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Posts posted by Fffreak9999

  1. On 3/2/2019 at 4:15 PM, SilentKnight said:

    Hello community
    Who wants after Pug  help us with the filming of our trailer on Paradise?
    We still have 3 scenes to complete the trailer. The whole takes max. 25 minutes since the AGT and Obelisk have to be destroyed to take the pictures in peace.
    Would be great if we had a total of 10 players. Of course, some of our team are also there.

    Why not kill just the power plants? You would be able to fly around in peace (without showing destroyed buildings) from an external view.

    • Like 1
  2. Honestly, if a Hotwire has gotten into your base undetected, then you have bigger problems than an Ion being placed.

    As for the beacon being placed inside the tower, the hotwire has 2 choices, to engage with C4 (which will damage themselves in close range), or with a Pistol (which has the lowest damage of the sidearms).

    The pistol is an "ok" weapon if they have accuracy (which most do not) and unless you are stood still (which should never be the case even when disarming, since Snipers can still kill you) they should not be able to kill too many people (if at all) before they get killed.


    Also don't forget, that a valid building kill method for them is to Ion in the tower, and then C4 the MCT (which gives them 2 methods of destroying the building).

    As for the disarming of the mines, this should be noticed by a base defender (or any team member, and should be your first major warning).

    Ask people like Quincy or other sneakers (who don't even need the Ion) and just walk into the base and kill a building, your problem lies with the team not being attentive enough, not the fact the tower can be used for the beacon.

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  3. Just remember that Epic units have an increased armour count over current units (by a significant amount) adding in a Tiberium heal would necessitate a reduction in that amount to balance out the healing that they receive (even if it only healed the health component and not armour)


    They already have immunity to tiberium based attacks as well (you can’t kill them with another epic unit’s tiberium splash weapon, and I am pretty sure they are immune to the Chem thrower and tiberium flechette weapons)

  4. 1 hour ago, Elliott said:

    city and glacier maps (I swear there was another, I can't remember)

    City is under development, as for Glacier, there is no active development that I am aware of for this map.

    1 hour ago, Elliott said:

    It's slowly turning more into a sequel than a remake, for example the building armour/health, tech buildings.

    It was never intended to be a straight port of a game (as far as I was told in the beginning), and like you mentioned, some things that changed such as sprinting would also go against what you said here, it certainly isn't a sequel (not being an official game either), but a fan reimagining of what Renegade should have been in the minds of the Totem Arts Development team.

    1 hour ago, Elliott said:

    and some of the crates as well. Also Visceroid's used to appear when you could killed by a chem gun or tiberium.  

    There are new crates being added all the while, including the Tiberian Sun Vehicle crates, Classic Vehicles (Bradley Light Tank), and the Epic Sydney and Raveshaw crates just to name a few, Who is to say that some of these could not be implimented at a later date.

    1 hour ago, Elliott said:

    and he dislikes Renegade X.

    There is also no reason why he could not assist in development of the game in his own way, he could quite easily pick up the SDK and try and learn a little bit of unrealscript and make his own version how he likes (via mutator). The game can be pretty much fully customised by any end user who is willing to put time into creating it.

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