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Everything posted by HaTe

  1. So then they either learn or continue to get stomped....is that not how aiming is in games already either way? Why should the unique extra element be grated as different? It makes the game as fun as it is for advanced players.
  2. Snipe against me and I guarantee you'll think different. Free-aim takes skill to use and to know how to play against it. A lot of skill.
  3. It negates it for snipers as well. I would know more than most.
  4. That's true as well. Why ever use primary fire when secondary fire is more efficient every single time? Obviously that could not have been intentional.
  5. Free-aim isn't a glitch and was intended by Westwood. So much so, in fact, that locking the vehicle camera to the turret was off by default. Westwood didn't know of the flame tank glitch. If they had found it and decided to have kept it, it would have been public information (they wouldn't hide it - they would have acknowledged it). They also would have fixed the emitters if they had found it, and fixed the coding for secondary firing on the other tanks as well. They did not. It was OP in renegade anyway, and I'm glad they removed it.
  6. Renegade X does not want to include any glitches over from Renegade, regardless if they became a core aspect of the gameplay or not. This was already discussed in depth with PT's through walls and wall hopping. Both are removed for that reason, and this glitch is no different.
  7. Like I said, you have to take movement into consideration. Also, for the record, a gun in the "ready" position behaves differently than a gun in the "relaxed" position, for aiming purposes. Without taking movement into consideration, there is an advantage. When movement is taken into consideration, it has a disadvantage. Which is why it doesn't matter. 95% of free-aim users will angle the free-aim from the right side (so a left angle), by the way. It's the most efficient based on the hand of the gun and Renegade's movement.
  8. Secondary fire from these tanks was proven to be an error in the coding and unintended by Westwood. It was fixed by TT via scripts for this reason. I went and found the quotes explaining it, from Saberhawk and StealthEye.
  9. Welcome to "Renegade Marathon," the gamemode where everyone fucks around and the points don't matter. That's right, the points don't matter, just like the plot line of a porno film. Drew Carey was on to something
  10. "In the end" could mean 500 years from now, and so no one would ever question it anyway. It's not implying much
  11. No. If servers choose to use this option, it would mean that mods and Admins would be required to have to login through their steamid to be authenticated. Bots are being made that are similar to that of renegade's brenbot, so eventually most of the server modding will come from that (including most probably authentication).
  12. Yes but it gets pushed around very easily. I believe it does act as a solid object though.
  13. Boink Boink Boink Boink Boink Boink Boink Boink Boink Boink Boink Boink Boink Boink Boink Boink, Boink Boink Boink Boink.
  14. Servers are connected to an irc admin channel in renegade. You can be auto authenticated by a saved mod/admin list that is edited via irc commands by any administrator. You'd just have to save the IP and nickname to that list. Without the admin channel, I don't believe that is possible in just the game itself (at least it wasn't in renegade).
  15. Through irc. If you have no experience as a mod, being an admin right away will prove to be challenging. I'm sure any server owner would be glad to help, though.
  16. Okay so you're referring to a 400 velocity weapon (which is the highest in renegade). Renegade x actually has altered velocities for different weapons too though. 11 normal renegade weapons fit into the 400 velocity category. Velocity does effect a lot, but I don't think instant hit weapons are any easier to use than not instant hit weapons in third person, though. Obviously it'd be easier to hit the target, but the same is true for first person as well.
  17. Nor sure if there is a command list anywhere or not (possibly in the server tools, but I haven't seen those yet). Typing in a letter via the console commands box will give you a list of the commands that begin with that letter, though. Most useful for policing in renegade ingame are: !qkick !kick !ban !kban !mute !eject !dlast !disarm !bmute !warn !spectate And a few others. You pick them up as you go. Most policing is done through irc, honestly.
  18. Scripts made a lot of different changes to different things. I was a part of the beta testing for them before they were released publicly, so I know of all of them basically. I've also studied gameplay strategy and balance immensely, both in game and from the damage calculations perspective. Its almost frightening how much I could tell you about the game. Not to brag - but I also happened to have been pretty darn good (both publicly and competitively). Flame tank alt fire was proven to be an error in the code and unintended. What do you mean by hitscan weapons?
  19. Third person gives the advantage of seeing around corners and seeing the sides of your character. I didn't think that was ever part of the discussion - that is pretty widely known throughout third person shooters.
  20. Are you referring more to the setting up of a server or to the policing of the server? If you've ever played renegade, the commands work relatively the same for the most part.
  21. Flame tank doesn't have an alt fire with newer scripts. You'd have to host your own stock settings server to accomplish that.
  22. I'd rather have it on both.
  23. It only happens when an enemy is very close to you or at a completely different elevation though. In that case, you're literally locked into that angle until you release the free-aim button. So the enemy can simply go around you and you would have to reset your angle or stop using free-aim entirely. That's what I'm saying....there is an advantage in pure free-aiming at a stationary close target, but when you take movement into consideration - it also has a disadvantage, which equals out the advantage. There is no real advantage in long range, because you shouldn't be able to see a different area behind that enemy either way. The only advantage in aiming comes from short range, but so long as that target is moving - there is also a big disadvantage for that person. 1.0 advantage - 1.0 disadvantage = 0 (or no) advantage. PM me when you plan on doing these tests and perhaps I will join you to try to show/explain to you in game.
  24. I completely get what you guys are saying and know exactly what sort of evidence you will be providing. I even created a recording myself of exactly what you guys will probably show. Just keep in mind: If you're aiming behind the free-aim target, you'd also be aiming THROUGH that target while aiming at the same location in third person without free-aim. So while it does increase the effected area of the reticle, you'd still be aiming at that object without free-aim when aiming at that same location as well. So while it does appear to increase the dimensions and area you are able to effectively hit an enemy, it is really just a visual thing. The size and movement of units in Renegade makes sure of this. So you're basically sacrificing a mid screen shot and the ability to turn for the ability to aim behind an enemy and shoot him (but you'd also be aiming behind that enemy without free-aim if he weren't there - meaning you're already aiming "through" him as well). Trust me, I completely see where you're coming from and see why you think it's an advantage. But it's really not. You're still aiming at the same spot. The only difference is that you can see behind a close up enemy while aiming at that spot and essentially be aiming at him as well because of trajectory. So while it's true that you will be able to hit a stationary target with more ease with free-aim, as long as a character is moving side to side, it doesn't make him easier to hit. You would have to switch between a left angle and a right angle per his movement in order for it to be an advantage - which is literally impossible. You have to take movement into consideration. How many enemies are going to be standing still?
  25. No purchase, exit, or back buttons would prove to be troublesome for new people who don't know or like to use the hotkeys. There's no vehicle queue there neither. @volcom, yes we know that "r" currently has that function. We mean that we would prefer it if that function could be used while in advanced pt menus as well (characters, items, vehicles), so as a quick and easy way to exit out of the pt from those screens.
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