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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by boxes

  1. Your version should be 5.24
  2. Boomer was here and GeneralHavoc leaves with a bang, this pug was sick
  3. why do LCGs have parachutes, when they should drop like a rock and hit the ground like titanfall
  4. Bad or not, having snipers available will make a huge difference as to how you play. Right now, as soon as you get rid of the infantry building, you can freely roam the field. You don't have any fear of your head randomly falling off and you don't have any real threat besides vehicles, which are obviously your main target. Marksmen are not good because of kevlar infantry and ramjets one-shotting them. The biggest problem is that there's literally nothing to stop any T3 infantry in particular. All T1 and free infantry get completely demolished, APCs get owned by peek-shooting and by Mobius/Mendoza, don't even think about buggys/humvees. After a great deal of effort, you finally kill a Raveshaw, only to discover the amount of points you get for that is less than 1/2 a medium tank. Another solution is to bump up the vehicle limits by 3 on every map. Having more in vehicle rushes of course can make a huge difference, and won't be as easy to stop with just 5 PICs with AT mines and emps.
  5. Doesn't matter, infantry team still has access to APCs, so its a plus for both teams
  6. As of right now, even after 5.1, it's easy to argue that the infantry structure is far more crucial than the vehicle one. With the introduction of infantry armors, a WF team against a HON team doesn't end well on the vehicle end, and vice versa. However, regardless which team you're on, it's still very, very, very difficult to end a game through base destruction for both teams. ~ Comparing the loss of vehicles to loss of infantry, lets highlight the benefits of a inf only team compared to a vehicle only team: +APC>>>T1 infantry +Advanced Repairs +Snipers +APCs + Advanced Repairs + AT inf + Snipers >>>>>Tanks + Standard repair +Mines +EMP +Easier Infiltration +Inf repair has faster VP gain than Vehicle repair +No "infantry" limit as opposed to vehicle limit +Inf structure less exposed to superweapons +Superweapons are far more effective given less repair rate on the other team and how exposed the vehicle structures are +Killing tanks rewards more points than killing infantry +No real threat when using peek shooting inf (Raveshaw/Sydney, Rocket soldier, Gunner) Now lets compare that to a Vehicle only: +Able to deal exterior building damage w/ vehicles +Aircraft rushes, depending on the map +/- Harvesters, but will be a negative if you don't have field control/depends on the map ~ My two suggestions that need to changed: -Give teams with no Hon/Bar the ability to purchase Black Hand Sniper/Deadeye for 1000. This is so vehicle teams have a proper counter to fast moving AT infantry. -APC price needs to be bumped up to 1500, in return remove the silly 20 second delay before getting your vehicle. It's way too easy to spam these heavy armor walls for 1000 credits. Just these two ought to fix many of the annoying problems when it comes down to an inf vs vehicle game. At this point I honestly think a game with no refineries has more progression than a game with Meds vs LCGs.
  7. Not even somewhat, it outright breaks infantry balance completely, not to mention giving LCGs flechette rifles
  8. Whiteout: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... BBFDC6366/ Scoreboard: http://i.imgur.com/aFT1ncb.png Probably one of the greatest whiteout games i've ever played, no hon, strip heavily damaged, 2 stanks and an SBH did magic and destroyed the bar and wf simultaneously
  9. The refinery is still arguably the most vital structure in the game, even more so than the infantry ones. There are other ways of gathering VP against a team with no ref, and you still have all the advantages when fighting team with no money.
  10. Losing a ref was far more detrimental than losing a PP before 5.2, even in base defense maps. Awarding harvester VP bonuses to the attackers balances out the difference between the resource structures a bit more.
  11. boxes

    Ren Videos

    Needs to be something like lavadragon's videos if anything w/ rypel cam, watching somebody's perspective in-game isn't as exciting
  12. The pug yesterday pretty much proved the value of the comms center. Stank rush gathered in front of GDI base? Attack the building where there's no dots anywhere close on the overview map. "Hey check this out, there's a bunch of dots in the barracks. Infantry rush inc soon." -- 2x
  13. So one thing we know for certain that needs to be looked at before the next pug is the static teams
  14. This time the losing team will pick both map and faction. We'll also see prior to the pug if people approve of the removal of lopsided maps from the rotation.
  15. The game is still in beta. There's still lots of stuff that can be added and stuff that needs tweaking here and there, but we're getting closer to the final stages of development. It's reasonable to assume one last advertising push in Release version 1.0, that we should all take part of. As for now, feel free to spread the word to friends who you think would enjoy this type of video game.
  16. Of they shot flak, it would mean they were stopped more easily by flak. Note the term flak jacket, and the fact it's more used to stop shrapnel than direct gunfire. Hence "Decimate LCG flak armour with Anti-Flak Armour Rounds!" bullets are anti-flak
  17. APCs are the direct counter to LCGs and are already very good at what they do.
  18. I did have one situation exactly like yours, I think I just reinstalled the whole game and it started working again
  19. LCG will be nerfed in the upcoming patch. Raveshaws have a different and safer playstyle than LCGs with peek shooting, but even so the DPS is too similar.
  20. jp be sitting in the bunker with sakura Volcano http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.c ... E3C522812/
  21. Mesa rounds be like: nah, mesa more like
  22. We should also consider removing maps from the pug rotation that have completely lopsided balance. Example, Under, Mesa, (Islands and Volcano, maybe). I'm down for some discussion though, I mainly want to get rid of maps could be fun for one team but dreadfully boring for the other..or straight up boring for both
  23. True, that's because field is already a gdi biased map. Nod could use additional infantry oppurtunites to counteract GDI's superior field control.
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