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Everything posted by Truxa

  1. Lux, TheMatrixRen does not condone beacon glitching, the only problem is getting people while they do it. One way is reporting the glitched beacon before it detonates, the name should appear when the building gets destroyed thus linked to the glitched beacon. [TmX] does not condone glitching, some admins I know of do not condone vehicle surving and last I heard of was they are internally discussing the bugs/glitches and making up internal rules. [TmX]NP212's statement just shows that the discussion isn't closed yet as he states his own opinion. For your first statement, I totally agree and I'm trying to get it through some peoples thick skulls that preventing infiltration is part of the evasion. No entry point means no need to stroll around the base continuously especially on maps without base defenses there is a need to PREVENT them from infiltrating. Even so, when an SBH is spotted to infiltrate, you can mention that in chat. 1 SBH isnt a problem, a tagteam is. So if it is hard for 1 SBH to enter the base, try 4 of them without detection, you'd need 4 pro players evading GDI patrols. While they are not killed, GDI gives them no chance to do their jobs.
  2. Yeah, I'd like to see whats getting "filmed" for future references. How big is the file copy? And I'd like some basic explanation. PM me if you will, seems saver to send details privately.
  3. Well, if thats the case, than thats also some sort of "bullsh%t" filter not worth the time posting unless you realy think it's worth the time. I'm not talking about colour, just the name of an animal portrayed in a shadow as a question
  4. A recent forum I've been on had a spam guard that worked perfectly! As it is a Dutch forum, the forum asks a question about a shadow of an animal. If entered correctly, the post made it to the forum. This feature was also on every reply you make on a topic, not just making an account or registering.
  5. Ok RypeL. Today I played on EKT marathon server and busted a player abusing a ref nuke spot. An area you need a timely jump upon the fence in order to reach. Nuke can be disarmed from behind the ref, but spotting it is quite difficult as you would not assume it's at that location. I asked the EKT admins to send the demo rec to the devs (hopefully you) It shows how I managed to reach that location where the nuke was placed. I typed it into chat aswel. Secondly, the same player nuked the powerplant, as the demorec was still running (hopefully) that one should be spotted aswell. Though I'm not sure the powerplant nuke was a glitch (I couldn't see it, but the player bragged about it) hopefully it's caught on tape. The admins will take a look at the demorec too, so if they deem it unworthy or are unable to see the demorec (as was the case on TheMatrixRen server before) you'd see it or not. shit glitchers, I hate em ... trying to make excuses for obvious glitches (like tank-surfing)
  6. Except from the main entrance and tunnel, which allow enemies to pass through. Walls make it easier to defend your base. They don't defend it for you. And this is where you are wrong R315r4z0r (see the Bold fond in the quote). You are right, SBHs will be entering the base regardless or the side entrances or not, for the time being. But once the stealth has been fixed, this issue remains! As those side entrances are not a regular entry point, it doesnt need defending that much. So even with the nerf to stealth, Nod is still able to do it stealthily! It is way harder for SBHs to use the main entrance (and unmined tunnels) after the nerf than it is now, but it is still easier now than to defend the other 2 extra UNINTENDED POINTS OF ENTRY. Seems to me you are a devil's advocate here as this seems to be your tactic (thus defending it so fiercly) And let me say this straight up: This topic wasn't about the stealth ability to begin with, but the vehicle gliding/bug abuse/wallhopping/etc. being strengthened by the stealth ability for Nod. It puts GDI in a disadvantage for it's nescessity to defend against 4 entry points, 2 of which are hardly used. An another thing: A good defense is not coutnering infiltrators when they try to sap a building, it's preventing them from ever reaching that position! It lets you focus on the defense of a choke point rather than a wide area. If you played RTS games, you'd know that (heavily) defending a single point of entry is far better than to have small/medium defenses all around your base. It's common sense. @[TmX]NP212 Are you trolling right now? Because you are not being in 1 line with other [TmX] members/moderators/admins as to what is considered a bug/glitch/cheat or allowed on the [TmX] server.
