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Everything posted by SFJake

  1. Anti-cheat protection can be done in a variety of ways but when it comes down to it, there's nothing that really works perfectly. Its just a back & forth fight at best, the cheaters always find a way to bypass your tricks and with a free game, they lose nothing for trying. Best methods are definitely server moderations, and a vote kicks can work too (I hate vote kicks, can be abused, but sometimes its better to have it when there's no moderators around). This is part of the reasons why dedicated servers on PC are not actually an option, they are a requirement.
  2. You'll have to use 3rd person to look around corner and sneak around more efficiently, though. Otherwise you're handicapping yourself.
  3. I personally don't care for THAT much, but I just want 64 back, I hope they can fix it soon enough. 64 is actually necessary for Lakeside and Goldrush IMO.
  4. You do realize the the pistol is one of the best anti infantry weapons out there right? It's hit scan, semi auto, perfectly accurate and kills with 4-5 shots to the head. The only drawback is that the bullets vanish past certain range. A good SH can kill you in 2-3 shot bursts, easier than using the pistol. You've probably just been killing poor SH players or ones who were focused on doing other things than killing you. I've never seen anyone do that much damage with that weapon including myself. mall clip doesn't help the gun either. The basic weapons are more threatening and reliable.
  5. That would be interesting. Building death being only temporary (obviously it should still take a while to rebuild) unless you also successfully destroy the construction yard. This could make for crazy long marathon games, though.
  6. First, I'll start here. The laser gun is absolute garbage and gets beaten by the pistol, I've never had any trouble dealing with a stealth black hand so far. Second, I feel like the proximity mines are stronger than before. All vanilla maps do fine against stealth, but they do require good mine placement. Goldrush is probably not too vulnerable to stealth when well defended, the back entry is just TOTALLY undefended so it absolutely needs good mining. Lakeside however seems like the most problematic new map, but that one if you ask me is just awfully designed. The guard tower are really terrible sometimes and just don't aim properly. So in lakeside as GDI, expect stealth to have the easiest way ever to go anywhere. Its also true that there might be places nukes can be placed right now that they simply should not be able to. If I can't just walk there from the ground, then the nuke should not be allowed there. There should be systems to prevent this. I also happen to think that the game could use more features to counter stealth in general, such as motion detectors.
  7. This. This isn't a realistic FPS, either, by the way, so people that don't like it, deal with it. Or go back to Planetside 2, which is a ridiculously bad game. I'll not have my favorite game that actually has some arcade flavor be ruined by the more realistic military games that are all so completely terrible.
  8. No. No. No No No No No No No. NO. I hope you can disable 3rd person view at the server and filter servers for it. lol No. 3rd person is Renegade was always a core part of the game. Sorry buddy.
  9. I like the spin up ideas, in fact I like them a lot and expected them to work that way honestly, but to be frank, I'd also remove every single instance of lost accuracy from sustained fire in the game. I find that mechanic to be absolutely terrible, even if its light in this game.
  10. Seriously, this. Players can see the enemy laser targeting them for several seconds and they're even told that an enemy airstrike is on its way. As far as I'm concerned, its peoples own fault for not paying attention. The only map I've even seen airstrikes used in abundance is field when one team is camped outside the enemy base, too afraid to actually move in. I've been airstriked as a Havoc on top of walls and I NEVER saw the laser. The warning is also very easily lost in all the voices. It needs to be incredibly more obvious when you get airstriked, period. Its easy to get out at the last second as infantry, not as a vehicle. I actually don't even play vehicles anymore, its so easy to just not see anything and oh look boom my vehicle's gone, **** you game.
  11. Pubs like their high player count and thats just how it is. I happen to enjoy 64 players as well, so its very important that they are working fine ASAP, otherwise we'll be driving a lot of players away.
  12. If I'm not mistaken, once in game, ctrl + v, follow the commands to add bots manually that way.
  13. Mh, I didn't even know about the ping refresh, thats nice, but it takes QUITE a while.
  14. The out of game browser also does not sort properly by player count which is very annoying. Both don't show pings. The out of game browser is the best to use, and I didn't personally experience any crash. However, its still flawed, and if you don't delete videos from the game folder (which I most certainly did), you have to watch those movies way too much when joining servers (which are unskippable!)
  15. Yeah, the chat fade is a definite problem. Don't ever be busy for a split second, you'll miss it, and even if you see it, better hope its short. (also the console is awful at reading past text, and most people don't know about it anyway)
  16. When you're Nod, enemies and their outfits don't suddenly become Red either. This is something you have to LEARN. As for durability, it adds a LOT of value to individual skill, which makes the game much better. I absolutely loathe all those games where you die the second someone sneaks up on you, or the mechanics are so terrible even if you have some time to react, you're dead anyway because lol ironsight + standing still + being incredibly slow and fat and easy to shoot at. Nevermind vehicles being so easy to kill, thats just sad. Thanks for not making Renegade another modern wannabe FPS thats actually terrible.
  17. I hate how the flying units moves, as well. You'd think the air vehicles would have mobility, of all things, but they don't. They turn like slugs and go up and down at ridiculously bad speed, which doesn't help their terrible hit & run capabilities. This REALLY needs a change, in my opinion. The Orca was also disapointing. I heard they wanted to make the Orca more about its rockets, and the Apache more about its gun. Strange how that is not at all how it seems.
  18. Splitting small communities is terrible. Realistically, it will probably just be enabled anyway in most pubs. An option to disable airstrike is at best a band-aid solution.
  19. Just wish snipers weren't hitscan. Huge nerf that would be, though There's no way this will change, non-hitscan weapons as they are in Renegade X was a big part of weapon behavior in Renegade. It makes some weapons worse, but that seems by design.
  20. Getting a list of the people in your team, with their class & vehicle (which we had in Renegade) would be pretty useful.
  21. Thats a pretty sweet idea.
  22. Game looks better with all those off, thats for sure.
  23. To be honest, why was it done that way? It was a LOT more suspenseful when you could be disarming it until the very last millisecond when it was going to blow up. Hearing the sirens sound and the whole sound effect while disarming it was so intense, and felt so good when you got it just in time. I know its not very "realistic" to stop a nuke while its falling but I don't really care about that... to me that whole flavor thing just gets in the way. It got rid of a lot of the potential feeling of the nuke and really, its anti-climatic. Change it to how it behaved in Renegade.
  24. And next to nothing to infantry, because beacon defense with airstrike is silly. Airstrikes were not thought through.
  25. To be honest, the game should have a map. Press M, show the entire map, as well as every ally's positions and such. The game looks capable of this already, the radar is already showing the map, but we can't see it. I mostly got intimidated by the new maps, which are hum.. well, Lakeside in particular seemed just way too big. Its like 6x the size of any Renegade map, its a bit ridiculous.
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