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Everything posted by Radeon3

  1. I know a few things about the sound department The UDK only supports wav files. If you want to reduce memory usage, reduce the sample rate to 22.1 kHz and make it use only one channel (mono). For deep (humming) sounds and speech this change is barely noticable. If you want to reduce memory usage globally I'd suggest to convert all the building radio chats to the above format. There are not many of them, but compared to other sound files these are quite long, which means more memory usage. You can also use the built in system to compress the sounds to Vorbis (well known as ogg) but I don't recommend it for various reasons. It's not reliable as it can produce some artifacts and the sound quality is going to degrade. On the default compression level (40) this is clearly noticeable. At 70 the generated files are bigger that the source and between these two settings you can save approximetly 20-25% of file size for slight quality loss. Also this method will result in higher CPU usage because of the decoding. If sound clarity is not an issue for you, you can go with both solutions, though the wav method is more elegant and produce better results. The likely cause behind the crashes of quickly repeating sounds is that there's a limit how many sound sources the engine can play simultaneously. The default is 32 which can be set up to a maximum 64. In theory the engine drops all the sound instances which exceeds this limit, but the crashes might prove this wrong.
  2. Looks cool! Would like to see building armor once again. And the EMP nade changes are smart.
  3. Please PM me your e-mail address, so I can create a group and start the briefing tomorrow.
  4. Apparently there's a limit how often PMs can be sent (around 1/min). This is also one of the reasons why we're going to communicate via e-mails.
  5. So far I got the same feedback from everybody who knows about this, which troubles me a bit if I want to stick to my first post. Going to send you a 3 word PM so can decide if you are still interested. The projects runs on a strict schedule, which means the first -main- part where you can share your ideas will take 10 days starting from Monday. The second stage is going to take place between October12 to 25, during that time I'm going to finish the core of the project (by core I mean what the game supports currently). During that I will throw in some ideas where input would be welcomed, but essentially this is goint to be a quiet period for you. The third -final- part is optional, so I'm not going to address this.
  6. @Ruud033 I just resent you the PM. @_ERROR_ Took your application.
  7. @Encrypt Can you receive/read PMs? @Ruud033 A PM has been sent. @kenz3001 There's a thread about my project in your Dev section.
  8. I’ve been working on a project for quite a while and lately everything aligned to the point when I can estimate the finishing of it. For this reason I’d like to invite a handful of people to get an insight and possibly contribute to it I’m looking for people with the following traits: Creativity (!) Somewhat good sense of humour Checks mails every day or two You have the advantage if: I know you (this can also be disadvantage ) You’re a veteran player Have some time to do preplanned activities ingame (testserver conditions) I’m going to give this 5 days, so Sunday is the deadline to PM me if you feel you are right person for this.
  9. Or you could, you know, just run it like normal because RenX runs perfectly out of the box on Windows 10. Telling everyone to turn off UAC and Windows defender is a recipe for disaster and failure..... You read that WarpSpeed? Don't know why did I try to help you with solutions that helped me before, when you just simply need to run it like normal... Funny, I left UAC disabled in Windows 7 for 3 years and I had no disaster. The only disaster that took down that system was W10. And B0ng please read again my sentence about Windows Defender.
  10. Oh Windows 10, I could tell stories about it... If you want to stick to that cra masterpiece make sure you updated your DirectX, have the proper Visual C++ redistributeable packages installed and maybe the .NET framework. Maybe disable UAC but that's just removes one layer of annoyance. I used to check if I had internet connection with the launcher. If it crashed without starting that meant that I was disconnected. Following that logic check the Windows Defender it might block the connection.
  11. Encountered the same CTD after putting RenX on a SSD. Do you have it on a SSD too by any chance?
  12. Had a Lan party with 7 friends of mine a few days ago and one of them had a P4 with an over the avarage GPU. He hosted a GTA SAMP server but it wasn't demanding, UT3 ran perfectly, Payday 2 sometimes had lag spikes, he noticed no lag when we were overran in Killing Floor and Stronghold was okay during sieges with maximum units reached globally. During Beta 2 we connected our network to the internet in order to play RenX on LAN. (That's some dedication to the game ). My friend had the same PC and it was kinda playable. So it might work for you Ali55, if not all you need is good heat dissipation
  13. I awaited for you to mention it Definitely miss the crates. And weapon pickups. Maybe consider removing the barbed wire from the right silo (from GDI's side) or make it apparent that it can't be crossed. Many player tries to jump over it. Also consider shrinking the lake as the water physics can be explotied badly to defend the nearby silo. Get the machine gun, dip into the lake, spray 'n pray, reload underwater, spray n' pray... you got the idea. The map seriously needs wolf howling
  14. SPEED HACK DETECTED! That's awesome! And welcome to the forum!
  15. The server will reject it, because of GUID mismatch. It might download it if the package is deleted.
  16. Didn't know that the best players are arty pointwhorers and the guys at the MCT totally neutralizing their efforts. I mean, sure on AOW all that matters... Imo a ladder system should work by Recommendations[most kills, most vehicles destroyed, buildings destroyed]/played matches. With the addition that recs can not be accumulated under 8-10 human players, so farming is not possible.