  7. I like options 1 and 2. I also dislike polls, especially those with a made-up question like: "Do you like this map?" I also think polls ruin the game, atleast the way they are implemented now. A poll to kick a player is needed though! As there isnt a mod online 24/7 in most cases. Marathon is just that, a marathon, never give up, never surrender! If it seems a stalemate (on walls GDI having barracks and Nod having ref+pp) it's fun play! Finally a great match in the making for teamwork to kill that final building. Anyway, polls to reset/switch/end maps are never good for gameplay, I mean, in an early APC rush you kill a building. Ending a map there and then becausethat team is bound to loose anyway is just not fun ... Poll cooldown of 30 seconds (the length of a poll AFTER the poll ended) seems reasonable. If a poll was to succeed, you either make statements why and reinitiate the poll, or the first one should be obviously reasonable and pass.
  8. It allows for an unintended burst of teamwork NEEDED by GDI. It's much easier to defend 2 entrance points than 4 even only 1 if the tunnels are mined (for servers with a higher mine limit) When I'm on GDI, I am the one not actively defending the buildings, but lurking on the sides of the main entrance, waiting for those SBH infiltrators. When GDI is defending with just 1 tank, all you need is that tank effectively making the main gate smaller for a single infantry to cover the other side, effectively reducing the needed defenses on GDI. Instead of defending all 4 buildings with 6 people actively scouring the base 100% of the time just for the possibility of a few infiltrators. I'd say, let them ensure the impossibility to enter the base in the first place, so you do not need to defend the buildings at all! See how Nod does it. They defend only when needed, when they spot incoming APCs or infantry through tunnels, people have enough time to react to the possible hot-spots. Before they have to, they can actually be useful in attacking/repairing tanks/sniping from a distance/repairing apache's that are retreating etc etc.
  9. Oh gosh! I hope you say this for the temporary fix ONLY! as there are more followers for the 64+ player caps!
  10. Will the infinite ammo on infantry return to the game or is it a server-side option that will become availible?
  11. Hi Sean! Good to see your active on these forums! To be honest, I think it's a more general issue and not a single-server-issue. I know TheMatrixRen is a great server as it actively bans/prohibits/restricts unfair situations like this (imo). Thats the main reason I play mostly on your server when it's possible (it's always at 40/40 lol) But I must disagree with you that it cannot be done in the original renegade. In the onld ren they huddle up crouched and a 2nd/3rd SBH can just jump on the wall that way. I haven't done it myself, I usually report it to the mods (on Jelly server it wasn't allowed either) as it is called "wall jumping". When I see it happen as GDI, I usually throw a few remote C4s and get a 4x "Boink" but still, it should not be possible imo!
  12. You all make it sound reasonable but I am still of the opinion that these side entrances were not created like so to be accessible from outside the wall. Why wouldn't the map design simply be such that the wall is lowered in such a way that infantry can more easily enter it rather than using those "special tactics"? I believe the original map was made so, that vehicles and infantry units can oversee the sides of the map for incoming troops and call out or defend against them more easily and withdrawing more easily when damaged. This tactic simply allows for 4 points of entry into a base, 2 extra points for Nod to take advantage of while GDI is more easily spotted utilizing that "special tactic". Even with the nerf, it still requires 2 additional active guards for those entrances compared to Nod, which is skewing the balance between teams imo.
  13. I don't think Nod had turrets at all, just "tank stoppers" at the airstrip building. Watched the video and noticed the time: 1:40 - 1:48 AM?! dayum!
  14. It's a bug you see, you should die of tiberium exposure Were you lurking around in the back of the harvester container?
  15. On top of what Daxter wrote: With small games (e.g. 12v12) (sorry, had that in mind when writing previous comment) 5 defenders IS half your team. On a 40-man-server, (20v20) 5 is considered half your team because there are 5 actively attacking and the rest (10) slacking around, running around, camping with snipers and what not.
  16. I agree with you R315, I totally do! But I also think that there is merit to the 1 super weapon at a time idea. Thinking about it when GDI has only 1 space ion cannon satalite in space, it's weird that it can charge and shoot multiple times within just a few seconds. Same with Nod nuke and silo's. While it is possible to have multiple nuke silo's build at the same time, it's plain OP if GDI gets limitted and Nod isnt. Lets just assume Nod only has 1 nuke silo. A suggestion: While the ion/nuke cannot shoot multiple times during a few seconds, perhaps it would be a nice thought that while many people can place beacons, the 60 second countdown timer starts for the next beacon when 1 beacon goes off or is disarmed. It allows for multiple deployments but not multiple destructions.
