ago, mines didn't have a glow to them. Lets say every door/window has mines, and disarming or triggering them would disable their "glow", making them safe to walk through, and the only way to rearm them is to obviously use repair guns. The mine counter from the start of the game should be maxed out. I find that this way can please both audiences somewhat, the one that wants mines to stay and the other that wants them gone. This would: Remove the mining job as a whole Keep the "mines down" logic when an infiltrator is inside a buidling Allow every class can re-arm mines (reptool), making bar/hon losses less severe, and removes the "30 mines in the last building" stalemate-happy strategy Nerf early infantry/apc rushes What do you guys think? If you don't know what I'm talking about on the non-glow mines, pause this at 10:03 when he looks at the door. Basically those would be the harmless, disarmed mines.
  8. we ended up swapping my 3rd and 4th picks with madkill's later ones after islands and arctic
  9. Pretty bad pug. Consisted of one team suffering and the other bored from the slaughter. Tunnels - Light tank rush with infiltration kills Ref and WF. Follow up tanks kill PP and SBH nuke kills bar. Arctic Stronghold - Rocket rush damage OB and intercepts a Nod ref rush, Meds/gunners stop an Arty rush and push up to finish off OB, and soon the rest of the base. Islands - Flame trooper rush from field kills WF. Arty rush kills Ref and Bar. Complex - Flame trooper rush kills Bar and damages WF, while GDI infantry rush kills HON and strip. Med rush stops rocket rush, and kills ref. Fort - Light tank rush fails, Meds/titan rush fails, then a slugfest goes on for some 15 minutes. GDI forgets to repair ref and it dies from tanks sitting outside the base. SBH nukes take out WF, and flame rush kills bar. Me 5, Madkill 0
  10. I still find Mobius stronger than Mendoza because of the fact that his primary fire is hit-scan that has smaller spread and inflicts burn damage, as well as dealing full damage to vehicles. I also prefer his +25 extra armor over speed. If you're complaining about things being overpowered or underpowered, sidearms were the biggest flaw with RenX's infantry balance. You could run around with a 350 adv.engie and a powerful sidearm and become the total jack of all trades, being able to kill anything and have advanced repairs/disarming. SBHs with carbines or flechettes would melt anybody in less than a second, anywhere they'd like and whenever they want. Snipers with sidearms removes their disadvantage in close quarters, as they would whip out their flechette and kill you instantly when you're up close.
  11. Would make it a lot easier for moderators. A lot less babysitting. -!modrequest +Yes? -ABC is harassing me +Stop harassing other players ABC. -okie ty ...sigh
  12. boxes

    Curious 28

    Still think the best way for this is to integrate some sort of chat system/lobby in the launcher
  13. Welcome! Sadly no steam, EA gave a thumbs down.
  14. After watching thommy's videos, @Ryz when you're commanding you need to be more aware of the circumstances and your surroundings, and you need to be more quick on your commands. Asking who's a hotwire after the barracks blew up on Mountain is pointless because you can look that up yourself by hitting V. You asked for LCGs on the wall and your team did just that, and they all got picked off by snipers and you got upset afterwards because there wasn't enough apparently. The first minute of Volcano was a pain to follow and understand. You can't just say "2 people do this, 7 people do that, and everybody else go here". It doesn't work like that, people can't organize themselves that easily as you might think. Your rush ended up getting delayed some 20 seconds, and by the time you moved out there were Mcfarlands blowing up the PP. Start using names instead of "people", and start using the overview map to see your teammate's positions and composition.
  15. The cooldown to changemap or surrender should apply to the whole team, not just an individual
  16. I will not be around this weekend for the pugs. Somebody else needs to manage it on Sunday, assuming freak or yosh has Saturday covered.
  17. When you're assigned as a defender, you never leave the base or participate in any rushes under any circumstance unless specifically told to do otherwise by the commander. You sit around at the most common infiltration area (PP at mesa) for most of the game repairing tanks and keeping out infantry while having constant awareness on the mine count and building health. Your job is to let your team know of any dangers that you can't handle yourself incoming from your camping area, shout out "mines dropping", and notify which building needs repairs when your base is under siege.
  18. The goal in mind for Renegade X is not to be a direct copy of the original game. The og ren had a number of flaws, and RenX is aiming to fix or address those issues on top of its own features. Building armor was introduced so attacks on an enemy base had a more lasting effect, and the goal was to reward offense more than turtling. Teams that are sitting in their base and not attacking would be at a more significant disadvantage. You still have all the benefits from that structure if it survives a rush, and structure health altogether has 20% more than og ren to compensate for the lower repair threshold. I doubted this system at first too, but after some time it grew on me. In the end it just alleviates the snowball effect on renegade while still maintaining a similar mechanic.
  19. I still have yet to hear your thoughts on why you think this is not a good implementation at a gameplay standpoint. We're open for discussion, not to hear you disliking change.
  20. Pretty good on our side at least, though if I were on the other team I'd be quite frustrated Tomb - Flamethrower rush and a Mcfarland rush both go through tunns, and magically go past each other (Nod goes open side, GDI goes tunnel side). Mcfarlands destroy strip while Flamethrowers destroy both Bar and WF. Flamethrowers suicide and save the HON. Multi-SBH nuke destroys PP, and Nod marches in with adv. infantry and destroys Ref. Mesa - Early Arty rush destroys GDI ref, but GDI plays very safe and holds off Nod tanks for some 15 minutes with Meds+Hotties. After a failed Stank rush, GDI infiltrates and destroys the Nod PP. Nod then gets rolled down slowly for the rest of the game. Fort - Flamethrower rush on the WF deals 80 perma. GDI goes for a med rush on the Ref and deals 70 perma, and a solo nuke takes out the WF. Nod rolls down GDI with tanks and a nuke while half of their team tries infiltrating. Crash Site - Nod wins with a stank rush that somehow got past meds camping in front of Nod's base. Bar goes down from that, and GDI slowly crumbles after a failed med rush. Islands - Nod destroys GDI ref with a surfing buggy and finishes the pug with flamers/artys.
  21. boxes

