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Everything posted by Henk

  1. I like how the MRLS(renegade(x)/MLRS(real one) looks. Looks a lot better than a BUK launcher for instance, glad they didn't decide to make that one.
  2. Which map is this? Looks a lot like Daybreak, from Happy Conscript
  3. Med Tank is based off the M1A1 Abrams tank, looks a lot like that one as well.
  4. You see that tunnel as an advantage to Nod?
  5. Not the part that acts as ramp, but the other side: http://i.imgur.com/rd7fccJ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/MAUFlsr.jpg
  6. oh the one by the bases seemed bigger than the ones in the middle. but yeah the ones by the bases.
  7. Played it, i like it. Very creative. Lot's of credits, not necessarily bad, I think it's fun on this map. Add some supports to the catwalks by the tiberium field, like the ones used in volcano, but then place them under the catwalks. And maybe block the place between the big silos and the roof, when you crouch there your camera will go through the walls, looks a bit weird. And a suggestion: how about a moving platform (or multiple) above the tiberium field? Could result in some fun gameplay.
  8. Oh that's brilliant, thx.
  9. Taken from: http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/Alien_warship
  10. Maybe it's because the hill is so steep. Don't know what your plan is for the map, but it will probably be fixed when you put rocks or other meshes on it.
  11. I'd like that, just tier 1 vehicles.
  12. I happened to have done some research in this, maybe you won't understand this but maybe the devs see use in it: I saw in the json file that there's a steam ID for every user. So it could be possible with use of the Steam API, but only if the game has been played by the player within the last 2 weeks, because the AppID of Renegade X is the one of Unreal Development Kit, and it's not listed as a game, and therefore doesn't show with the GetOwnedGames functions, it only shows with the GetRecentlyPlayed function. The next and biggest problem is that those steam IDs start with 0x0, which is a different steamID format than the one the API needs (SteamID64). On the other hand you do get the correct profile when you paste that ID in the url: steamcommunity.co/profiles/"0x0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (the ID)", I went as far as this, maybe the steam64ID shows up somewhere when you load this, but haven't been able to/had time to check that out yet. Maybe there's a way to convert those ID's starting with 0x0 to the Steam64ID, the one that the Steam API needs, haven't found a way yet.
  13. Got any ideas for the side arms? Rocket Launcher (the cheap one, not the gunner one), could be cool. It's a more logical/realistic anti-tank than the heavy pistol, and it's kind of shitty in CQB?
  14. What's the point in buying a side arm if they would be less powerful than your regular weapon?
  15. I think that rock will be in the way too much. Maybe it works if it's further into the Nod base, or maybe it's better to remove it.
  16. @Minji: It's up to the server owners if they want to keep their maps in rotation, if it's unpopular they can remove it. This way those maps at least get a chance to be played with a decent amount of people. I also want to add that Snow doesn't have automated defenses, isn't big or flat and has the structure in the middle as a "feature". If it turns out to suck I can either make changes according to feedback or it can be removed from the game in the patch after this one.
  17. Snow has more credits per second, in version 1.1 (not publicly released yet). It's 2 credits per second now. If HappyConscript reads this and he wants to increase the credit gain rate, check out this topic: viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75599&start=15
  18. .ini files are just configuration files to set the values of certain game parameters, it's not a programming language with functions etc. like Java or C++, C# All the variables you can see in an ini file are in the .u and/or .uc classes, the ini files are just for storing them publicly and being able to edit them. The programming language UDK uses is UnrealScript, which, I've read is somewhat similar to Java. (No experience in programming in UDK but I think i'm correct about this )
  19. I wanna see a video Ruud
  20. If you're gonna post the same thing 6 times on the forums, at least make it readable for anyone not on drugs.
  21. Yeah, you can download the SDK and completely mod the game into something else. I recall some people suggesting to the devs that they should just rework the assets so it's no longer Nod vs GDI but their own IP instead, to get rid of EA's restrictions. But that takes a huge amount of time, and multiple people. I think that story is a bit far-fetched, If he wanted to copy the game he could just do it, and there's no need to ruin this game..
  22. Oh yeah you're right, didn't realize that door was seperate. Maybe you could make a door that opens when a player is close to it, and make a material instance with green lights instead of red to show that it's unlocked. I think you could make a pretty damn cool door opening animation in Kismet.
  23. Very nice, lot of detail! They're modular pieces am I correct? Are there more pieces?
  24. Is it meant to be that infantry can jump over the walls by Nod Ref and GDI Barracks? If not then i'ts not done Was also able to double Ion the PP and HoN (but you have to put it in a hard to cover spot, but I don't think players (on Nod ) would like it if they lost 2 buildings to a single Ion strike)
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