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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by boxes

  1. Sneaking is harder for GDI? It's actually the other way around because "Nod has stealth". For now on the strip I would suggest removing the blue lights at the end and make the cargo jet quieter. WF chimney could smoke when a tank is produced.
  2. boxes

    GDI vs Nod maps

    Not sure about that. There is no good spot for artilleries here (like there is on Mesa or Whiteout), the tunnel below airstrip helps GDI spies a lot and also sneaking is easier for GDI - you can sneak to all Nod buildings, while GDI PP and Ref are covered with base defences. I'd say it's 50/50 or even that GDI has a small advantage. The vehicle area is much more GDI friendly, with a lot of open space for meds & mrls and flame tanks are dying easily. And you can't pointwhore WF with arties as effectively anymore. I'd say 50/50 on marathon, but a GDI map on AOW. I can't agree on that. Terrible airstrip placement is what makes Complex a GDI map in my eyes. GDI can shoot Nod tanks right when they get delivered and it's very easy to ion the airstrip, too. If Nod goes for a stank rush, a good GDI team will use this opportunity to ion the strip. Also, again because of how airstrip is placed, you can exactly see what tanks Nod is building and prepare for any rush. Actually here I think it's a Nod map. Arties are great here, better and cheaper than meds. Also WF is closer to the wall, which makes it an easier target than HoN (especially for outside c4 from balcony, this works suprisingly well on this map). And an early chem rush can be lethal, too. So, generally in my opinion there are only 5 maps where Nod has an advantage and about 10 where GDI has an advantage. Quite sad. Goldrush isn't the best arty map I agree, but meds also aren't fabulous either if Nod keeps up a steady stream of flames and techs. New path is also a lot more useful for Nod than GDI. Strip tunnel is still annoying, but now it's a lot less cluttered and easier to find ions. Also from what I remember the nod turret is watching both PP doors and HON back. If somebody dedicates their time watching the bridge, that seals off PP, HON, strip, and ref sneaking. Xmountain might seem like GDI tanks are stronger, but there are many spots where lights and stanks can exploit the terrain where they deliver damage while hiding behind cover. Arty tech is also pretty strong on the silo path with inf support. In the end, the team with better tankers will control the field, but if one team is camping, controlling the field doesn't mean all that much. For Nod however they are able to hit buildings halfway across the map, which even though rewards less points, still does something. I actually was going to say 50/50 at first for complex, but comparing meds+ion on the strip vs stank rushes, I'd say stanks are the harder ones to counter. GDI can hit the strip drop off, but that's only if they aren't getting any resistance, which should be a rare occurrence. It isn't very difficult to deal with medspam on this map. TBH I like how the strip is positioned here because Nod defense is not much of a nightmare with the MCTs being pretty close to each other. I don't about snow. Arty tech can be dealt with easily by sydneys, and patches/farmlands roaming the tunnels is annoying to deal with. WF placement is more of a nuisance than anything. Points should be generally equal against two equal teams here. I say canyon is a GDI map because of the Nod tunnel. When under siege, Nod has to watch two fronts as opposed to GDI's single entrance. Also Nods sniper perch overlooks the entire base as opposed to GDIs just watching the ref and WF. If GDI somehow loses WF, they can still win by camping, but nod without the strip is going to be overpowered easily.
