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  1. If this will be a thing, then I believe that it would make sense if it happened in the Renegade Community Discord (the one that was used for 19th anniversary).
  2. I believe that there is one more option to be considered. It goes somewhere between "remove the maps" and "just don't have maps in rotation": Remove the maps from game, but still keep files available somewhere on the internet, so that Renegade X is not bloated but the maps are not lost to time. So if someone decides to check out or even host a server with unpopular maps, they still have ability to do so.
  3. We got in touch. His Renegade X works better now The solution was to install some more stuff through winetricks we added d3dcompiler, faudio and some DXVK related stuff.
  4. I'm very happy that you dudes stuck around
  5. You should give us more information about your system. Also, what happens if you try to run the UDK.exe directly? It's located in at C:\Program FIles (x86)\Renegade X\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe. Or the one in Win64, that one should be even better. Does game start by running that or does your computer do something else?
  6. hype hype hype hypehype hype hype hypehype hype hype hypehype hype hype hype
  7. Personally I would be fine with not having freedom to switch teams. In regards to mid-game switching, one way of compensating players for being moved to losing team would be to give them a lot of whatever counts towards being MVP. I assume that could help with keeping morale up. This thread reminds me of this GIF:
    Give us the source code
  8. b-but muh symmetry
  9. I've seen the future, our tiberian future. t. Phase 5 Beta Tester
  10. I think those are good. Poses risk of replacing what you already have, which is already an existing concept (getting a different unit when you already bought a unit), so it doesn't introduce new metagame. Free airstrike maybe. Slowdown sounds bad. Doesn't damage resistance crate already slow you down? That at least has pro and con at the same time. Becoming invisible completely breaks metagame. SBH spy already insanely changes balance, getting some other advanced unit invisible would be completely OP. Free beacon may be fine. Free rank upgrade already exists AFAIK (makes you require 1 veterancy point to rank up each rank), but is insanely rare. Airstrike crate could be easily escaped from, even on foot. Doesn't sound that good of an idea IMHO.
  11. Did someone say TEST??? Awww yisss. Will go do it when I get some time.
  12. >upwards to 15 minutes my dude, have you ever played 2+ hour stalemate? Also, I would argue that there are two game mechanics in current Renegade X that vastly improve the situation compared to early RenX builds or oldRen: - veterency - building permadamage The fact that building can not be healed back to full health once it recieved permanent damage helps a lot with shortening matches And veterancy is the mechanic that is supposed to resolve the issue with "too many repairs", since decently ranked up team can easily melt buildings that have many heals on them. And well used commander buffs can make things even easier. So tl;dr: tools to solve the issue that you are describing are already provided. How your team will use them, that is another issue.
  13. If this feature was implemented, then I would feel much more comfortable commanding in PUGs, as I wouldn't have to risk stopping for a second just to check state of the map.
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