    GDI vs Nod maps

    Ah, I actually never considered the left door. Interesting. The obelisk charge though is still a dead giveaway to both PP and Ref infiltration. There's no way to walk in on your own without the Obelisk making sounds, making it pretty easy to defend with a dedicated defender. WF can be taken down quietly. From what I remember I could but just barely, but if you can't the GDI PP is more prone to rushing as the AGT rocket isn't going to hit people running inside the building. Rushing the Nod PP is more risky because the OB will for sure get a pick or two. I'm still convinced Under being insanely lopsided. Even if GDI is choked in, Nod can't blow up buildings with tanks unless GDI has no vehicles (which shouldn't ever happen) because of the lack of buildings to whore on and because of the long, medium tank friendly distance from the base entrance to the AGT.
  22. boxes

    GDI vs Nod maps

    That hole next to HoN was a huge change because: Nod can reach the silo area faster than GDI. Before, GDI would be all over the silo by the time Nod exits their base, meaning GDI usually won the initial harvester. LCGs/Techs arrive in the field much quicker to support the tanks mid-late game than going through the front of the base Snipers on Nod have can overlook GDI's base entrance while safely tucked in their own base, before Nod snipers had to go to the vehicle path to do something, not including the inf tunnel. Before that it was indeed one of the most GDI-biased maps because Nod struggled in early game economy. By the time they rolled out arty/tech, GDI already has meds/hotties and even ion cannons if people were farming crates. But now, that one change made this one of the most Nod-favored maps in the game. Honestly I think the next step for Canyon is to redesign the field so that there'll be another vehicle path (probably around the crates next to Bar connecting to the end of the airstrip with the Rocks in between the old and new vehicle path as an infantry only area. The Tib field in the middle of the field should connect both vehicle paths). ~ As for Volcano, as much as I despise base defenses, adding a GT in between GDI Ref and PP (where that metal cross is currently at) would solve a lot of issues early game, while Nod can have a turret at the similar location in their base. That's probably all GDI would need, other than perhaps shrinking their base a little bit.
  23. boxes

    GDI vs Nod maps

    That, as well as faction-biased people who play by themselves on empty or very low population servers.
  24. boxes

    GDI vs Nod maps

    Numbers don't necessarily mean GDI/Nod will win "#" games out of 10, it's just the weight of how much bias I feel the map has towards one faction over the other. Under: That's about it. Artys at their bunker location can also be hit with ramjet on the GDI hill, so they can be taken care of without too much hassle. The difference is how much easier it is to break out as GDI compared to Nod. GDI has a huge hill filled with lots of places to hide and take cover, while Nod has a flat metal platform that completely exposes you to sniper fire. When attacking a base, the distance from the entrance to the AGT compared to the Obelisk is laughably in favor for GDI. They can also hit the Ref/Strip safely outside of the base while Nod can barely hit the WF. GDI can sneak to the airstrip as well as HON/PP with smokes from the hill. Meanwhile in GDI's base, the AGT will slaughter you if you try to get to the WF, even with smoke. Field: The only way to infiltrate Nod PP is with Sydney or Gunner, while GDI PP can be infiltrated with a tech. And since the door is facing the Nod base, the EMP cloud should be pretty obvious. You can also infiltrate the GDI Ref with smoke and/or a distraction on the AGT. Tomb: Yeah you're right, but I still consider it a GDI map, but perhaps not 70/30. I wouldn't consider early money crates though as a part of map design, as they can (should) be turned off in a competitive scenario for the first minute. Map is fairly small yes, particularly around the tib-field area, but the back path is a huge pain to deal with as Nod because of how easy it is for GDI to bombard the Nod base. That area is flat and wide open, perfect for meds, and is a very safe place for hotties to hide behind tanks. The gun turrets on the Wall makes it a bit easier for GDI to suppress Nod tanks hitting ref. We still need to play this in a PUG, which we haven't done in ages. Until then I'll reconsider depending on what happens. Lakeside: I judged mostly in a competitive scenario, so yes the PUGs.
  25. boxes

    GDI vs Nod maps

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