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Everything posted by HaTe

  1. Awesome. Thanks very much!
  2. It's becoming far too hard to keep up with it all when 90% of the topics are in the general section and are about anything renegade x. I would personally appreciate a few more specific sections (balance/tactics, suggestions, pictures/videos, Feedback, etc.)
  3. Hopefully eventually it will be edited and have some added animations. So that: When a nuke gets disarmed while it is dropping, it blows up mid air with a small explosion. When an ion gets disarmed while it is active, it "sucks" the ion strike back into the center of the strike from how far it has advanced. That way, no "nondisarmable" time, and no "random ion or nuke disappearing" problem. It was suggested by kil and I hope it is being worked on.
  4. Udk has its own anti-cheat system. He either find a way around that or there is an error in the code somewhere that allowed the player to edit the speed.
  5. That's not good...
  6. What, then leave and repeat when it gets higher? Lol
  7. Hm, not sure. Could you by any chance get a video of it?
  8. Hm, not sure. Could you by any chance get a video of it?
  9. Perhaps having kill feeds as an optional log in the console could help? The Boink + the kill feed is already there. I'm assuming you are saying that you frequently miss those indicators, and would prefer something grander?
  10. Need more servers with smaller max player counts please, server owners! Too many servers with 30+ people constantly, and too few with a small amount.
  11. Provides incentive to actually take the field back. I like that, personally.
  12. The name would help
  13. It's actually 5 seconds longer wait than the renegade nuke, too. The way it is set up has been discussed though, and someone on the Dev team came up with a great idea for it. I'm hoping that idea gets implemented.
  14. You're not understanding how it works Though sbh nukes are more effective, and I've been arguing that for a long time now (in large part due to no outside pt access).
  15. Where will it be is my only question
  16. Play clanwars. You'll play against people who know how to play too well
  17. I know you're not a clanwars player based on your posts in other topics, and this topic alike. You didn't know or use certain features that any clanwars player definitely knew about (by clanwars player, I mean officially - clanwars.cc registered). If you were, what clan and what was your nickname? Perhaps it is still logged. That's now 4/4 "pro" players in this game stating that no advantage is given in the open when using free-aim, for the record. The only ones arguing it does are the ones will the least experience with/against it...
  18. Almost anyone is a rookie at this point. Trust me, you're not alone! Join any server, as everyone is just now getting used to the game.
  19. "nerf" is a balance related term
  20. I don't think it's fair to judge balance on anything based on less than a day of a playing. I think you should give it time if you wish to discuss balance.
  21. You can't judge it off of less than 9 hours of play (which is the absolute max you could have had). Give it time
  22. Player limits exist. Look for mini-AOW labeled servers!
  23. First server to hit 64 players in Renegade X ever! St0rm came close at one time, but Rencorner was the first! Congrats!
  24. Someone else just posted this: Hope that helps for now!
  25. black screen could be a directx version mismatch error. The installer should have insured that the correct version was being used though... Have you tried restarting your computer by any chance?
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