  3. Update Nov. 5th 2016, Ver. 5.271 Obviously whichever team is better is going to win regardless, but these are based upon two equally skilled teams given biases from map design: Field - Nod (55/45) Vehicle gameplay is equal for both factions, the team with better tankers will face no real bias while taking and holding the field. Usually whichever team holds the Comm center will win the game. However the tunnel opening at the Barracks is a much more effective spot than the one at the airstrip (Safely nuke 2 buildings, more exposed to Mendoza/rocket rushes). Nod can camp their side out with vehicles while GDI can't (as effectively). Walls - GDI (60/40) The biggest advantage GDI has over Nod is how easy it is to kill the HON as opposed to the Bar. The windows make orca/tranny rushes devastating and makes it so much easier to sneak in. GDI's base is also a lot more cramped, making it easier to respond to attacks. But the team that controls the plateau will usually win the game, and Nod has the harder end of the stick when it comes to defending against air/tranny rushes because of the size of their base, though multi-nukes with air and sniper cover is arguably the strongest tactic on the map. Islands - GDI (65/35) In all honesty, the team that has better tankers/snipers and repairs will win. GDI's tanks are just a lot more easier to use and to keep alive. Nod's cheaper vehicles doesn't really matter because of the huge income rate. Infantry tunnels for both teams can be scouted and covered without much hassle. Whiteout - Nod (70/30) Arty spam on the hill w/ techs and laser/sniper support will beat MRLS/Gunners/APCs easily. This usually is enough to wear down most GDI teams, however if GDI survives Nod's early dominance and start rolling out their 1Ks and Mammoths/Meds, the advantage will flip around. Lakeside - Nod (65/35) Although there are HoN windows, Nod has a strong advantage with SBH nukes along with Apaches. GDI has no way to prematurely plant an Ion before an Orca rush, unless Nod apaches fall asleep or an SBH spy. The barracks is also a much better spot for Nod infantry to bunker themselves in once infiltrated. Mesa II - Nod (60/40) Proper Arty/tech covered by a flamer or two is still a pain in the ass to break through, but the recent AGT range buff on the map was a godsend for GDI. It means artys are only restricted to hitting 2 buildings now as opposed to all 5 as it was before the buff. However a coordinated arty-attack on the AGT can still occur and catch GDI off-guard. Goldrush - Nod (60/40) The field is pretty cramped, giving flamers a nice advantage over meds here. The new path also gives plenty of room for unsuspecting stank rushes. The AGT is also placed at a pretty weird spot where it doesn't cover much area. Volcano - Nod (95/05) Nod's early vehicle assaults and infantry rushes are very difficult to hold back, especially when combined with nukes and infiltrators. Also because of chems and the shape of the tiberium tunnel, it is easier for Nod to camp the harvester. Xmountain - Nod (55/45) The barracks is more exposed to infiltration than the airstrip. GDI's base is also easy to walk in and nuke with SBH. Other than that, whichever team has better tankers/snipers will win. Under - GDI (90/10)->(85/15) GDI has far more infiltration and defensive oppurtunites than Nod, and the map itself favors GDI tanks whether it be defending, in the field, or sieging. Nod can't do anything other than a PP rush which is easily shut down with mines and hotties, or maybe a rocket rush on the WF which has an extremely slim chance to succeed because of how tucked away it is behind the AGT. Complex - 50/50 Both teams have equal strengths (GDI-Scattered Med Spam, strip Ion, WF side Gunner rush)(Nod-Stank rush, multi-nuke, Silo-Arty) given how the map is designed. Perhaps still one of the best maps in the game IMO. Canyon - Nod (80/20) Almost like Volcano, but early inf-rush is less of a threat. Map also favors arty shells over straight-line shots, and is cramped well for flame tanks. Valley - 50/50 Team with more skill/luck wins. Eyes - GDI (55/45) Stank rushes are pretty much the only thing GDI has to worry about mid-late game, while Nod usually struggles against tank/orca spam given how wide open the map is. Also HON windows is more exposed to tranny rushes than bar. Crash Site - GDI (60/40) Because of the doors and size, inf rushing through the Ship is practically useless, and GT>>>Turret. The map comes down to better tankers and snipers, and same reasoning as Islands for GDI bias. Snow - Nod (55/45) Because of how close the WF is to the tunnel, Nod has slight advantage here when it comes to infantry rushing. Tomb - GDI (70/30)->(60/40) Just have a camper sitting in the Ref and there goes Nod's only probable infiltration target. Gunners can take on Artys/Lights early game, and when the meds arrive, the flat terrain makes straight-line shots a better choice than arty-shots. Gobi - Nod (70/30) Cramped. Easy for flamer/arty/tech with SBH nukes later on. Arctic Stronghold - GDI (60/40) Because of how flat the terrain is around the EMP cannon, it is easier for GDI to hold it than Nod. Although stank rushes are strong given the amount of hiding spots in the lower path, GDI has a lot more rocket rush locations. After the arty spot on the AGT was taken away, they have limited usage for base pressure. Fort - 50/50 Again both teams have strengths that weigh each other out, such as GDI having Gunner spots on the HoN and Ref on their bunker side while Nod having multi-nukes given how spread out the buildings are. Since there's lots of inf-only areas where they can poke tanks, GDI's tank advantage is balanced out with Nod's AT inf. ~ Ver. 5.1, List is based upon AOW and two equally skilled teams. Field - GDI (80/20) Walls - GDI (60/40) Islands - GDI (60/40) Whiteout - Nod (70/30) Lakeside - GDI (55/45) Mesa II - Nod (90/10) Goldrush - Nod (60/40) Volcano - Nod (95/05) Xmountain - Nod (55/45) Under - GDI (90/10) Complex - Nod (55/45) Canyon - GDI (55/45) Valley - GDI (55/45) Eyes - Nod (60/40) Crash Site - Nod (70/30) Snow - 50/50 Tomb - GDI (70/30) GrassyKnoll - GDI (85/15) Training Yard - GDI (65/35
