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Everything posted by isupreme

  1. Well, OFC bots can never really equal humans... But they can trash a map pretty fast sometimes. Once I added 5 lvl 5 bots and they blew up a building before I could get mines down. Other times I have had fellow players complain when I add a lvl 9 bot. Specifically, I am looking for strategies to balance out the action when there an extra human or two on one side. When I join a 2v2 or 3v3 - the advantage to the team with the extra human is readily apparent. Sometimes we can add a few bots, like 5, and keep the action thick enough for a decent game. But that is not always enough. Certainly not enough if 2 humans cooperate. Can Bots be used to this purpose or no?
  2. When i am in a small match, say 2 vs 2. ... and another player joins.... What lvls of bots equals a human? I have been adding a lvl 9 bot. But it seems maybe that is too powerful of a response... Lvl 7? Surely not a bot at lvl 5. ?? What is the bot equivalant of a human??
  3. I am looking forward to finding this map available to try out. It has a great feel. I hope the vehicles have a bit more room to maneuver?
  4. Stop With the Colors! ... all this action! I cant Handle The fun ! Been seeing and playin in some Awesome small team game late at night EST . ! Thanks for all the fun yall. btw. y'all is now in the Dictionary. So Ya'll come on by and say Hi sometime.....
  5. Why? do i find fun in helping the players who are lost in the game? Why? It is not like this riflemaj is really gonna change the tide of war. Clearly he is lost in this game. { I even check and see this player has Plenty of Credits } This dude is just out here with the big boys blasting away..... I cannot resist healing them. Ya I keep the medium alive because that is what REPs do, but any chance i get... I am healing this player.. Why? WhY must i do this....
  6. Color coded. Defense one color. Offense another.
  7. I like that the game has become playable at so many different times of the day lately. No doubt that Firestorm Frenzy has helped in this regard. I like that I can find games that are engaging and fun at a variety of times. This is especially true because the game is FULL for HOURS! sometimes... For me, in the past, the games would get busy around 3 or 4 pm. This is Great if i had a short day at work, or a day off. But lately I am amazed and happy to find games that are active in the evening. Sometimes it is shocking! Look at all these players... and it is WHAT time??? Sometimes its not a lot of players.. but Some Times! it is a lot! And sometimes when there are not very many players... . .... the folks playing still make it fun... That's what I like.
  8. Sorry, I guess i am confused. Do you propose that removing votes in the game would improve gameplay? Please clarify if you would be so kind.
  9. Since we are playing around... Remove all votes except standard worded ones like change map and surrender. No more random bull votes.
  10. Last couple of days I have this happening. When i launch there are no servers showing. Refresh does not change this. However if turn it off and re launch, then the servers show up.
  11. Why does the world keep changing? I am born to fight. To DESTROY the enemy. I take my succor in domination. Retreat annoys me. My joy comes from crushing the Enemy and Holding the Field. There is nothing better. But sadly, so often lately, my world is confusion. No sooner than I am alive and on the field and punishing those that oppose me... but then!... Then there is a Change Map Vote. BAm! The world is ripped apart and I am forced to re invent my life again. Do other Tankers actually enjoy this for some reason? It makes no sense to me. When the battle begins... from that first moment... The possibilities awake. But when we start a match and then go straight to : Change map, -- Another world of possible fun collapses. Another world that I had committed to engaging in - dies. And along with it a little part of the tanker that is in me dies as well.
  12. I usually use ctrl first. I continue to have this issue, but i found a work around. When it happens I go to the Donate menu and come back to vote.
  13. OK... a couple of real examples where Highlighting the Base could be beneficial: 1. Make the GTs team colors so when i look for them i can find them faster. 2. Make the team silo ( when there is one ) more obvious. I will admit to struggling to find it on some new maps.....
