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Everything posted by SFJake

  1. ^^ Funny you say that, since that makes me think of airstrikes, which fits what you just said perfectly. (just a random note here)
  2. You're kidding, right? The new beacons can't kill much else alongside the building but the engineers working on it (thanks to splash damage not going through walls), which they deserve to die if they fail. And that change for "realism" is for the worst for the gameplay, for the beacon mechanics to make sense and removes the intensity of the last second disarming. See why I hate those excuses.
  3. Heh... is everything going to be a tech building? I don't even like tech buildings (as in, buildings in the middle of the map given to the team in lead). Most things I just saw in that list should not be tech-building related.
  4. So THATS where I saw Motion Sensors (which I mentioned here and there). I do hope some of those are considered later down the line.
  5. Mammoth was overbuffed. I don't even consider he needed a buff. You underrate stealth, unless its bugged, it -should- be visible when close enough. Its actually VERY powerful when used right. McFarland is definitely my favorite price/damage ratio. Not that many people pick him but I do, especially early game, and he's a beast. I don't want his arsenal nerf, but I think he needs a slight price increase. A problem however, is that all servers are using 150 credit start (which is right enough for McFarland). A 0 credit start is more fair, if you ask me.
  6. Yes, thats the key problem. I totally forgot about the sky and weather changes, thats actually important. They really were very well designed in the original come to think of it. I never missed a beacon being placed.
  7. Thats what I did, personally.
  8. Other than mine counts, what difference does it make? If you sneak in properly, the building should go from 100% to 0% in a few seconds. Otherwise, its completely fair that the defense has time to react. If there is nobody actually defending, even if they have a few more information, it won't change the outcome.
  9. Thing is, if you put these things in a separate screen it just means people need to spam check that other screen to be as efficient and aware as possible. Which is lame. Its better just to have them all on screen and have at it.
  10. I tested the time since I wasn't sure. Its a bit under a minute for them to respawn. (also noticed I couldn't get into the Nod defense as GDI, I swore I saw people do it in streams and people in game that claimed they did it)
  11. I thought I'd like Whiteout, its a good change from Hourglass, though I totally miss the tunnels. But the only problem I really ever noticed is that it just -still- becomes a hill stalemate. The defenses in this cases seem to be a big problem. They are INCREDIBLY strong, and thats fine, really. But I can spend essentially the ENTIRE game blowing them up -> they just keep coming back, and WAY too fast at that. Its funny that the map has air units yet they are expected to be locked down by those things the entire game. (and frankly I have no idea how to play them in this map) I'm not sure how I'd suggest any fix for the maps, but I don't really see the logic in having those defenses respawn so quickly (as well as being possible for them to be manned by the enemy but thats another thing). Anyone else thinks this is a problem?
  12. Skip the dumbass arguments to keep a broken feature already. Already getting old.
  13. Right. Because every situation is THAT simple.
  14. Yeah, been abusing it myself. I mean, its hard not to want to. Especially since the guns fire SOOOOOO SLOOOOOOOWLLLLYYY normally now, at least the railgun felt a heck of a lot slower. Such a nerf, man. But abusing this, mammoth tanks run away from you. That said, the game has way too much mammoth all over right now, its just silly.
  15. I don't know how you can get that feeling right now with such a noob community. I find the more players the more likely your team has at least a few that knows how to work something out. Today, every single game were awful one sided match.
  16. It takes longer to get there, so all in all you actually have a bit more time to disarm. However, I do hate it anyway. You should be able to disarm it as long as it didn't go boom, might not be completely realistic, but felt FAR more intense, and far less cheap. But the real problem is really in the beeping (which is just, odd, and its hard to know how far it is, in Renegade it had a very clear change in its pitch, now it just doesn't) and the audio cue & visual cue when its placed... well I always miss them. This has all been discussed before, though.
  17. To be honest, I would not be against basic refill nerf (can only refill once every 10 seconds, for example). There is very little skill involved in refilling during combat, and its particularly useful against automatics. I have no idea why people are holding their ground so badly for this.
  18. I'm more for specific options to disable certain crates. Spy crate is actually one of the main reason why I love crates, so I don't want them gone, but those dumb crates that just blow up and kill everyone is just beyond silly.
  19. I'd prefer just better chat. I was always the kind of player that muted voice chat in every game. Renegade never needed voice chat to get people to work together and I hate having strangers spout their non-sense over mic (which is NEVER limited to game strategies, they always go on about stuff and try to be chatty and annoying and everything).
  20. SFJake


    What I hate the most I think is when you just walk around and then boom, oh, there was an airstrike there. Frankly I just hate them because they're just a cheap way to try and make damage. They shuold only be able to disperse people at best. Yes, I'm actually suggesting that its so obvious that nobody should be getting hit by it unless they decide to stay there on purpose. There's basically nothing less fun right now than airstrikes. They ruin so many aspects of the games wherever they are used.
  21. I don't like playing with less than 64 on Goldrush and Lakeside, however this was definitely the right decision right now.
  22. Sure, options are always good.
  23. SFJake


    You throw that statement around like it makes any sense here. It doesn't.
  24. SFJake


    Stop it with your fair warning, that blends in with everything else thats being said, lacking any visual cue, and the laser is so tiny and transparent, nevermind all those effects the maps have nevermind all the explosions going around, I've never really seen one. Nothing fair about air strikes, if they were so obvious people would be dodging them, they're not, they need to be clearer.
  25. I read the topic as an overly arrogant guy saying "this game MUST BE EXACTLY HOW I WANT IT" and all that. But the suggestions are simple & basic yet very important. There's problems with vehicles and seeing who's in them as well, I think. Most importantly though, the most important audio messages should really override everything else, maybe be louder than the rest even, and maybe a visual cue at the top of your screen or something when a beacon is set. We did kind of have a visual cue in Renegade what with the chat, now I really just tend to miss those warnings. And yes, really hard to chat with people right now. Also, it would be nice to have a CHAT log. Unfortunately the console is hard to read and records far more than chat.
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