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Everything posted by SFJake

  1. SFJake

    Damage Chart

    So we arguing on the same side or something? We all want gunner more effective against buildings than the rocket soldier, right? Whatever the way they do it. I'm personally up for only increasing his damage against building because the rest seemed fine, but thats just me. I don't want other nerfed either (the rocket soldier isn't actually that good outside of his new-found DPS against building and the Grenadier seemed fine to me, the flamethrower needing a buff). Really, all the problems we discussed from the numbers here are due to pure building damage. They do have range, you can definitely hit someone from a certain distance and it'll do damage, which seems proportional to how far it was from them. Even burn damage will change according to that. I'd just have no idea how to put those range into numbers.
  2. I personally agree with the mentality that Marathon is the way to go, and otherwise points should stay as they are. I actually like the intensity of being on the defense with very low building (say, islands, you're GDI and only have a barrack against full Nod base) and you win against them by point, its quite satisfying. It could be just an additional option, though, for servers to choose from.
  3. SFJake

    Damage Chart

    Damn, this is hard to swallow but yes, the rocket soldier out DPS the gunner on buildings. That is honestly shocking. Looking at it, yeah, I think Gunner just has too low damage VS building for just no reason. (I guess we should consider early rocket soldier rushes, rush the hill on walls, kill buildings, fun times) I do think some weapons could use a better reload time though. I mean, why was the PIC nerfed? I think the difference is only 0.3 second (and a bit more for the railgun). They will have low DPS anyway. (That really made me re-think how I see base defense, by the way. A sydney for base defense just sounds utterly awful besides the current weapon-switch glitching, well, I mean compared to quite a few other choices)
  4. SFJake

    Damage Chart

    Yeah, I think something is screwed in how I handled the reload time and rate of fire for DPS calculation for stuff that only have 1 shot. I'll have to take a closer look at those again.
  5. SFJake

