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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by boxes

  1. Snipers are still a nuisance especially when in the right hands. It wasn't fun for anybody when they could dominate the map with their instant ttk and infinite range (and they still can). Chems and LCG are easy to take down with bullet weapons, ex. officer, farland, humvee/apc. LCG is also super slow, meaning he can't run away during a fight and he can't dodge much.
  2. Also could try a 3 map limit vote along with this
  3. People get a loss on the leaderboard if they leave before a match is over. Team switching after a building destruction is a jerk move and everybody on the server is going to hate you for it, and that's enough "punishment" for people who do that. If people want to leave by any means, they are allowed to leave with no penalty.
  4. I do remember somebody yesterday copying my name and team hampering to spite me and ended up getting a ban. The CT moderators had difficulty with it, maybe you were banned by accident in the midst of it? I don't think Yosh or anybody else banned you for criticizing the patch as their reason. I myself slapped yosh around a ton of times in the early stages of 5.1.
  5. Intentional, rav has 25 less armor
  6. I'm more for increasing the mine disarm time, as that would also burn through repair gun ammo more than its current state. I like repair tools having just enough to disarm beacons, because otherwise that promotes switching out for hotwire instead of buying a 250 credit repair tool that won't do the job.
  7. tbh I'm not a fan of restricting certain purchasable items/weapons to certain characters. That's why I supported the complete removal of sidearms rather than just to engies. It just...feels like a very cheap way of dealing with things.
  8. Ignoring armor means it has no multiplier. They deal normal damage to all armor. Grenade cooldown we'll just have to see how it turns out. If it's too chaotic I'm sure changes will be made.
  9. Flame tanks in the upcoming patch no longer deal extra damage to MCTs.
  10. I can't see the images, do you have a link to imgur or something else?
  11. If you want to put it that way, sure. It's not at all difficult to get familiar with it, and you'll get used to it after a proper game or two. At the end of the day, you're still going to end up pointing and clicking your weapon at someone, regardless what armor they have.
  12. The infantry descriptions in the UI are updated to tell you who has what armor, what sidearm they have, their speed, and their strengths.
  13. It behaves the same exact way as a repair gun minus the "infinite" ammo. So this also means if there's a beacon, you no longer need to switch out of your Sydney for a Hotwire or engineer.
  14. It will have two forms of firing, one being anti-inf and the other anti-tank/structure. So early reminder: don't be the one who messes up a doza rush by using the wrong fire option
  15. No more annoying bugs, less annoying crashes, and best of all, GDI is finally going to buy infantry other than hottie+sidearm. I'm very excited to see how this will turn out in a balance perspective, and even more excited to see the new strats people are going to do with these inf changes!
  16. Weekdays probably around 8am-5pm PST is the usual time for a server to fill up, and weekends about ~2 hours earlier/later. It's growing if anything tbh after the recent DDOS attacks were dealt with.
  17. This is up to the server owners if it's against their rules. If this happens again just get a mod request and let them sort it out.
  18. There isn't much strategy in mesa besides controlling the hills and slamming the refs while having one person camp the tunnels.
  19. I'll likely miss this and next week's pug
  20. It's a good shooter with interesting stuff mixed in, ex. crafting, settlements. The story isn't as bad as people make it out to be, it's just the endings that were lackluster. It's not a good "fallout" game, meaning the RPG elements are really watered down. The writing isn't very good, the leveling system is extremely simple, and the things you do whether it be good or bad has the same result in the end. So if you like a good RPG with powerful writing and important decision-making, Fallout 4 doesn't really do that. If you like shooting a ton of different stuff with a huge variety of guns and companions and wish to become a god of the fallout world with everybody licking your shoes, you'll be spending countless hours on it. Installing mods is very simple. Exactly the same way as with previous Bethesda games. Just drag-drop the mod to the "data" folder and you're done. Or you can install Nexus mod manager, and go to the mod page and click "install for NMM" and you're done.
  21. GDI doesn't need a counter to SBH. In fact, SBH is why Nod loses so much in pub games.
  22. Islands: GDI down 5k points, 2 minutes left, full bases. GDI wins by building destruction from clutch Ion and mobius swarm Mountain: Yosh switched the teams mid game and we got 7 free med tanks, restarted. SBH rush destroys GDI ref early game, GDI crumbled and died. Complex: Nod inf rush through tunns, GDI inf rush through sides. Bar vs Strip, strip wins Volcano: Nod pounded early game, but holds onto all buildings. SBH rush on bar mid game saves the day and GDI gets overwhelmed and died Walls: Hummer rush takes down ref, Nod crumbled and died, but in a more exciting fashion (raining gunners). Loved this pug, first one where Nod finally won more than GDI.
  23. I should have said PIC/Railgun buff against light armor. Dealing 100 damage per shot is huge (85 before), but that's not really a serious problem, if at all. My main problem is how the arty projectile behaves when shooting at higher elevations. Lets say, on whiteout, a med is on top of the hill peek-shooting you as an arty. When you fight back, almost 9/10 times your shot is going to miss. It'll either fly over the med because of its low profile when you try to compensate for the arcing behavior or it'll land too short and hit the hill when you're aiming directly at it, because the projectile initially goes straight at the med, and slowly dips down. Or when you're fighting a med in an mid-long alley, the arty is going to have a far tougher time actually landing shots if the med is constantly moving around or hiding behind cover because of how slow the projectile moves. Pounding buildings is and has always been the one thing Artys do best. When it comes to providing firepower in the field, it does its job in certain occasions, like countering a mammy train or fighting tanks in close quarters with techs, but the farther away the arty gets, the more difficult it becomes for them to do their job (against tanks) especially now with their slow shots and the longer range meds+mammys. Meds can take them on quite well mid range especially if they take advantage of the terrain elevations, and in long range, MRLS does the "artillery" job far better in the field. This is basically why it's so much harder for Nod to take and hold the field in Field for example. I think Artys need either a straight line shot or faster projectiles. Having a straight shot will not allow them to pound buildings in "dumb" spots anymore, like hitting WF from the silo in Xmountain or hitting the Ref from the middle hill on Lakeside. In return, artys in the field can now provide more consistent damage and no longer have to work 10x as hard as a med to land their shots. Not really necessary. When I'm playing Ren, I want to play Ren, not "pub Ren" or "pug Ren".
  24. In my last 8 pug games, GDI has won every single game. The only strat GDI ever needs is meds+hotties (infiltrating and repairing)+orcas if the map is flying, and a couple snipers/Sydneys. Before it was countered by Arty techs, but after the constant nerfs to the arty (slower and slower projectile speed, weaker light armor) and the med tank range buff, Nod doesn't really have anything to fight a med spam anymore, and they always end up getting out-muscled every single game. We should have won the last whiteout game as Nod, I suppose after we saw everybody on the other team leaving, we thought it was pretty much over and decided to screw around a bit with SBH and that ended up costing us the game. I told the SBH to abandon the WF plan and shoot the orcas, but they ignored that and ended up doing nothing in the end. Because if that orca rush failed, GDI would be completely broke, and we (probably) would have won the game by time or surrender.
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