  14. Sad but true. Too bad there is no game mechanic that compels them to learn its use. I do not find the map confusing... I just think it could be made clearer. I am thinking by highlighting the base buildings in the team colors... a new player might check the map... and start to think of it more as their base. Their base to defend. If the silo can be colored according to the team that controls it, then why not apply a similar effect to the base buildings the team controls. I know this is just subtle psychology but this game is so confusing to new players, and they often are not asking questions... so I feel we should do everything we can to communicate in other ways. In this case, Visual communication.
  15. ok... but idk about that mouth piano thingy at 9 min mark....
  16. beam me up scotty
  17. Like there is not enough happening in the game developement... And Like we do not EVEN mention the improved Arrowhead indicator for locating oneself.... .... But could we maybe consider in the far future....... Making the Buildings Of The Base look more distinctive on the maps? Maybe using the team colors to highlight them? It would be great if it included a symbol to help new players get oriented. It might help them understand that Keeping The Base Safe.... is Plan A. Keep up the work......
  18. That's great. I have not seen that. It lays it all out nicely. So i guess in our world of RenX : The opposing leader to Kane would be Paul Cortez as the Commander in chief of GDI as decided by the Council of Directors? BeCause it would be after Mark Jamison with the UN Agency and the UN Secretary of Defense.? I wonder how the Council of Directors is chosen, if as the video relates: Individual nations have lost their identity, and GDI is the worlds largest political and military superpower.
  19. vote menu becomes radio command after first use? I am experiencing trouble with using vote. I use vote once... and then the next time i go to use it ... Ctrl V brings me to a radio commands menu. Maybe it is something i am doing, maybe it is my keyboard set up... IDK. But once i tapped some keys and got past it... but lately i just get stuck and I cannot do any more voting. ?? Bug? Me being stupid?
  20. So .. I keep wondering who is Kane's equivalent in GDI. This has got me wondering about how GDI is structured. I am looking for actual game based lore as well as theoretical or even fantasy conceptions. Surely the military might of GDI is run by some kind of council or committee? Could this group be infiltrated by Kane? Does it have a figure head or maybe a nemesis to Kane? If you opened Kane's Files on GDI what would be inside?
  21. Nice to see you back in action! I noticed you haven't been in action lately.... is cool. life is hard sometimes..... Any chance you would consider going 16 min A.O.W. again? we had some fun with that.... (now i really HATE to admit this... but .... i wonder what action the server would get with: 15Min,AOW,NvN. 24/7. O my! I don't play NvN, but i know some players reallly like it... just a thought. )
  22. 100 %. Teamwork Tier 1 Essential. Yah its interesting how the game allows a certain disfunctional teamwork thing. You cite several glaring examples. Lately I think there must be a Do - able way to help new players understand the basics of teamwork. If we could just communicate: Level 1 teamwork to everyone.... then we could move on to the more advanced items like recognizing the flow of vehicles combat. 1. In Game, battle. a. repair help... Healing infantry, tanks, and buildings./ resisting enemy advances. b.firepower . ie : backup by shooting at same targets/joining rushes c.base care. ie : repair buildings/mining/sound alarms.
  23. well poop. You sold your soul to the Marathon Devil. Another AOW server gone.... Any chance of buying it back?
  24. I would be seriously pissed off and turned off to the game if someone swapped me without my permission. Moderators should NOT Be Allowed to do this action. I seriously hope this not an accepted action by moderators.
  25. Hmm.. Already I find this list interesting. I am starting: by looking at what I would consider the Most Essentials. What 3 are THE! most important to me i asked myself. Right Away it is clear to me that the first category is the critical one. When I play the game these elements most directly effect my perception of teamwork. Base Repair, Healing and joint firepower. If this level of play is missing then my team feels deficient. While the other categories would be nice, especially cooperative driving, there is really not going to be much teamwork experienced if the basic battle cooperation is not in place. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And yet, these most basic elements are not being communicated to new players. ?? Finding ways to incorporate this learning into the game would seem to be Critical to me. 1. we must find a way to communicate that this is about keeping your base ALIVE! 2. more ways to encourage cooperation between players.
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