  17. Nice job man! Keep it up! Back in the days, some servers modified it for team deathmatch with vehicles. *hint hint*
  18. Don't forget the unit names. Gunner = Gunter Patch = Adams Hotwire = Hottie Sydney = Darwin (another city in australia) Mobius = Ferdinand Some RenX players: Mendosa = GI-Jose Sakura = Cherry
  19. With all due respect this is a bad idea. With that you couldn't buy a full combo of stank+nuke+tech if the PP is down, not to mention GDI builds. Do we need another limiting factor? Losing the PP+Ref already cripples a team, no need to further punish them. Not fair against people, who save up money because they are aware of that the refinery can be lost anytime and need supply to keep their momentum and carry on with their plans. Yes it would encourage donations, but I would donate anyways when the Ref is down and I have plenty of creds and others are in need. Ref has always been the most valuable building, B4 and B5 nerfed this but imo still worth more than the other buildings (at least I prioritize it when playing hide and seek in the enemy base). Adding another penalty after losing it would make it even more important. This is offtopic
  20. I was not clear enough what I wanted to imply. It's about fun factor and excitement. Going through the forest takes long and most of the time is uneventful, probably you get killed at the end of it (most likely by an SBH or a single guarding apache). Only a small fraction of players take that road (except from the starter rush). Now look at Field's or Volcano's tunnels. Those are crowded and all interesting because you can always find somebody to shoot at, and if you get out alive on the other end you have a slim chance to cause some chaos in their base. Which is interesting for the other team becasue they have to be on their guard. For vehicles it's almost the same. You have to take a looong way to finally shoot at some buildings, but most likely you will be intercepted by flying units which have the absolute advantage over land units on the field. I don't want to go off-topic, but I think without flying units the field area would be more action packed, because vehicles wouldn't have to worry about being wrecked if they are engaged by apaches/orcas and they don't have serious AA backup. So I don't say it's the map's fault or this is all because of the evil flying units... it just doesn't seems work out well.
  21. Like another really obvious choke-point that'll just get mined... Show me a non-open infantry path which can't be mined. Volcano has the same layout like this -1 direct 1 roundabout and 1 vehicle path for the infantry- and I see no problems getting into the enemy base only using the infantry paths. And even if I run into powerful unit that kills me at least something interesting happened; still better than hiking for a while in the forest and killed by an SBH at their base perimeter.
  22. It's easy, remove the flying vehicles and add a direct infantry path between the bases. The entry points could be between the ref and hon/bar, maybe connecting with the cave bellow, the forest or the field. Would like to see how that turns out.
  23. Very good that you brought up the floating mines issue Truxa. So far we thought the main problem with floating mines was that we weren't able to disarm them. Now we could, if we were able to and I'm talking about hidden unreachable -therefore undisarmable- mines. In my point of view the main reason it's accepted because it is the same in oldRen which was probably due to programming/engine limitations. On the other hand it makes no sense (regarding the shape and nature of the mine) and gameplay-wise you can't do anything against it and it can even amplify the stalemates. I know at least one EKT guy who often mines like this (the wallhopper..) but as far as I know it's clearly prohibited only on EKT2 (glad we have that server) so the confusion about this is understandable. And I agree with B0ng, probably almost all of the maps would need an overhaul of the main invisible blocking volumes.
  24. -Sniping from ledges unreachable by foot. Ok or not ok? Personally I despise cheap playstyle (especially from advanced players), but this is ok on EKT. If I notice something dodgy I always check if both sides have the same access to it. If not, then it's clearly an unfair advantage. Then question if it was an intentinal place or an exploitation. I always check this by contacting Kenz. I would suggest you to do the same. -Vehicle surfing. (for as much thats still possible) Ok or not ok? I find it a funny but extremely rarely useful feature, so it's ok. -Base-to-base airstrikes (e.g. islands) Ok or not ok? B2B. No go. -Arty shooting GDI ref @ Islands, wayyy back in the field on islands. Ok or not ok? If it's really wayyyy back (not aware of such a spot) it sounds cheap. Would go through my procedure I mentioned above. -"Wall climbing" where it is obviously not designed to be accessible by foot. Ok or not ok? Nope, even kicked EKT guys for doing it. Whiteout is a grey area. -Nuke-spam. (one nuke every 2-3 minutes) Ok or not ok? Since B4 you can't effectively nuke-spam. Personally I see tactical value in it, but have to admit it makes no sense nuking your own buildings. -Vehicle "stealing". 2 or 3 players rush a field-crate (same team). Player 1 reaches the crate first and e.g. a Titan dropped. Player 2 or 3 get in that Titan as player 1 has to "search" for it. Ok or not ok? Worth a !warn, but it's difficult to deal with these issues. -Nuking WF on the "suicide spot" (behind the air vents on the roof, jumping down in that dark area) Ok or not ok? Can't do that anymore since 5.002. -Ion on top of the airstrip control tower, behind the glass, on that edge/ridge. Ok or not ok? Okay. (Maybe Handepsilon's piston will get included eventually to counter this a bit)
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