    Damage Chart

    Here's the complete damage chart for this game. http://imageshack.com/a/img842/5162/57wx.png Version: Open Beta 1 Damage chart includes damage to everything from infantry to building, as well as Damage Per Second counts. All was done from in-game, and as such many numbers are actually only close or rounded. They should however be representative of their relative power. Just a few notes: -Most weapons do headshot damage, however: -Headshot damage is nothing like the old Renegade (where it was pretty much universally 5x, 3x for the neck I believe). Now, every weapon has its own sets of head & chest damage. There is no neck damage in this game. -The shotgun does not do additional damage in the head (so stop aiming for it! I was! Its bad!) -Many weapons with "burn over time" effect or "poison" actually do LESS or NO burn/poison damage on a headshot -The Transport Helicopter's Gattling Guns do 0 damage on headshots (obviously a glitch) -MCT take 0 damage from vehicles (I do mean zero, none whatsoever) Anyway, enjoy.
  6. I was just trying to say just because its a close range weapon, doesn't mean it should beat everything, not that it didn't need a buff.
  7. Shotgun and flamethrower are free, so I don't really agree. The shotgun is fine, though, really powerful already. I've done testing of damage on GDI's side but not Nod yet (working on a damage chart). This got me interested in testing the flamethrower. (on a side note, the shotgun does no additional damage when you hit the head, so I wonder if the same is true for flamethrowers, knowing that is important)
  8. If they want sights to not be silly, it shouldn't slow you down. Otherwise they always will be.
  9. Sights? Whats that? Anyone that uses sights cripples themselves anyway.
  10. Thats where we have nothing in common. The shooting mechanic in Renegade are basically superior to every shooter that happened in the last 7 years. If people can't see that, then I really will never be playing a FPS ever again after this. Ironsights gameplay and realistic crap that all the games uses are far worse than this. It really wasn't my point. If thats the only thing keeping people away then they deserved to stay away. I'm sure some have left because they can't take mechanics that are actually good, however I was just talking in terms of overall stability, glitches, balance, lag... all of which are plentiful and push people away, even myself, who stopped playing until the patch hits.
  11. Yeah, sure. How many people playing now? Yesterday at peak hours there was less than a 100 NA players. Population been dwindling since start of the beta and I do mean like crazy. How many will just magically come back and give the game a chance? You have no idea how I agree with the statement "the game will die". I'm scared shitless that this game is already in a hole it can't crawl back from and it end up with a small community that can't even keep a single 64 NA server filled.
  12. Some servers run it with 2500$ and its a HECK of a lot more fun. If there's a siege, break it. Don't go buy an I-win button, nevermind spamming it in the chaos and I eventually just get hit because oh look, that time I just never heard it, how fun. Or I just arrive somewhere without any idea and boom, I die 'cause airstrike was aimed there apparently. 1000$ down the drain or some such. This kind of crap is what I'm trying to avoid. Airstrike is an excuse to not have people work together, it utterly kills beacon fight when someone uses it (why have an intense stand off, just call airstrikes, you'll win), it single handedly breaks siege and screw people over. Oh yeah, great mechanic. I don't want it nerfed, I want it gone. Atmosphere? Sure, it adds atmosphere. Never was the point of Renegade, though. I'm in for the gameplay. And airstrikes ruins everything it touches. I rarely see something that makes me say "uuughh... really..." in Renegade, but airstrike is that pretty much everytime. Oh hey, incredibly epic moment incomin... nevermind airstrikes.
  13. The game basically has only one chance left and its Steam release. It already hit a low and overall I'd call the open beta release a bad release, one that probably drove more people away than it should have. Thats why I think open beta so soon was a mistake, but whatever. There's a chance that an official steam release later down the line will attract attention. However, Steam has become saturated with stuff and more original, paid indie games have had sad success even on that platform. As I've learned long ago, there is no point spending time making a maximum quality product if no one cares about it. But what can we do? Harm's done. Lets hope it doesn't die so soon. I really wish this would be populated for years, since its literally the only FPS I can enjoy today, but I have extreme doubts that it will. I mean, we got big folks like TotalBiscuit review it now. What a complete waste. For all the views it got I feel like we got a handful of users. The game is not really working at all for the common folks, not from my point of view, not from the game's current population.
  14. Need to clarify a few little things because I'm picky. -The Obelisk actually does 300 damage. Thats 4 shots to take down a Mammoth's 1200 health, technically 5 because they regenerate, but its not like the Obelisk is -ever- the only thing shooting at you. -Remote C4 do 200 damage (thats 20% of a building on their MCT) and Timed C4 do 400 (40%). You make that somewhat confusing. It only takes 3 timed c4 to kill a building.
  15. I found rocket soldiers nice harassment against air. They probably should make them cheaper (I think it and McFarland could use a cost swap), for 150$ they would be worth some anti-vehicle power (which is more so useful for Nod, by the way). GDI has too many good anti-vehicle alternative. (or I should say Nod has too few)
  16. Make airstrikes 2500 cost and there you still have your answer to using money when you have nothing else, except it doesn't ruin the entire game in the process.
  17. Lets do some testing. A mine does 80 damage + burn (one mine did 89 total damage). 4 mines will leave a sakura at 41 health. 5 mines will safely kill absolutely any characters.
  18. I would have been interested in that game if it wasn't EA, if it didn't cost an INSANE amount of money, if it was moddable, if it wasn't so obviously going to have tons of DLC, etc... It doesn't look that bad, though it also holds to some CoD elements for no reason at all and I find it very stupid for it. I have no idea how people can be willing to shed that much money for it though.
  19. 238 users online in the game. 132771 downloads. Thats 0.1% of the downloads in game right now. ...thats... incredibly low.
  20. Anything but Field, its an absolutely terrible map for anything above 24 players. I have no idea what people like about it at 40 players or more, I wish it would get removed. I tend to prefer Walls the most, I just don't like (like all no-defense map) when it devolves into a sad Nod-nuke rush wins that nobody on my team is capable of stopping.
  21. The beacons you can't disarm, the alarms that blends in everything, the beep of the nuke that is not distinct enough (it actually makes it impossible to tell which nuke was put first by the sound), stealth is harder to see, most ramps are harder to mine, airstrike cover is retarded. Its just... too much.
  22. I'd definitely like a changed menu, I get it, its the old menu, some folks are used to it, but passed 6 I can't do it, I have to get my hand off my mouse and it just gets weird.
  23. You'll know that with sprint, its a lot easier to stay close to vehicles in this game I find. It also happens that a lot of people STILL don't know to sprint with vehicles (and obviously -> one of the dumbest feature in the game right now, still don't get why vehicles "sprint", everytime I do a rush I have to tell them YO GUYS VEHICLES CAN SPRINT and suddenly EVERYONE's faster) The Tiberium Auto Rifle definitely need that bug to go. I'm sick and tired of that weapon being in everyone's hand for free and then they abuse it in every map that shouldn't even have it, for free. Anyway, we're getting our panties in a bunch here because the engineers are too versatile, yet in other topics the idea of a repair gun you could buy (for a decently costly price, like 300 credits for a NORMAL repair gun) the idea was always completely shut down. Yet it helps spread versatility just a tad and really doesn't make engineers and techs any less useful.
  24. <---- Misses the days of customizable crosshairs. Just give an option for people to use a basic crosshair for everything. God I'd love that. And frankly, I have no idea which part of that crosshair is useful to see where the shot will land. But I come from Unreal Tournament, where lobbing a Flak Cannon on your target became second nature and I never relied on any crosshair. Shoot a few times, you get the arc and the feel, you know where it'll land. Don't need an oversized crosshair that actually hides your perception.
  25. SFJake

    patch ?

    I'm assuming we're going to be given a patch thats just an exe that auto installs the patch. Manually meaning just downloading that file, which the Renegade X launcher will link us to. If this is what happens, it should be fine. Would be ideal if this was a one time thing, though.
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