  17. Pretty funny to say that GDI has so many tactics to prevent SBH from whoring the base, but if it takes more than half of GDI's team to prevent all those SBHs, Nod doens't realy have to defend their base! Fine, GDI has a good chance of defending against SBHs, but in the mean time, no chance at all to win the game by destroying the Nod base (because of teh lack of offensive capabilities maybe?)
  18. Freezes happen to me too from time to time. Not so often as described above though, but I do recognize it. Intel i7; 4 CPU's (task manager shows 8) 16GB RAM GeForce 660 GTX Windows 7 64bit, SP1 fully updated (every day on system startup) In 1 occasion the freeze lasted 10 seconds or so while I was driving my artillery backwards. When the game unfroze, I was driving into the water (on Islands in Nod base) Other times a freeze happens on Walls: flying whilst in GDI baracks as a GDI soldier. I always tend to think the game is going to crash and boot me to my desktop, as soon as the freeze happens, I stop moving and do not push any buttons. Sometimes it throws me to desktop, other times after 5-10 seconds it's fine again. Maybe they are related and in cases of a freeze, the game regains itself
  19. 1 click delete button for moderators, but they aren't online 100% of the time 24/7. Perhaps as an immergency method, get a voting system up for posts like upvoting and downvoting. That way, forum users could downvote the spam when they encounter them and mods can spot those downvoted posts in a list. After which they remove it instead of scouring the entire forum continuously whenever there is a new post. On the bright side, upvoting/downvoting also reduces the amount of rubbish people say on these forums as an act of filtering out the good tips and bad tips for the Devs.
  20. I think that has a 0% chance! Renegade is set in the Tiberium Dawn era (you know, the C&C game from 1995?) Ren X is the updated version of that game, whilst maintaining the gameplay during that era. No fancy dancy stupid EA "improvements" (read: stupidity) for this game please! EA ruined the C&C series
  21. I agree with you there! make 1 server for 20 players and 1 server for 100 players. With the current playerbase, the 20p server will be full and the rest enjoys the better server (100p) whilst never being full, so you can join the 100p server ALWAYS without it getting full. Would be great!
  22. 12-man GDI on "Walls: Flying" trying to stop Nod from SBH-nuking the base, goodluck! You'd be defending with at least half your team to stop them, forget about it when they do a 4-man-SBH-tag-team-nuking-pow-pow with only 6 defenders. Not to mention the pressure the artilleries are able to push on GDI with only 6 GDI trying to attack them Sorry, no tactics needed there, just play nod to win
  23. Before anyone noticing, yeah i'm dutch [5041.82] Log: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CPU skinned envyentry.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Rx_Building_Barracks_Internals_3.SkeletalMeshComponent_5499 RX_BU_Barracks.Mesh.SK_BU_GDI_BAR 1 0 1 0 [5046.18] Critical: appError called: Rendering thread exception: Fatal error! Address = 0x0 (filename not found) [5046.18] Critical: Windows GetLastError: De bewerking is voltooid. (0) [5046.24] Log: === Critical error: === Rendering thread exception: Fatal error! Address = 0x0 (filename not found) System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException error in UDK: Een extern onderdeel heeft een uitzondering veroorzaakt. bij GuardedMainWrapper(Char* , HINSTANCE__* , HINSTANCE__* , Int32 ) bij ManagedGuardedMain(Char* CmdLine, HINSTANCE__* hInInstance, HINSTANCE__* hPrevInstance, Int32 nCmdShow) EDIT: Upload failed with notification: The file is too big, maximum allowed size is 1 MiB.
  24. Truxa

    Ghost town?

    Yo Generalcamo! Since you are so perfect with your grammar, you probably have a hard time (s)hitting on people from your own coutry, right? 'murica? Tell me the difference between: "Where" , "We're" and "Were" and The difference between: "Your" and "You're" Even bloody native americans cant even distinguish between the terms whereas most "foreign" (aka non native-english speakers) can! (love to rip on 'muricans as you can see)
  25. Truxa

    Ghost town?

    I made that topic about demo recording and i implemented a global ban list. But so far nobody has ever reported any hackers since then so with no reports we cant ban people (as most devs like me dont play the game anyway we dont know if there are hackers). Either there are no hackers anymore or nobody fking cares to help us getting them banned. This is one reason among teamintern and personal reasons, why i stepped down as lead programmer and are not actively contributing to the project anymore at this moment. It is often far too frustrating with no compensation (and not even a steam release) in sight. Rypel, I initiated various RecordDemo commands the passed couple weeks (since i read about it in your post) and asked server moderators to look it up in the server logs and send it to "the devs" ... apparently, this didnt happen yet. i believe it was all on thematrixren server for various issues, amongst them beacon spamming and wall jumping (on Walls: flying)
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