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Everything posted by DaKuja

  1. Less MRLS Spots to abuse
  2. All Maps where MRLS can dominate 1) Islands 2) Field 3) Under 4) Walls 5) Reservoir
  3. Thank you for your feedback, yes these points are particularly critical and I have been observing them for a long time. I have already made some changes in this regard, albeit minor ones. But this did not stop players from continuing to fire on Nod Ref. & HoN from the bridge. Also the point with the infantry paths to the rear of the bases hasn't been very positive to me. I have been thinking about making some changes for a few weeks now to create a better balance. Unfortunately it will take some time, but there will be other changes made which are not specifically related to the balance of the teams. The next update for the map will be more extensive and therefore a bit more critical, because I try to avoid new imbalances directly. DaKuja
  4. IslandsXtra &/or Glasses
  5. Holy moly I will check this out, maby i can do something werido just for the luls
  6. Download Link? Wanna take a look into it.
  7. Blaming MRLS?! Witchery! Short statement from the point of view of a MRLS recruit. That the missiles can fly around curves as seen above is outrageous, no question. But if you start to change the properties of the missiles, it might have a positive effect on the problem. BUT it also affects the "normal" situations where, in my opinion, I already have my concerns. The artillery of Nod can put the tanks under pressure in areas where the terrain has a drop in altitude, e.g. Under GDI Base Entrance, where I can already put the tanks under pressure without seeing an enemy and cause very gloomy hours for the GDI due to the area damage. Especially in the artillery the problem with the incorrectly displayed projectile is devastating for other clients. MRLS is strong on long range, but Nod can counter with very agile and fast light tanks, as well as snipers, rocket soldiers and SBHs. Depending on the situation or position, a MRLS does not have a Chance 1v1 against any enemy vehicle, as the missiles are not so maneuverable and can easily be blocked or dodged by obstacles. The last match on the field you're talking about was probably me. I was even able to hit the refinery as well the Air Strip. I think the feature is great, no question. But I wouldn't be sad if it disappeared again. Because to bend the already difficult balance further or to change maps is in the long run no solution and of the expenditure in my opinion much too large.
  8. Hey all, it me your best friend DaKuja! Joking aside, after almost 5 years of development of CnC-Eyes as well as part of this community I would like to thank everyone with this post. But before I just say thank you, I would like to give a short summary for all of you who don't know this story yet. CnC-Eyes was created as a very spontaneous idea and because of the overwhelming release of the SDK of Renegade X. Full of motivation and creativity I started to put wild stones on and next to each other. Quickly I had a rough idea of a layout in mind and continued with my work. I "documented" my steps in the forum. It took almost a year until the first "more serious" version of the map was released. At the beginning, the selection of playable cards was limited, the more motivated I was to enlarge this selection with CnC-Eyes. The name also originated at this time, because the basic layout corresponded to the image of eyes. Until Jan. 2018 it was a long way. Many versions were released and the vision of CnC-Eyes could be sharpened more and more by nerve-strong testers and the community. Then on Jan 30 Eyes was added to the official map selection with one of his latest major updates. But Eyes only reached its peak in 2019! In the period from 22/02/2019 to 27/07/2019 CnC-Eyes was ranked 4th with 350 Played Times [Total] of the most played maps besides 38 others. With only 15 played times less Eyes already scratched to the top 3. Thanks to @Fffreak9999 to provide those numbers : And here we now.. CnC-Eyes is keep running and struggeling with bugs .. since existence of this Map but this won't stop the Map being itself! At this point I finally would like to thank : - Totem Arts which has not only created a great game reimagine the original C&C Renegade from 2000 and with the release of an SDK's giving ambitious and creative minds the chance to create maps,mutators and everything. They also supported me personally, provided me with servers for testing, answered questions and sacrificed their free time for so many problems while development. - The Renegade X community who hated, loved and most of all played the map. I want especially say thank you to the "Testing Squad" who have been very active in supporting me over the entire development and making CnC-Eyes what it is today and maybe always will be. - We have looked into the maw of madness and yet we are still here and do not give up! - But at the End everyone made his part somehwere and somehow to make this happen, thank you all. DaKuja
  9. Yes, Eyes still needs some love and work because some things still have to be fixed. Unfortunately I have not yet found time and motivation to take on this task. I try to take the time in the coming week.
  10. Looks like a Scrin Localization
  11. C Tier in Infiltration? I feel highly offended by this truth!
  12. Yea - Orcas crashes the soul of the Obi
  13. If the Obi get fixed as promised - CnC-Eyes stable again cheers
  14. Worked, thanks!
  15. Thank you, I'll give tomorrow another try
  16. Heyho, Today I downloaded the latest version of the SDK and installed it on a new PC. This error occurs in both the 32 and 64bit versions: This error always occurs when loading the "MapTemplateIndex" file.
  17. Not at all, maby because of not using the default settings of the AGT like the Range of it.
  18. On request in part. I cannot provide support for the map at the moment, as I currently prefer other work. Besides my last weeks in education, I try to fix Eyes as good as I can. Clearly, glasses can be adjusted and balance problems can be solved, but there are still some further steps necessary, like the adjustment of the environment and therefore I do not want to reopen this project at the moment. On the other hand, every server owner is free to add the map to the rotation, so possible bugs can still be collected and reported. Anyway, if there's time, I'll let you know. Greez. DaKuja
  19. I think it's up to the AGT, because every time the map crashed this happens when the GDI is besieged in their base. Two times a beacon was placed at the moment ... I will investigate this further!
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