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Everything posted by Radeon3

  1. @MrSeriousOak These are just raw samples, from a nearly finished, but forgotten project of mine. Oh boy, if you only knew the half what I know about sound and voice quality...
  2. Like this?
  3. I'd break it down to two aspects: infantry and vehicles. The tunnel is an infantry magnet, as you can quickly engage in a firefight shortly after spawning. Some people just farm kills there with high tier units, which is understandable given this is an FPS after all. But I don’t get the people who just run in with free chars to avenge themselves and they die and die and die. Sometimes one of the team manages to secure it –they kill enemy infantry as soon as they try to get into the tunnels- but then what? They aren’t a threat to any of the buildings as they don’t have the mass/firepower to deal high amount of damage in a short time, constantly have to deal with brainless chargers and can’t cause havoc in the base because of the automated defenses. Of course sometimes you can plant a beacon near a building but those places are so limited and obvious that only a super lazy team falls for it. Organized mass rushes in the tunnels are rare and only work if they can surprise the enemy. Sneaking possibilities are the lowest among all of the maps. So the tunnels are a great place to distract many people from organized vehicle deployment or rushes. Vehicles: As soon as you come out of your base entrance you can see the entire field and you can be seen as well, which means no suprises, no distractive manoeuvres possible. Stank rushes were fearful in oldren Field, but with RenX mechanics it’s obsolete. The base entrances are chokepoints and medium size rushes can be easily countered with significantly less vehicles as the guard towers deals the main damage. All you have to do is to hinder their advancement. But the main problem is that at the chokepoints only 1,5 buildings can be hit. By the 0,5 I mean that only a few vehicles have space to position themselves to hit other than the HON or WF. Which means all of the defenders can focus repairing one building. On other maps you can solve this by changing targets when the repair output is constantly more than the damage output. In Field at this point of stalemate all you can do is to rush in for another building, hoping that enemy is too busy slurping tea while holding down the LMB and pointing towards the MCT. But for that you need a good amount of tanks, for that you need to organize this and for that you need people who cooperate. But wait, most of them are fighting a pointless battle in the tunnels, sniping, or SBH noobing around. TLDR: Field is a push and pull map, which means you need firepower. To get that you need to mass tanks which requires teamplay and cooperative players. It has strong base defense layouts therefore one person can very rarely turn the tide of the battle unlike on other maps. Field’s tunnel is RenX' unofficial teamdeathmatch metamap.
  4. Also happens when you try to jump into airtower, sometimes when you enter the AGT and always if you switch between 1st and 3rd person mode when you have a C4 on your head by a crate. If I remember right something was changed with the camera height in the last patch, probably that causes this.
  5. Simple, easy to understand layout, every unit is useful and both sides can use their unique strenghts effectivelly. A truly balanced map.
  6. 100% otherwise you'll get GUID (md5 hash) mismatch.
  7. The cooling fans are like that since the beginning. It's such an unimportant bug, that no wonder it never got fixed.
  8. You can blow up the HoN as well with some creativity
  9. EA is right. Me, being one of their customer would be confused, how can a quality game, RenegadeX be an EA title after what they did with the franchise. EA thinks in big (failures), small sucesses doesn't mean anything to them. If they don't want our money it's their loss, we can still have fun.
  10. Yay PwnCall! I used to play alot on MPF and loved your maps. Especially Paintball! Welcome to the forums
  11. Give this man a medal. Well said.
  12. Yes, it would be quite logical that way if you we want that the score is more related to skill, teamplay or some uncommon epic move. I could go into details how this could/would change some rusty gameplay elements, but I already sinned for being offtopic Maybe this could be moved/discussed in another topic.
  13. I like the general idea, there are some clever ones, a few OP, but I'd give some sort of requirement for these. Maybe achieving a high rank (connected to the highly anticipated rank system ) and/or only able to choose one or just taking hold of the silo for 5 minutes without interruption. Would give some extra deepness to the game, but as djlaptop said, this would require a lot of coding.
  14. It has a beeping sound, can be Q-spotted and now you want it to glow? lol no
  15. This is great, thanks guys!
  16. At least we know what is in the head of the aimlessly wandering players in our base who change team after 5-10 minutes without contributing anything to their team.
  17. True it's a jerk move, but it shouldn't be difficult to punish (logically/code). If someone switching team in 5 minutes after a building destruction, he/she looses all the creds and points. This could be accompanied with a message in the killbox that "xxSakuraxx is a traitor". This way swithing teams wouldn't worth it or at least it would be discouraged: you would still be able to change your team, but at a cost. The good guys who change team for balancing reasons could still keep their money/creds by rejoining. Or just be radical and disable team changing after 2 minutes someone newly joined the server.
  18. Do you know that Westwood studios' "successor" is Petroglyph Games?
  19. Speaking of the „Shift” feature, what is the reason this exist for vehicles? To this day I can’t decide whether this got applied to vehicles by accident or this was planned at the the first place. There’s no documentation (keybinds, loading screen, pop up message) about this and only a few of the new players discover this by accident.
  20. I shouldn't be the one to tell this but EKT is out of the game. Anyways welcome back once again Dave! Good to see that elite players are returning.
  21. Looks so cryptic, can't tell wheter the server owner tries to send us a message or the ddosser
  22. Could this evolve into an official seasonal tournament? There could be a link to it on the front page near the Stat, Download buttons (like Squad of the Season or Dead 6). It could contain the roster, current status, schedules, hall of fame, recordings/videos, etc, nothing fancy just a static page. I think we need this not just to get enough people for the tournament, but it would also show that even though there are no news -patching /updates takes some time- but there’s activity. There could be a prize -which involves no money- a picture of the winner squad (like these guys) on the subpage or a custom announcement upon joining into the game -until the next season- (what the Devs have/had) or an EVA announcement I think this would have the potential to pull in some new blood or refresh some of ours, competition always does that. To this day my friends still trying to convince me to play LoL with them to kick ass. Looked into it… and concluded it’s utter crap I'm not into that shit, but what’s important that I got aware of it. Not the best story to support this but you get the picture, in smaller games this effect is more prominent.
  23. Love your idea Glacious! I think 6-10 people per team is too much, considering that on the last CW there was 9-10 per clan. Finding 5 x 6 ppl for this is more plausible and I believe that in a 5vs5 match the level of teamplay is most conspicouos. To make this happen the real question is that can you find 6-7 team leaders who are able to build their squad in a given time.
  24. Bow before Lord Harvester Advanced tactics from B3 +1 exploision: http://elitekamikazeteam.com/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=515
  25. By reducing the sample rate from 44 to 22.1 kHz you actually halve the file size and memory usage. That should be okay for weapon sounds, but you can go lower to 18 kHz for dialogue and even down to 11 kHz for distant ambient sounds or room tones. If you want sound clarity like me, these changes require careful audition to filter out and prevent quality loss. But sure, feel free to move these comments to a new topic.
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