  4. We've been there already and it's absolute chaos in game, and in teamspeak. A 40 player limit is already crossing the line
  5. True, but I don't see how this makes the map 'dreadful'? Lakeside is special and let's keep it this way instead of turning it into another boring map like I described above... also it's not like orca/apache rushes are unstoppable. They are powerful, but there is plenty ways of stopping them. They are unstoppable, on this map in particular. They completely stomp any ground vehicle rush when on defense, they are easily spammable because of the silos, and wipe out infantry rushes with no effort. You can't use vehicles other than your own helis to chip down a rush before it's already in your base. If all pilots and passengers are Techs, that makes matters even worse b/c only one can eat 3 mines (the whole door) giving the 10 other techs an open door to run in and remote. The amount of people required to effectively counter a full-out heli rush is pretty much everybody on a 20 man team, and by the time you dealt with one rush, another one is already getting set up. is a perfect example of what I mean. GDI has ground vehicles wandering around in the field, and when they see the apaches coming they can't do anything but watch because of how the field is designed. When they lost the WF and killed all the apaches, their counter APC rush gets wiped out by.....apaches.It's lame because a smart team has no reason to purchase anything but air vehicles. They are hands down the best at both defense and rushing.
  6. Lakeside is a dreadful flying map. Helis can fly from one base to another while sustaining minimal damage. Ground vehicles can't intercept a Heli rush because of the way the map is designed, so as seen in the pugs the only vehicles that matter are Orcas, Apaches, and trannys. Go for any ground vehicle rush and your base gets slaughtered by helis when you leave.
  7. It's because the marksman rifle has a penalty towards Kevlar armor, which in the beginning of the game almost everyone has. Headshots against flak characters are much more lethal--engineers, sydneys, lcgs Though I do think it would be better they ignored armor %s completely like the other sniper rifles
  8. The following changes will give attackers the advantage: -Further reduce building armor repair point rewards (next to nothing) -Reduce building armor by 20% -Reduce MCT repair rates from 2x to 1.5x -Increase vehicle limits on all maps Basically make buildings more squishy, 1 Hotwire no longer able to cancel out multiple tanks, attacking building armor is more beneficial, and more vehicles=more firepower. Problem right now is that it's too easy to respond to buildings being under attack and it's too easy to nullify any vehicle/infantry rush while sustaining minimal damage. The game right now is a complete sneak fest because it requires way too much effort to kill buildings externally, let alone break through armor.
  9. At least from what I heard on Under GDI was getting their ass beat the whole game, and the score reflected that. If killing two structures isn't enough to gain a point advantage, it's clear that one team played a lot more efficiently that the other and deserved the win, despite making errors at the last minutes of the game. Mesa seems to be a different story though, and that is the reason why I want infantry kill rewards to be increased. Tech and Chem
  10. I'll be late, so if there's room I'll join the losing team
  11. Field is one of the most GDI-sided maps in the game
  12. We want to encourage people to purchase more superweapons. Right now, just the fact that dying with one and making you drop 1000 credits instantly is already a pretty big penalty. Adding another penalty to that is not what we're looking for. I do think however the kill reward for adv.engies should increase so it further discourages their use and puts more harm to a team if people are trying to sneak non-stop.
  13. Mobius gun can do the same exact thing exchanging a little bit of lethality for hitscan and no armor penalties, but back on topic
  14. You could just make him less powerfull. And is blue Tib rifle not too strong? Nope. It's too weak in fact. Blue tib rifle is locked to one character, and that being a 1K character. Flechette was 400, was stronger against inf, and could be purchased by any class in the game.
  15. That's something yosh is not going to like. When he doesn't like something, they tend to not be in the game. Soon this is going to up to b0ng, and he doesn't like purchasable tib weapons either. The tib field change is good, and replace it with the nearly worthless silo path
  16. I'll take a break from the pugs for two weeks
  17. We should probably make it clear as to who is classified as a leader so we can separate them fairly next time
  18. Honestly though the teams were quite balanced skill-wise, it's just one team had all the loud people
  19. one team had fun the other one didn't the end
  20. I forgot the part where a class survives two ramjet shots
  21. Wouldn't make any real significant difference b/c speed variations
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